I totally agree with you Steve, I'm not classed as disabled but incapacitated due to Spondylosis of my spine which caused my employers to terminate my employment. As they and the doctors wrote in my report, I had now become a liability to myself and others due to my condition and the unstability of my neck. My problem is the continual ache in my knees, theres no let up, not even if I take the normal painkillers which I no longer do. When I could see that my condition wasn't going to get any better I moved to a bungalow because I find stairs very difficult now and have to hold onto a rail, even descending is just has bad. I've had a shower fitted with grab rails because again it was hard to get out of the bath, I had a mover fitted to my caravan which saves pushing it. I had to see 5 different doctors when I finished working and I told them that I know my limitations so rarely get back problems, when I do it's normally from stooping, which I only have to do for a few minutes for it to lay me up for 24 hours. I told them my problem was my knees, the ache and theres no strength in them (no comments about my youth and damp grass please). Three of the doctors told me it is pain referral from my spine that is causing it. I'm not complaining though, at least I no longer have to work 12 hour shifts picking up drunks and smackheads out of the gutter on weekends no more :O) I'm just glad I'm breathing. What does p*$$ me off though are the whingers who complain about those who are disabled having priviledges. These are probably the morons who park in the disabled bays. These are the type that would like to bring back the ovens, it would solve a problem for them then. I know that there are people who abuse the system as there are those who will abuse any system but does that mean the majority should have to suffer because of them
My theory of why disabled people also get free passage on toll roads or bridges is because most live on disability benefit and need a car to transport them to places or are they supposed to be cooped up in care homes? O.K. i know that not all disabled people are penniless, some are wealthy from various means but the vast majority aren't. Until there's a way of means testing, the majority shouldn't make their lives even more miserable because of the few miserable, jealous bar stewards that inhabit this land.
Rant over. Fell better now :O)
Oops! not yet ... hehheh!
Theres a saying locally that "the good Lord doesn't pay all his debts in little green apples" so you can bet that in later life these same miserable gits will also suffer. Some years ago a work colleague told blatant lies and almost got two of my colleagues the sack. One day he was out walking when he collapsed and died, just as if hit by a thunderbolt. He was 40 years old. Scarey or what?