Elddis rear panel cracks

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Aug 15, 2011
Well the van has gone to pastures new.
We have had to order a new one with an island bed as the fixed bed was getting to be hard work, old age and disability are a curse.
We were going to part ex it but we buy any caravan .com wipe the floor with the part ex price offering £1200 more.
Dec 11, 2009
intransient1 said:
Well the van has gone to pastures new.
We have had to order a new one with an island bed as the fixed bed was getting to be hard work, old age and disability are a curse.
We were going to part ex it but we buy any caravan .com wipe the floor with the part ex price offering £1200 more.

Is it an Elddis?
Aug 15, 2011
Ok I will put you out of your misery, after spending the whole opening day at the caravan and motorhome show and checking out what was on offer from all the manufactures it came down to the one that still offers the most favourable layout.
There were some great offerings from Bailey but the front panels are still a bit odd looking for her taste.
Swift, Eccles and sprite also have some beautiful vans strong contenders.
Coachman have great offerings with one we really like.
Elddis, Compass, explorer and buccaneer good layouts really liked the 8th width.
Adria interesting layouts with different kitchen areas which lacked a little space for us.
We didn't bother with the offerings from hymen etc as the prices are to high to contemplate at our time of life.
Lunar and venus have certainly progressed with the venus range offering a transverse island bed.
The plethora of dealer specials offering just about every layout available and extras fitted makes them all great value.
But in the end we settled on the new
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Intransient
Sounds like we are going down the same route as you,like the 554 but not sure about the Whale heating, and some of the dealer specials with the transverse bed are too narrow for us to get round the bed when it is extended,leaning towards Lunar Lexon, currently looking at just under £3000 difference cost to change from different dealers,and SWMBO insists on upholstery change, so will wait and see who comes back to us, and with what offer.Hope you are luckier with your new van than last. Also noticed at the show that a lot of current vans have much smaller front lockers, rejected Bailey because they seem to have no front locker at all.
Jun 20, 2005
Well done on all your research.
It just goes to show how we all have our favourite layout.
Same dealer as before :dry:
Aug 15, 2011
Hi Woodsieboy,
the whale heating is good and the new mk4 has a night time setting that should make it even quieter.
It does get really hot as well.
Aug 15, 2011
Completely new back panel design so fingers crossed.
Although other vans have a very similar layout, it came down to the completely new cupboard design and sizes and room.


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