disabled parking

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Feb 11, 2007
My Sister in law has a blue badge and she is one of those who parks anywhere anyhow.So one day she parked in a narrow road where cars were parked on one side.She could not find a place so parked opposite the cars.A lorry had to go up this road and in trying to get by sraped her car,driver called the police who left a sticker on her windscreen.Whilst she was in the shop her purse was stolen with cards ,money and driving licence.Arriving at her car saw the police notice, went to the local police station to explain to no avail, she was told to talk to the pc who issued the ticketbut he was not on duty so she had to go back several times.Conclusion in case i am boring you , Damage to car
May 18, 2007
The lady that was given a ticket was on a public highway thus laws applies.Supermarkets,retail parks etc are different in that signs are purely advisory and it is upto the owners of the land to enforce their parking restrictions.

To Barking

You don't like it when people park in disabled spaces so what is the difference if you park in a Parent/Toddler space.There are still the same issues of restricted access.

It is not a right to park in either type of bays.
Mar 29, 2005
How about the traffic warden that threatens to book you then, because you have been forced to park on the adjacent loading only bay because mr white van man has parked in the disabled bay behind? he only gave up his cause when my daughter who had just lost a kidney spleen and broke her back in three places having spent 4 months flat out in hospital and summoned to the job centre to find out why she couldn't sign on and why she was claiming sick benefit came cripplingly slow with sticks back to the car --- as he walked away he said -- well i won't book you this time but if you ever park here again i will!!!

or the train conductor who---- but that's another story... I could go on and on ... one day these people may have the misfortune of being in the situation themselves.

Mar 14, 2005
Sian, I had a similar problem in Pontypool, where there were vans in the disabled bays, so I attempted to park on the edge of the taxi rank(which taxis very rarely use cos it's too far from the shops) Along comes Mrs Traffic Warden and moves me on, in spite of our blue badge. I asked her where she would like me to park, and she sent me around the corner onto double yellows, which made it extremely difficult for buses to negotiate the corner. Stupid, but there I stayed until common sense (mine!) prevailed and I went home!
Aug 29, 2007
My Wife and I are reg Disabled and both have blue badges.

The point that has been made that we need more space to get in and out of our car, is RIGHT.

We both wish like any other disabled person, that we were not disabled, but still working.

But health, an accident, can hit any of you and then will you still feel the same.

Haveing been conected to Disabled orgs, for some yrs, and been in a wheelchair for 3 years, now on cruches or sticks.

I have met veriouse peaple who do not look disabled as one person stated above.

But they were seriously disabled internaly, that affected there walking distance.

And we have also had peaple say look at them they have a caravan how can they do that.

It is all ignorence, but thankfully for some ignorance is bliss is it not.

Next time you are thinking of complaining about a disabled person parking, walking, haveing a life, THANK GOD YOU ARE NOT LIKE THEM.
Jan 19, 2008
My Wife and I are reg Disabled and both have blue badges.

The point that has been made that we need more space to get in and out of our car, is RIGHT.

We both wish like any other disabled person, that we were not disabled, but still working.

But health, an accident, can hit any of you and then will you still feel the same.

Haveing been conected to Disabled orgs, for some yrs, and been in a wheelchair for 3 years, now on cruches or sticks.

I have met veriouse peaple who do not look disabled as one person stated above.

But they were seriously disabled internaly, that affected there walking distance.

And we have also had peaple say look at them they have a caravan how can they do that.

It is all ignorence, but thankfully for some ignorance is bliss is it not.

Next time you are thinking of complaining about a disabled person parking, walking, haveing a life, THANK GOD YOU ARE NOT LIKE THEM.
Gwilym, the ones who complain are probably the ones who are too idle to walk themselves. They are probably bloated hippo's due to their lack of exercise, i.e. getting as close to the doors of the store as possible :O)
Mar 14, 2005
A few years ago my wife had three serious operations and it was discovered that she was suffering from a rare syndrome that would eventually put her in a wheel chair. At the time she could just about manage to walk 100 yards on the flat without stopping. I applied on her behalf for a badge with the support of both her doctor and the hospital consultant but was told that because she could manage 100 yards unaided she did not qualify. Thankfully, although she still has the syndrome, with the help of medicines prescribed by the GP she has improved considerabley therefore in hindsight she does not need the badge. However her doctor still insists on her being examined on a monthly routine and taking all necessary blood tests, etc. as a precaution. So far, touch wood, she is quite active and the doctor is satisfied. At the same time I mentioned in the application that I had recently been hospitalised suffering from two TIAs. I was told that there was more possibility of me having a badge than her, although I could walk unaided with no problem.

Tesco in Bridgend at one time had a car park attendant who policed the area. He was employed by Europarc who managed the car park on behalf of Tesco. Lo behold if you stepped out of line or overstayed the two hour parking. The store is very close to the town centre and people were using it for free parking whilst shopping in town rather than Tesco. Now it is cameras which time you in and out. Whilst in there you can park where you like - it is a free for all as there is no control on parking.

I can understand disabled badge holders having priority parking close to the store but parents with children should not require this priority as they are probably as fit if not fitter than my wife and self put together. Once the child/children are out of the car they can either walk, be carried or put in a trolly or pushchair. They decided to have the child so they should be responsible whilst taking them shopping.
Jan 19, 2008
....... gives colin my helmet and flak jacket. Now keep your head down colin, you stirrer. I wish you would follow my example, infact if you can keep out of trouble for a week I will give you my old halo, a little tarnished but it will soon shine up.
Mar 14, 2005
....... gives colin my helmet and flak jacket. Now keep your head down colin, you stirrer. I wish you would follow my example, infact if you can keep out of trouble for a week I will give you my old halo, a little tarnished but it will soon shine up.
Lord B. my first name is William which I believe denotes strength and strong arm and apparantly can be traced back to approx 400AD.
May 4, 2005
Once the child/children are out of the car they can either walk, be carried or put in a trolly or pushchair.

How does that work on the way out Colin with all the shopping ?
Jan 19, 2008
....... gives colin my helmet and flak jacket. Now keep your head down colin, you stirrer. I wish you would follow my example, infact if you can keep out of trouble for a week I will give you my old halo, a little tarnished but it will soon shine up.
Theres also a saying ....

Hereford born

Hereford bred

Thick in the arm

Thick in the head.
May 29, 2007
Colin, i beg to differ. One of my staff has 18month old twins and a 3 year old. Who is the more disable the pensioner who can get out and about with help or the mum with 3 kids under five, two of whom, need a specialist trolly. I am sorry Colin as you are not there all the time you don't know what its like.

Also Disabled bays, as are the parent and toddler bays are not law, they are courtesy.

I would also add, that people with blue badges will fill up the parent and toddler bays when all the disable bays are full and when they are approached, they quite often become as aggressive as some of the teenagers described in the original post.

One of whom came and demanded that i move a parent and toddler car and when i refused called my a load of abusive names and gave me the bird when he was leaveing the car park.

Colin you want to try working there!
Jan 19, 2008
Disagree with you colin. There should be enough space between the cars for the parent to get the child out of its car seat and into a buggy. Toddlers should be kept safe and the parents should be able to open the door without damaging the next car.

Where it is abused is by those who have grown up kids using the spaces but we will never be able to change the habits of those ignoramious's.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. and Diane I understand what you are saying but generally disablement is not something that you would wish for whereas children are born to parents who have desired to have them so should be capable of looking after them. That is the trouble with this country we are becoming so b****y rightous dogooders that we expect everything on a silver plate. If they find that they cannot cope with the child/children whilst shopping for the wekly goods then leave them with a babysitter/grandparent. I have no sympathy for those lot. Another thing that makes me sick is the signs on the rear of cars saying baby on board - what do they expect me to do about it? buy them a toy or something. I could not care two hoots who is in the vehicle in front of me, I will drive as I always do with the same consideration for other motorists whether they have a baby on board or not. I think to my self when I see that sign "whey hey I know what you have been up to you lucky so and so".
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. it appears, without insulting you, that we are of a similar age. When my children were young I do not recall seeing special parking spaces for us to get the children in or out of the car safely or fend for them when getting the pushchair and groceries in the car. What is so different nowadays? I will tell you what the difference is. I would go with the wife to help her with the shopping and children. We worked as a team and not as one parent families.
Jan 19, 2008
LMAOOOOOOO I have to agree with you on the *baby onboard* signs colin. They've always got up my nose. So what are they trying to say?

Are they proclaiming to the world that they have a high sperm count and are capable of procreating?

When you see how some of the idiots drive with their kids onboard it's no wonder their sperm count is so high, it's because that's where their brains are.

I've never seen the sense in those signs. Maybe the parents are proud but so are millions of others.
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B. it appears, without insulting you, that we are of a similar age. When my children were young I do not recall seeing special parking spaces for us to get the children in or out of the car safely or fend for them when getting the pushchair and groceries in the car. What is so different nowadays? I will tell you what the difference is. I would go with the wife to help her with the shopping and children. We worked as a team and not as one parent families.
..... I still go with the wife, infact we will be shopping in the morning. She pushes the trolley because she moans that she can never find me, thats her fault though for stopping and yapping to people she meets in every aisle. I do pack though and push the trolley to the car and unload it.
May 29, 2007
Sorry guys but the who-ha over disabled bays get my goat! Personally i think they should take them away!

(Now lets see what happens)!
May 4, 2005
I think the idea of the sign is if the car was in an accident the emergecy services would look for a child which may be trapped in the wreckage.

Whether it would work in practice I don't know but for the small chance that it did it's probably worth it.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. my wife and I go every Saturday morning to Tesco shopping for us and every Monday shopping for my mother in law. As a result of her talking, Tesco constantly moving the goods from aisle to aisle, etc. we very often are close to the two hour time limit for parking. I never thought and it has just dawned on me that I could use my M-in-L Disabled Badge whilst shopping with the wife and park where I liked.
Mar 14, 2005
Brian the sign is constantly on disply even if the car is driven by a man with no other occupants so although in principle your idea may be sound, like every thing else it is now abused. The only winner is the manufacturer of the sign as they must be laughing all the way to the bank. Think of a gimmick for the motorist and you could be worth a fortune.
May 29, 2007
Oh no you could'nt Colin! Seriousley if you get a ticket come see me and i will sort it,( not that you would).
May 4, 2005
Colin did your wife drive when you shopped as a team? The number of women drivers has increase significantly over the years so they can shop while hubbies at work. Nothing to do with single parents.

Both my wife and myself took the kids shopping on our own , infact we still do so that when we are all off we can do something more exiting.

brian (",)
Jan 19, 2008
I have a disabled badge for my M I L but it's rare she goes anywhere now. It's mostly for taking her for appointments at the hospital, opticians or dentist.

I do know others who use their mothers or MILs badges when they aren't with them. They even take the badge away with them in the caravan so they can park free. Totally wrong and they risk a fine and the badge being confiscated.

The badge owners pic should be shown on the badge and in view for the warden to see.


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