Not wishing to impose a video on those who tell me it's "done to death already" ( but then can't resist to post in the topic!) I've found another which talks about supply and demand issues amongst other things.
I don't think anything "new" has been flagged up but frankly I do feel this guy is trying to be honest in what he says although, as always, some will find points to argue about - that's a given.
It seems to me that no harm will come from repeated discussions on an aspect of transportation we very likely we all will find in our lives at some time.
I've said my bit about personal views on towing with an EV and the implications for MY style of touring earlier in the thread.
I'm firmly into the camp that would never rely on public charging points to run my EV (which really sums up the concerns I raised).
Maybe someone on the forum who has no home charging can offer an opposing view? Whilst the outlay for an EV is considerable it would also be interesting to hear from someone who had "dug deep" to purchase one but has NO means of charging at a regular place - home or work.