Dog attack

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Mar 14, 2005
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I wasn't going to share this but I will now.

Three years ago, I met up with some people on a campsite. I took my daugher and my little dog who was four months old at the time.

One of the party had an autistic male child and a girl who was younger than the boy.

My pup was kept in the awning in a crate until night time. Obviously, as the dog was a youngster, he drew the attention of most of the children. I showed them how to stroke him etc, etc.

A couple of times, I went into my awning to find one or both of the children in the awning poking fingers through the crate and prodding the pup with straws and things. I asked them not to do this but if they wanted to play with the pup, then they were to knock on my caravan door and I'd come out and supervise things. I said I didn't mind them playing with the pup as long as I was there.

Most of our party went out for the day, however a couple or so remained. One of our party offered to look after my pup if I left him in the crate, he said he'd take him for a walk etc. His van was close to mine.

It transpires that one or both of the children quoted above had sneaked into my awning and had been playing with the pup (when no one was around). Unfortunately, they had got him out of the crate but not secured it properly when they put the pup back in. When the adult went to check on the pup, he was not in the crate but loose in the awning.

Now, I didn't want to make a big thing about this so I simply ran a chain round the crate and secured it with a padlock so no one apart from me could get the pup out.

So, kids being kids, despite being told not to get the pup out, ignored what I said but on this occasion, lived to tell the tale but I was bloody furious.

Oct 28, 2006
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As ive already said my thoughts are with John and his little boy.The bottom line is without witnessing it,the action wont be known,if its nasty it shouldnt be there,but that is down to the owner.Daves suggestion is probably the best option,safe than sorry.if it had got of the leesh what would happen then?this must have been a truly awfull experience.
Apr 17, 2009
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hi all

im a dog owner but when i use my van the dog stays at home (well he stays with my daughter) i think i know my dog and im sure he would not attack anyone,but i used the word think! i dont know for sure what a dog is going to do or not do,sure they can be trained to do as the owner tells them but a dog has a mind of its own and if it feels threatened it will attack no matter how much trainng it can all of you dog owners out there like me be 100% sure that your dog is safe? i know that i cant.

so im going to say something now that will anoy some dog owners out there...........dogs should be banned for caravan sites where children are around.i would think that johns holiday was ruined because of a stupid dog owner,just think of what could have happened if those boys had not come along in time,it does not bare thinking about

hgv dave
Dogs should be banned from caravan sites says Dave....That is a very sad comment
Apr 17, 2009
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hi all

im a dog owner but when i use my van the dog stays at home (well he stays with my daughter) i think i know my dog and im sure he would not attack anyone,but i used the word think! i dont know for sure what a dog is going to do or not do,sure they can be trained to do as the owner tells them but a dog has a mind of its own and if it feels threatened it will attack no matter how much trainng it can all of you dog owners out there like me be 100% sure that your dog is safe? i know that i cant.

so im going to say something now that will anoy some dog owners out there...........dogs should be banned for caravan sites where children are around.i would think that johns holiday was ruined because of a stupid dog owner,just think of what could have happened if those boys had not come along in time,it does not bare thinking about

hgv dave
cancel my last comment....for some reason it was message was......Dave, do not judge all dogs as you judge your own matey
Nov 23, 2008
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One of the party had an autistic male child and a girl who was younger than the boy.

unfortunately lisa kids with autism don't take in what you tell them my son is now 14 and needs to be told things over and over something you've said the previous day will be forgotten however he would never have gone up to any dog as until last year was terrified of them.

all young kids should be supervised especially on camp sites there are lots of dangers we all know about as we get older but to a little un its an adventure
Mar 14, 2005
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If dog owners are responsible and tie their dogs on the lead on the pitch they have paid for, why can't parents be responsible for their young children? Lets all stop passing the buck and take responsibility for animals and children, after all, we are supposed to be the adults, we all want to have a happy relaxed holiday, if we choose to have children or pets then its our choice, other people shouldn't have to live with our decision, so people with no dogs or children should be able to have their holidays without our kids running over their pitches and our dogs yapping all day long! Dogs owners should keep their dogs on leads and tied up when resting outside their caravans, and parents should be with their children at all times, that way nobody gets hurt. Simple.
May 29, 2006
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If dog owners are responsible and tie their dogs on the lead on the pitch they have paid for, why can't parents be responsible for their young children? Lets all stop passing the buck and take responsibility for animals and children, after all, we are supposed to be the adults, we all want to have a happy relaxed holiday, if we choose to have children or pets then its our choice, other people shouldn't have to live with our decision, so people with no dogs or children should be able to have their holidays without our kids running over their pitches and our dogs yapping all day long! Dogs owners should keep their dogs on leads and tied up when resting outside their caravans, and parents should be with their children at all times, that way nobody gets hurt. Simple.
Well said Lorraine.
May 2, 2005
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All dogs MUST be under the control of their owners at ALL times.

This is not a suggestion, but law.

If a dog bites then the owner can be charged for failing to keep the dog under control. I have charged several people in similar circumstances.

Why did the owner say that they told kids to keep away....perhaps she knew there was a risk........

The PSNI cannot bodyswerve the issue.....
Jan 12, 2007
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hi lisa

i would say a cut above the eye,a black eye and scrapes to the torso are a bit more serious then a knock down from an over active dog!ok ill give you the cut and black eye could have been the result of a knock down but scrapes to the torso? i would think that injury was caused when the dog was going for the lad as he crawled away from the dog that was attacking him.

i dont doubt that you and everybody who uses this forum are responsible dog owners,and i would say that all of us on here keep an eye on our kids when on a site............but how many vanners out there dont even know of this website? they are the ones who dont give a damm what anyone else thinks,they are the ones who give people like us a bad not saying that we are all perfect ill be the first to hold my hand up,but because people like us care about caravaning we use websites like this to help each other

now going back to the subject.because there are numpties out there who are selfish,rude and arrogant and bring dogs to campsites which they only keep to for the image (most call them rocky! i think you know the type) thats why i called for dogs to be banned from campsites where children are allowed

there are enough adult only campsites out there so why not no dog campsites?

hgv dave
Jan 12, 2007
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hi all

im a dog owner but when i use my van the dog stays at home (well he stays with my daughter) i think i know my dog and im sure he would not attack anyone,but i used the word think! i dont know for sure what a dog is going to do or not do,sure they can be trained to do as the owner tells them but a dog has a mind of its own and if it feels threatened it will attack no matter how much trainng it can all of you dog owners out there like me be 100% sure that your dog is safe? i know that i cant.

so im going to say something now that will anoy some dog owners out there...........dogs should be banned for caravan sites where children are around.i would think that johns holiday was ruined because of a stupid dog owner,just think of what could have happened if those boys had not come along in time,it does not bare thinking about

hgv dave
to/ john I'm the nice guy

first off,like me you dont know my dog,nobody knows what a dog will or wont do.a dog has instincts,it is possible to train a dog not do what is instincts tell it what to do but there is no way a person will ever know if a dog will revert back unless you are an animal mind reader,and seeing as that is not possible how can anyone know matey?


Mar 14, 2005
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David R

The owner probably told the child to stay away because she was probably sick to the back teeth of the child hassling her dog. Don't automatically make assumptions by trying to imply the dog had issues per se, you should know that if you are in fact a full time serving officer. Only working on facts and evidence and all that........


How many people have you charged for failing to keep their dog under control?

Under what circumstances?

Did the CPS take the case/s further and if so, what was the outcome?

When you say in similar circumstances, what do you mean exactly? Do you mean there were no adult or credible witnesses to alleged incidents?

Oh, and are we talking about Northern Ireland or England?

What experience do you have in alleged canine incidents?

I await with baited breath.

What rank are you and with what Force?


HGV Dave, thanks for your reply.



Says the person who trys to belittle people with none muscle bound dogs by calling them fiddo's


David R

The owner probably told the child to stay away because she was probably sick to the back teeth of the child hassling her dog. Don't automatically make assumptions by trying to imply the dog had issues per se, you should know that if you are in fact a full time serving officer. Only working on facts and evidence and all that........


How many people have you charged for failing to keep their dog under control?

Under what circumstances?

Did the CPS take the case/s further and if so, what was the outcome?

When you say in similar circumstances, what do you mean exactly? Do you mean there were no adult or credible witnesses to alleged incidents?

Oh, and are we talking about Northern Ireland or England?

What experience do you have in alleged canine incidents?

I await with baited breath.

What rank are you and with what Force?


HGV Dave, thanks for your reply.

We've continued discussing this over the past couple of days, why can't people just realise that you have to care for and be repsonsible for dogs and children.

A five year old wandering a site alone, any parent is asking for trouble dogs or no dogs.

My little grand daughter asked if she could stroke some dogs today, the owners explained that they were not used to children.

I think respect was gained fom both parties, dogs and children under control and with caring people. Ths dogs owners brough one younger dog over for her to stroke, the dog was very scared at first but soon took to her.
May 21, 2007
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We've continued discussing this over the past couple of days, why can't people just realise that you have to care for and be repsonsible for dogs and children.

A five year old wandering a site alone, any parent is asking for trouble dogs or no dogs.

My little grand daughter asked if she could stroke some dogs today, the owners explained that they were not used to children.

I think respect was gained fom both parties, dogs and children under control and with caring people. Ths dogs owners brough one younger dog over for her to stroke, the dog was very scared at first but soon took to her.
As a parent/grandparent and experienced dog owner with over 20 years experience of caravanning I would say two things on this topic

On site

My responsibility as a parent is to watch over my kids at all times

My responsibility as a dog owner on site is to do watch over my dog at all times

Both parties have failed in their responsibility and as a result the child who is too young to be responsible for himself was hurt

I hope the little lad is better and I would in order to prevent a life long fear help him to understand.


Mar 14, 2005
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'Says the person who trys to belittle people with none muscle bound dogs by calling them fiddo's'

I take it that's aimed at me. I don't exactly understand what you mean, particularly this bit 'NONE' muscle bound dogs by calling them fiddo's.

Please elaborate.

Many thanks.



How the hell can I remember what I'm banging on about when I get in pissed, have a troll through your posts featuring SBT's
Jan 13, 2008
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Hi all

Just got back from a weekend away in my van, wow lots of debate on this one. Thx all those my boy is fine now still wary but lesson learnt(the hard way)

Ok then heres some things im gonna do just for u gore blood and guts peeps, i will ask anyone who has seen or heard of car crashes that have totally written off cars and the driver walked away with a few cuts and bruises??? so why is it so

unseeable for a child to have a lucky break!

Was looking around for a stake and cable not to heavy for my child so i too can tie him up and make sure he behaves, also considering teaching him to sit roll over and stay!

God forbid my child cant walk from one caravan to another all off about 50 metres with out risk off being attacked by a dog !

Again thx for your concern

John P


"God forbid my child cant walk from one caravan to another all off about 50 metres with out risk off being attacked by a dog"

Well that may be true, but within 50 metres how about reversing cars or the tail end of a caravan swinging around and hitting him apart from anything else!

5 year olds are just not safe to wander off their pitch alone!
May 21, 2007
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Totally agree. If you aren't watching over your own child, you are expecting everyone else on the site, including the owner of the dog, to watch out for him.
Mar 14, 2005
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And what if the rotweiler had been a paedophile lurking in the bushes? A 5yr old child should never be left unsupervised, I have a 5yr old grandson and a dog, and I would never leave either out of sight or unattended, 2 wrongs do not make a right, neither the child or dog should have been out of eyesight.

Allan & Gill.
Nov 23, 2008
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'And what if the rotweiler had been a paedophile lurking in the bushes? A 5yr old child should never be left unsupervised, I have a 5yr old grandson and a dog, and I would never leave either out of sight or unattended, 2 wrongs do not make a right, neither the child or dog should have been out of eyesight.'

agreed I didn't put it as strongly but said we as adults are more aware of the dangers on campsites lets face it how many parents allow a 5 year old out to play on their own at home. When towing a caravan or reversing it you cannot see behind it parents of youngsters should think before allowing them all this freedom.