Electric Hook Ups - Why ?????

Aug 17, 2007
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I would be interested in other peoples views on using electric hook ups as I seem to be meeting an ever increasing band of caravanners who will not go anywhere that has not got EHU's.

May 31, 2007
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I guess it depends on what you want. My van is a mobile home from home... If I'd wanted basic I'd have stuck to camping.

What's the strange yearning for 1970's caravaning and why is everyone so judgmental around here, what does it matter if I want electricity !!!
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm with George on this one, what does it matter? I'm a CL man myself, and have just retuened from 10 days in Torver on battery power only. But, as herself feels the cold now, in the winter we do use EHU if available, but it would not necessarily be a deciding factor.
Aug 17, 2007
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George - Many apologies - I hadn't realised that on this formum asking for other caravanners views was seen as judgemental.

A contributory reason for asking was I, like many caravanners, have been asked to complete a survey questionnaire being commissioned by one of the leading caravan manufacturers which does seem to suggest that many caravanners want more electrical items fitted to their vans as standard. So it is interesting to gauge other people's views. The two most popular seem to be toasters and tassimo coffee type makers apparently. I understand that it was a similar survey that identified that there was a growing need for microwave cookers in vans.

I too was caravanning in the 1970's but don't considered what I have 'built in' thesedays is any comparison, namely :- air con, micro wave, DVD (built in radio), freeview TV, Laptop and of course the other half's hair drier.

But when EHU's are not available, which is most of the time where I go, I seem to get by with a good battery, inverter and solar panel. I will admit we don't go away for long periods and I think the longest during 2207 was 18 nights.

Mar 14, 2005
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George - Many apologies - I hadn't realised that on this formum asking for other caravanners views was seen as judgemental.

A contributory reason for asking was I, like many caravanners, have been asked to complete a survey questionnaire being commissioned by one of the leading caravan manufacturers which does seem to suggest that many caravanners want more electrical items fitted to their vans as standard. So it is interesting to gauge other people's views. The two most popular seem to be toasters and tassimo coffee type makers apparently. I understand that it was a similar survey that identified that there was a growing need for microwave cookers in vans.

I too was caravanning in the 1970's but don't considered what I have 'built in' thesedays is any comparison, namely :- air con, micro wave, DVD (built in radio), freeview TV, Laptop and of course the other half's hair drier.

But when EHU's are not available, which is most of the time where I go, I seem to get by with a good battery, inverter and solar panel. I will admit we don't go away for long periods and I think the longest during 2207 was 18 nights.

Well, in that case, here's my view: yes, we very much want an EHU, but no, we certainly don't want a whole lot of extra kit built in. We take along a variety of electrical equipment, but much prefer it to be capable of being stowed away in a locker when not in use, or used in the awning if we have it up, rather than built in, occupying a fixed place in the van. As for 'Tassimo type coffee-makers', we would be inclined to boycott any van that had one of these, on principle - the sheer wastefulness of all those little capsules heading straight for land-fill is a crime in itself.

Rather than manufacturers forcing more and more kit on us, thus pushing up the price and weight of caravans, I prefer to see well-designed basic models that allow the end-user to customise their van in a way that suits them, and using the equipment of their choice.
May 31, 2007
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Sorry Bill, didn't mean to sound so blunt. I think it was the


bit of the title that made it sound like there was some value judgment implied.

Interesting questionaire, I certainly wouldn't want a toaster (I can buy one for
Feb 26, 2007
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Well, in that case, here's my view: yes, we very much want an EHU, but no, we certainly don't want a whole lot of extra kit built in. We take along a variety of electrical equipment, but much prefer it to be capable of being stowed away in a locker when not in use, or used in the awning if we have it up, rather than built in, occupying a fixed place in the van. As for 'Tassimo type coffee-makers', we would be inclined to boycott any van that had one of these, on principle - the sheer wastefulness of all those little capsules heading straight for land-fill is a crime in itself.

Rather than manufacturers forcing more and more kit on us, thus pushing up the price and weight of caravans, I prefer to see well-designed basic models that allow the end-user to customise their van in a way that suits them, and using the equipment of their choice.

I don't want all the added bits & pieces.I like to choose those for myself.When will the manufacturers give us the option?......instead of having no choice.

Sep 13, 2006
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Not bothered - we use solar panels and 12V equipment on rallies and use EHU when available.

We would not use EHU as a deciding factor for our destinations at all.

In fact some of the very best places we have been have been the most basic and we never feel we are missing any luxuries.
Aug 17, 2007
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It certainly seems that the world of caravanning is changing and I probably am not a modern caravanner. I suppose I spend about 20 weeks a year caravanning and less than half have EHU's. Last week we were at a CL on the banks of the River Nene (fishing) and the farmer told me he could increase the usage by 50% based on the number of people who won't go when they find out there are no EHU's. This is great news for us - being selfish - but I wonder how long he might continue.

Haven't used a generator for years and now I think they are antisocial. I think my Honda gennie ended up in the wifes greenhouse !

I am really impressed with the modern inverters and tend to fit them semi permanently in the van but always remove when I change vans - just tight !!

Dec 27, 2006
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We like our home comforts, wouldn't go anywhere without hook up,

Whilst we could get a 12v hook up and run the water heater, fridge and heater of gas, we usually stop on sites for a week at a time and the battery would be straining to last, for the sake of a couple of quid a night we have all our home comforts plus the added benefit of the micro wave and mains lighting.
Jul 3, 2006
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It doesn't bother us, even without hookup we can get a decent shower, boil the kettle just as quick on gas, watch telly etc etc, the whole idea of our modern caravan is that we can be independant.

Sep 28, 2007
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I have to agree with George. We only started caravanning this year and have been on only four sites. However each site had a shower block so allthough our van has a shower it is taking up space. All the sites were EHU and wev'e gone out and bought a kettle, toaster and a tv. If we were to by a new van I don't see the need to have the above as options especially tv's when the arial they put on vans is so basic. Instead of giving us options maybe manufactures should look into devoloping and fitting better arials. As for EHU our carra is home from home with all that includes electricity.
May 20, 2006
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Go on holiday without ehu? hell no, no way, not a chance.

When i am sat in my van watching sky tv on my lcd tv supping beer from my freezing cold mains powered fridge under the bright lights that mains power provides i realise that i am on holiday and not in a tent.

No offence to those that enjoy it but for me my caravan is a home from home, its like being at home but everytime i open my curtains i can be somewhere different.

Besides, what would power my wifes hair straighteners? my ears would be bleeding from all the whining and whinging she would produce!
Mar 14, 2005
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A site without hook ups would not be for us. We like to use our electrics, TV etc whilst we're away. My wife likes her full powered mains hair dryer too, and the idea of actually 'boiling' a kettle !! Like another poster has said. That's basic camping. Not for us.

Most modern vans are dual powered, but gas to us is just for cooking and emergency heating etc. We very rarely use the gas at all really,and ni the winter our slow cooker is the biz!

The other reason is quite simple. If you are paying for a pitch with a hook up, then it doesn't make economical sense not to use it.
Aug 17, 2007
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Apologies. Somewhere on this thread I am missing the point.

I install my inverter semi permanently in my vans. I connect my 230V air con permantently to it as well as my microwave. I then run a pair of 230V sockets into the van. I bought these from a caravan dealer so they match the original ones installed. I have also run a 230V 2 pin socket for my electric shaver in the shower compartment.

My LCD freeview TV, Laptop and any other 230V appliances can be run via the sockets - not all together mind you. My DVD player is in my caravan radio.

It does however take a decent battery and european built (not Chinese !) solar panel.

Jul 11, 2005
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Would'nt be without EHU's for all the mod cons.

Also use the shower when on CL's [ they dont take up much room ]

Bill, 240v in the shower is a bit iffy old son. Could make your eyes light up.

Aug 12, 2005
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We'd not use a site without EHU as our current van has no gas heating. Most of our use of the van is during the winter months so we'd freeze without electric heating.

We do watch TV but listen to the radio or CDs more. I am not bothered by the lack of a shower as site facilities are usually good enough but like the convenience of a toilet for during the night etc. We use a low wattage kettle. We don't even have an oven and don't miss it. We manage fine with a two burner hob too. Our best caravan "gadget" is our George Foreman Grill. I can think of better use of space then installing a microwave oven.

Mar 14, 2005
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Dometic/Electrolux/Waeco sell large inverters and diesel generators specifically to run their air conditioners but they are mainly for use in motorhomes and commercial vehicles.

I have a 2500 watt inverter in my caravan but if I should use it to power the A/C my 110A/H battery would last about 2 minutes

It is very good for powering short time usage devices such as the microwave oven.

The 2500 watt inverter also draws considerable current without any appliance plugged in, so for my TV/ CD and digibox I use a separate 300watt inverter.
Sep 13, 2006
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Looking at reasons why people will not consider non EHU sites, I am worrying about the validity of some of them.

1. Non EHU sites are cheaper and the difference always seems to be more than enough to cover any additional gas.

2. In our van the heater, fridge and cooker seem to work better on gas.

4. My wife and kids all have waist level hair and prefer to let their hair dry naturally as it is supposed to be better for their hair, if it is cold I dry the kids hair by hand as a hair dresser might and it takes no more than 5 mins longer than by heat.

5. The kettle takes approx 1-2 mins longer to boil, which is not a massive amount of time.

6. Aircon - If you really need it you would be better off with EHU, but we have never had it or felt a need for it - in fact we opted out of it when we bought this van in preference for money off.

7. TV, Satellite, DVD etc all ours run on 12V, the lights are all 12V anyway apart from 2 and the brightest lights are 12V.

If we go for a weekend we have 2 batteries but rarely need the second, for 3-7 days I take our solar panels and for longer than 7 days I might take a genny. We also charge the spare during days out in the car.

I have absolutely no problem with people wanting EHU all the time but I would not want to miss out on some of the sites we have visited and I do not believe they would miss EHU as much as they believe.

Personally I would rather have showers than EHU (as ours is a little cramped) but would still not let that stop us going without at the right sites or rallies.

We do go to commercial sites but like to go to sites where the view is something else rather than rows of commercial pitches and caravans.


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