Elddis rear panel cracks

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Aug 15, 2011
When I go to share the album it brings up a list of applications on my tablet.
I don't get any of the options you put on here.
Apr 7, 2008
I am just trying the photobucket app on my galaxy phone ....

On the photo you see a share key press that and then copy to clipboard

Am just going to try and edit this post from my phone with a photo ....


Right it works

Download this app onto you tablet and the sign into your account ....

Select the photo and click the share button ....
Press copy to clipboard ..... tab backwards out of the app
and paste the link into the box as shown earlier ;)
Jun 20, 2005
In transient 1

See this for more background

Surely this is a well known problem and one the caravan press should be addressing?
Come on PCv mag do your thing.
10 years ago the Bailey Pageants suffered rear and front ABS panel failures.
One day I saw the Bailey van delivering a dozen or so to our dealer! That says it all. However Bailey did replace the entire panels. The problem was caused at the point of assembly placing stress on the panel fastenings.
The result of piece work perhaps.

My concern with Elddis is their lack lustre attitude to their customers. IMO the future value of a "patched" panel will stick out like a sore thumb and adversely affect the residual value.
Jun 20, 2005
I can see your pictures.
Tonight on Caravan Channel Summer Special our own John Wickersham explained why cracked ABS panels had to be replaced at a cost of circa £2k.
Apr 7, 2008
intransient1 said:

got to this bit

Right i can see the photos but in the end of the code for some reason you have after jpeg ~original because i am on a windows pc i have removed the blue part with the wiggly line and the word original and its worked


Aug 15, 2011
My sentiments exactly, quality British workmanship then people wonder why I have no confidence in main dealers.
I wonder what Elddis think of the repair they authorised.
Aug 15, 2011
Hi Sproket,
thanks for the help, maybe I should put this on a few forums, might help get the message across to the dealers and manufactures.
We won't put up with this anymore.
Apr 7, 2008
Not a problem ...

It's un printable what mrs sproket would say if i bodged our van like that :eek:hmy: never mind the main dealers .... some one needs taking to task for that ....
Aug 15, 2011
I will be contacting Elddis tomorrow regarding the repair.
The wife and I both think is time to call it a day and take legal action to recover the full cost of the caravan and all our out of pocket expenses.
Having now had 2 new caravans in 2 years both British from 2 different manufactures our faith in getting a decent product in this country has totally vanished.
Aug 15, 2011
I contacted elddis by phone and email, I supplied then with the photos.
The following is there reply.

Further to your recent email and telephone call regarding your 2014 Avante 540 caravan.
Firstly, we have been sorry to learn that you are experiencing issues with your vehicle and we understand that this unforeseen situation must had lead to some frustrations and anxiety. Please be assured that as a company we do take your concerns seriously.
Although we do sympathise with the sentiments expressed in your email, we must respectfully advise that, in an effort to move this situation forward, direct contact is made with ( name removed ) as all work which has been undertaken under warranty is guaranteed for a 12 month period by each individual retailer or service centre.
Once again, we would like to offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience which may have been caused and assure you of our best intentions at all times.

Kindest Regards

Definitely fobbed of as I did state in my email that I didn't want the dealership to touch the van anymore as I Hove no confidence in their abilities to effect a satisfactory quality repair.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello again, intransient

I am fairly certain that the manufacture have in this case got their legal liability wrong.

The contract under which these "repairs" were undertaken was the Manufacturers Guarantee. That guarantee does not come into force automatically, you have to sign a document and it is returned to the manufacturer so the contract for the guarantee is between you and the manufacturer not the dealer.

This situation is reinforced when you took your caravan to the dealer, before the repair could commence, the dealer had to seek approval from the manufacturer to carry out repairs on their behalf and to their specification - not yours.

Further, it is the manufacturer that pays the dealer to carry out the repairs, which means the dealer is a subcontractor for the work.

With the exception that you agreed to let the manufacturer's choice of dealer to do the repair, You have had no influence on the contractual arrangements between the manufacture and the dealer in respect of the work carried out and payments or costs for the work.

This in my opinion has all the classic elements that demonstrates the manufacture in this is the main contractor and thus liable for the design and quality of the repairs carried out. They cannot absolve themselves of that responsibility with respect to you. The contractor is responsible in law for the actions and performance of their subcontractors, and they must ensure the works are carried out to a proper standard.

Do not forget that as I have expressed previously, the the use of the manufacturers guarantee does not prevent you from pursuing a claim under SoGA.

However I do think the way your problems are developing, you would be wise to seek a professional view that can review all the documentation and offer proper and legal advice.


May 7, 2005
Sproket said:
Not a problem ...

It's un printable what mrs sproket would say if i bodged our van like that :eek:hmy: never mind the main dealers .... some one needs taking to task for that ....

Fortunately with your older aluminium bodied Hymer you have not the ABS panels retaining the water-tightness and structural integrity of the van, so would not need to patch it up.
The whole issue IMO can be attributed to the awful decision of some caravan manufactures to use ABS where it is inherently unsuited; like in the automotive industry it should only be used in structurally no critical "finisher" panels trims etc.
Hymer also sadly lost the plot in more recent designs and we suffer.
Aug 15, 2011
Hi ProfJohnL,
Thank you that is a very valid point and one that is often forgotten.
When I spoke to elddis I asked them to send me pictures of how these caps should look when fitted but this has not been supplied or even referred to.
It also appears that Soga and section 75 (credit card) may not apply as the van is also on finance so it will be them who will have to deal with it.
Mar 14, 2005
intransient1 said:
Hi ProfJohnL,
Thank you that is a very valid point and one that is often forgotten.
When I spoke to elddis I asked them to send me pictures of how these caps should look when fitted but this has not been supplied or even referred to.
It also appears that Soga and section 75 (credit card) may not apply as the van is also on finance so it will be them who will have to deal with it.

Hello again,

Just to point out that I have revised my last post to remove a few grammatical issues and hopefully make it clearer to understand.

In respect of your last sentence, it is a little confusing. Can you please check what you have written? I think you may have put is a 'not' because if a finance house is involved then section 75 of the consumer credits act does apply and also SoGA.

I have also just realised that whilst you may have a SoGA claim against your dealer/finance house in respect of the original sale, You also have a potential SoGA case against the manufacture for the design and workmanship of the repairs they arranged as these were carried out under the manufacturer's guarantee which is a separate contractual arrangement .

The manufacturers warrantee/guarantee is as much a legal contract as any purchase you make, and as such the contract is subject to all the consumer legislation for the sale of goods and services.

I wish you luck
Aug 15, 2011
Hi ProfJohnL,
I sent elddis another email on the points you highlighted, and I am waiting for their reply.
I did state in my contact to them that I don't want any more work done by the dealership as I have no confidence in their ability to provide a quality repair.
I got the information on section 75 from Martin Lewis website, but if I can go down the soga/section 75 I would be better off.
Aug 15, 2011
I called elddis today and they pointed me back to glossop caravans.
I called the manager of the workshop and expressed my dissatisfaction with the repair and he agreed the the quality of the parts provided by elddis do not allow a quality repair.
Poor q on build and even poorer q on repair parts.
Aug 15, 2011
I'm going to print a t shirt
Which people can't ignore
About my Elddis caravan
And it's design flaws
I'll put on lovely pictures
To show the crap cap repair
And Wear it at the caravan show
Cos like Elddis I don't really care

And if they take offence
Which I think they might
I'll tell them to to contact the dealership
Who also can't put it right
The dealer has no power
They are just little puppets
Cos manufactures like Elddis
Treat them just like muppets

You pays your money
And takes your chance
That's all that we do
Then when the thing goes wrong
There's nothing you can do
Direct action seems the way
So Elddis please take note
Proper repairs are my right

Just in case your wandering
Why I'm doing this
It's cos British caravan manufactures
Really do take the - - - -
So Elddis please take note
And Glossop Caravans too
Do the repair once and right
Or this fight is coming to you
Jun 20, 2005
A most poignant eloquent piece of Prose.
I hope you sent if to both Company's Managing Directors :)


Nov 12, 2009
Thank you for your verses
About your caravan
I understand your curses
And I don't wish to ban

Your freedom of expression
You've every right to say
That you have the impression
That things ain't gone your way

The only problem I can see
Is a dealer named and shamed
But if you were a Mod. (like me)
You'd know that I'll get blamed

If the dealer does dispute your facts
Although they're plain to see
Then if they start their legal acts
The questions start with me

I know you are disgusted
At treatment you have had
But rulings can't be busted
Though the dealer's work is bad

So I must ask you not to name
This dealer any more
But print the T shirt just the same
And save this Mod. a chore


Nov 12, 2009
My reprimand's a gentle one
So be not too distressed
And as regards your caravan
We wish you All The Best!
Aug 15, 2011
The rear caps have been replaced with a modified one which fits better.
While still not perfect, I will have to accept them.
Due to a change in my health we will have to get another van with an island bed.
I have been assured the repair won't affect the price in part exchange.
Jun 20, 2005
That's good news in transient.
Let's reserve judgement until you do your px.
Good luck.


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