Aug 25, 2006
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Apparently a member of the travelling fraternity has lost his life outside a scrapyard quite close to where I work this morning.

Said individual turned up at a srcapyard with a gas bottle to `weigh-in` which the scrapyard refused as it wasn`t empty.

So, said person takes it outside the gates to his vehicle to `empty` it - with a pickaxe.

Fortunately it would appear no-one else was injured in the explosion.

There really is no limit to some peoples stupidity is there?
May 25, 2008
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" Apparently a member of the travelling fraternity has lost his life "

" I'm just trying to drum up some sympathy Angus if you can give me a week or so "

I have no time what so ever for the travelling fraternity, but I do recognise that this was some ones Son or even a Father with Young Children. I find your remark in very bad taste LB and you should be ashamed of yourself
May 25, 2008
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Sorry I hadn't finished. I seem to re call a post recently in which you poured your heart out to someone who had lost a Dog. You have some very strange priority !!!!!


It does seem that some threads are destined to dance themselves off the edge of the abyss ;)

As for the Gumbo v LB boxing match - I'm going to vote for LB on this one,

To say (as Gumbo does) 'I have no time whatsoever for Travellers", and then start shedding tears about the possible loss of a 'someone's son' (sniff), 'brother'(pass the handkerchief), or the father of young children (uncontrollable sobs) smacks of bogus compassion!

May 25, 2008
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I didn't say anything about shedding tears, and if you think a little respect for someone who has just died is bogus compassion I feel quite sorry for you. (now that is bogus)

As for a boxing match I just don't know what you are talking about.
Jan 19, 2008
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Being accused of having strange priorities by someone who has double standards doesn't sit easily.

As you will see from my post Gumbo my main priority was for any passers by. Regarding dogs I haven't had one who has done me any harm, unlike travellers who cost rate payers millions a year. I've been cursed and threatened by them while trying to attend to their injuries, injuries caused from crashing the stolen car. I've had to sit in the ambulance station rest room eating while they squatted and dumped in the ditch by our window because they was squatting on NHS land. While there they stripped the vehicle wash of its plumbing. I've also been threatened by two of them one night saying if we complained about them they would burn the station down by using their sprogs because the law can't touch them.

Saying that I've known settled travellers, one who was a friend. He still owes me a pint at the Brewers Arms. Joe Whelan, if you're reading this I haven't forgotten. These people have turned their lives around, his wife Bridie was a nurse. I have the greatest admiration for these people and although Joe got a bit waspy when tanked up I have some fond memories of him.

Now will you leave me alone Gumbo while I drum up some sympathy.
Jan 19, 2008
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I must add that my sympathies lie with those who they kill/injure with the stolen cars or those whose car has been stolen and written off like the Renault in the incident I described above.
Jun 20, 2005
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I'm with LB here.

Tough luck but thank goodness no innocent passerby was hurt.

Now who's caravan did you say that cylinder came from???


Jan 28, 2008
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I think the Battery Sargeant Major of the Deolali RA Concert Party summed it all up with the immortal phrase " Oh Dear! What a shame! Never Mind!"
Aug 10, 2008
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Incredible reactions,it must be a sort of delayed mass shock!

Shedding a tear for someone you knew nothing about,may be going a little too far, but actually bad mouthing the same person who you never knew and deciding he was scum because of his background!

Simply put my friends, what sort of people badmouth a dead person they know absolutely nothing about....


I think the official term of it is 'compassion fatigue'

People get tired of seeing the law openly flouted by an ethnic group, they get tired of paying car tax and insurance, while members of an ethnic group brazenly drive around with neither - and never seem to get taken to task by the police.

They get tired of being fined by local authorities for putting the wrong sort of rubbish in their bin, while those same local authorities pay tens of thousands of pounds to clear up the mess left by an ethnic group, after that ethnic group have departed in their untaxed and uninsured vehicles and left mounds of

filth behind.

So, when they hear statistics about members of a certain ethnic group suffering disadvantage and exclusion, having a shorter life expectancy, and being at the bottom of the educational heap - well, they find that they're just too tired to care......
May 25, 2008
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You seem to be a bit mixed up with your blame here Selwyn.

Blame your town hall elected officials for the Rubbish item

Blame the Police for not enforcing the Law

Blame the Judges for not locking them up.

Blame everybody except you the Voter

So we get what we deserve.

ps Hitler started off blaming minority groups for all the countries problems. You and LB and Essex would have been the first in the Q for a Black Shirt, sorry we have to share the planet with you.
Jan 19, 2008
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You seem to be a bit mixed up with your blame here Selwyn.

Blame your town hall elected officials for the Rubbish item

Blame the Police for not enforcing the Law

Blame the Judges for not locking them up.

Blame everybody except you the Voter

So we get what we deserve.

ps Hitler started off blaming minority groups for all the countries problems. You and LB and Essex would have been the first in the Q for a Black Shirt, sorry we have to share the planet with you.
Strewth Dumbo, that's a bit harsh. Spoilt my Saturday now with that comment :O(
Jan 19, 2008
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You seem to be a bit mixed up with your blame here Selwyn.

Blame your town hall elected officials for the Rubbish item

Blame the Police for not enforcing the Law

Blame the Judges for not locking them up.

Blame everybody except you the Voter

So we get what we deserve.

ps Hitler started off blaming minority groups for all the countries problems. You and LB and Essex would have been the first in the Q for a Black Shirt, sorry we have to share the planet with you.
Oops typo although probably apt.


My dear Gumbo! - you appear to think that the words, 'black shirt', is perjorative!

For the avoidance of doubt, let me assure you that I'd vote for a National Socialist government this afternoon!

I want a government that puts Britain's interests ahead of the EU, a government that cares more about the indigenous population that immigrants, sa government that would roll back the alien gutter culture that has engulfed this country. and replace it with our own music, our own customs, or our heritaage.

60 years of 'concensus' politics has turned this nation into a open sewer, the stench of which offends the nostrils of almighty God - perhaps it's time for something different?

I have no doubt of your own 'Librul' credentials - I can tell you're a compassionate lefty by the way you want to rid the planet of those wh
Aug 10, 2008
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I think Selwyn, you should learn to leave God out of your preaching.

You see you claim to be a socialist!yet your ranting is so similar to those other devout Christians of the deep south [USA]as to be so far right wing,you are in danger of shooting yourself up the jack see.

Proper decent Christians don't preach about looking after themselves and ****** the rest.No only extremists try using the good book that way!

"the stench of which offends the nostrils of almighty God" !!!!!!!

You are not in a position to decide or think for God,and worst still statements like the one above,are dam right offensive to any proper Christians,and the teachings handed down in the new testament.

One could consider them blasphemous and taking the lords name in vein.

I find your statement concerning God disgusting.


This is almost certainly going to come as a great shock to you.'g', but (now, brace yourself) I couldn't honestly say that I consider your opinion to be of any more worth than the contents of my toilet cassette.

As for being a 'socialist' - I'm not aware that I've ever claimed to be suffering from that particular malady. Try prefixing the world with 'National', and we might be getting somewhere..

While we're chatting, perhaps you could name a couple of things that have happened to our society since WW2 that God might *not* find offensive?

I think you'll be struggling, myself - but feel free to give it a shot.
Aug 10, 2008
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"I couldn't honestly say that I consider your opinion to be of any more worth than the contents of my toilet cassette."

Why thank you selwyn, manure being the foundation for so many wondrous things we take for granted, like plant life for food and the oxygen we breath!

"perhaps you could name a couple of things that have happened to our society since WW2 that God might *not* find offensive?"

One would have have to say,it would be small and simple mindedness,to categorise "god" as belonging to one small group of humans on this planet!

I cannot speak for him, but only for myself.

Why is it that you think that you can speak for him?

Or is it just a case of hearing voices in your head,in which case i offer my sympathies....


Manure is indeed a wonderful resource - and I'd happily offer you all that my cassette can hold, were it not for the self-evident fact that you are already amply supplied with the substance ;)

I take it that you found it difficult to come up with a couple of things that might please God about our current society? Well, I don't blame you for that - it's virtually impossible.

All joking apart - we are, indeed, now very deep in the sewer - perhaps more deep than any of us understand.

This nation is soaked in blood! - literally. Six million slaughtered infants since 1968, and counting. Do we really think that the God who created the universe does not see this wicked holocaust?, or that He will not avenge these murdered mites?

Let's see what happens to this charnel house in the next few years.


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