Jan 4, 2006
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Nobody likes paying over the odds for fuel so mabe you would like to have a look at www.pipelinecard .org.

It is a scheme that when they get enough members they can negotiate a discount from a major company.

they already have 200,000 members and hope to start in april or may.

it is free to register so give it a try, what have you to lose
Nov 6, 2005
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The savings likely from this card scheme are against the higher price of fuel charged at branded filling stations.

The net cost is unlikely to be as low as supermarket fuel prices as they already pass on their bulk buying discount. Their fuel is the same as the branded companies as it comes from the same refineries although there may be marginal differences in additives.


Mar 14, 2005
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Until the scheme goes live, nobody knows what will be offered, or where the offers will be available, however, it is free to register interest in the scheme, the cards will be free on issue, so nothing whatsoever to lose, but maybe a useful gain.
Mar 14, 2005
This week, Lidl in Germany started advertising their own credit cards with the added bonus of a 5% discount on all petrol/diesel bought using the card, no matter where the fuel is purchased (worldwide) and no tie to any particular brand. Sounded interesting enough for me to apply for one.
Nov 6, 2005
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Now that's interesting, Lutz.

LIDL stores in the UK won't accept any credit cards, I wonder if they'll follow suit with LIDL in Germany and issue their own.

The taxation level is so high in the UK that the credit card levy on fuel is very low, less than 1%, so if LIDL credit card holders from Germany get 5% discount anywhere in the world, I wonder who foots that bill for purchases in the UK.
Mar 14, 2005
Now that's interesting, Lutz.

LIDL stores in the UK won't accept any credit cards, I wonder if they'll follow suit with LIDL in Germany and issue their own.

The taxation level is so high in the UK that the credit card levy on fuel is very low, less than 1%, so if LIDL credit card holders from Germany get 5% discount anywhere in the world, I wonder who foots that bill for purchases in the UK.
At present, Lidl don't accept accept credit cards in Germany either (only EC debit cards), but 'they are working on it'.

The snag with their credit card is that you need to open a separate account with the bank with which they are working and you need to always maintain a balance on that account in order to avoid charges. It is an open secret that they expect many customers to loose track of their purchases and the resultant credit charges will be used to finance the 5% discount. The Lidl credit card is therefore only an excellent deal for people with discipline over their finances.
Nov 6, 2005
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At present, Lidl don't accept accept credit cards in Germany either (only EC debit cards), but 'they are working on it'.

The snag with their credit card is that you need to open a separate account with the bank with which they are working and you need to always maintain a balance on that account in order to avoid charges. It is an open secret that they expect many customers to loose track of their purchases and the resultant credit charges will be used to finance the 5% discount. The Lidl credit card is therefore only an excellent deal for people with discipline over their finances.
I think that all credit cards are only suitable for those of us with good financial discipline but if the others didn't pay a fortune in interest we wouldn't get free credit!


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