Forum Etiquette

Mar 14, 2005
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Please may I remind all members of this forum about the governing rules concerning etiquette

1, You may not transmit any material that is abusive, threatening, obscene, or sexually explicit.

May I draw your attention to the words abusive and threatening
Mar 14, 2005
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Amazing - Capt Kanga getting all upset because he feels abused or threatened

Put yourself in Marks shoes Andy - how do you think he felt when you were abusive to him?

What you did to Mark was the forum equivelent of mugging someone in a wheelchair - Sorry Mark - I mean no disrespect - I have worked with someone who is dyslexic, have a disabled Mother in Law and my son had such severe hearing problems when your that his speach was impared and required speach thereapy.

I have always found caravaners and campers to be the most accomadating when it comes to a fellow camper who may be disabled in some way. Thankfully this forum has endorsed this opinion in spades. For those who come late to this thread Captain Kanga poked fun at a contributor that most of us realised probably had dyslexia.

Why can you not just say that you did not realise - meant no offense? - is it really so hard for you to do so Andy?

If you are still unable to do this then I feel sorry for you and sincerely hope that a tragedy never befalls you or your family as I doubt you have the emotional maturity to deal with it.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have yet to see anything that resembles a threat on this site. I am sure that if such a statment of a threatening nature was made the moderator would delete it without any hesitation. As far as abusive, obscene and sexual inuendos there have been many rude and cutting remarks made by various contributors in the past and to all those people all I can say is it is time to stop and let this forum be used in a constructive manner as was originally intended and not a slanging forum. To all of you if you intend to keep up this form of communication I suggest that you enter a chat room and carry on at yoour hearts content.

Lets all bury the hatchet and start afresh in a constructive manner.
Mar 14, 2005
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Colin (bridgend) So its ok for someone to call you a B***ard and to tell you to go and top yourself .................IS IT?
Although the comments made fall into what I class as abusive and obscene there was no inference regarding a threat to any person. This is why I think that we should all start afresh and use this forum for what it was intended for. Incidentally I have not pointed any finger at any person but have purely, in my opinion, generalised. I am not prepared to go down any route where individual names are mentioned as I feel this is very petty. I understand that you may be hurt as comments in other postings have mentioned you by name but as far as I am concerned I will never get personal to anybody. If it is not possible to say a good word about a fellow human being I was taught to be quiet and not speak bad of anyone. So once again all I ask is that the slate can be wiped clean and we all start afresh. Regards Colin
Mar 14, 2005
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I seem to remember you suggesting I might be an Alan B'stard on another thread Capt Kanga!!

One rule for you another for everybody else?
Mar 14, 2005
Something is seriously amiss if there are as many contributions to a forum concerning certain peoples' apparent or actual misbehaviour as there are on the actual subject of caravanning and the whole thing is in danger of turning into a slanging match.

I'd suggest removing all topics and threads under the 'General' section (no exceptions so that nobody feels discriminated against) and start all over again. Maybe, given a fresh start, things will cool down.
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Lutz, I know maybe my approach was the wrong one this morning in the heat of the moment. And have tried to apologise for that. I only want the Forum to be what it was when we joined 6 months ago. Happy honest people, with a good sense of humour and a desire to help people. We learnt so much from this forum and also hopefully contributed back a lot to other new users as we learnt...It has all just gone wrong as do so many open forums.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Paul Ruth and Lutz

I Have to agree with you, remove all the last threads and clear the board,there are always going to be some funny comments to questions and this I think just shows the spirit of the people out there and their outlook on life!! Ive been guilty as well

of silly things,I remember reading one of your posts Paul and Ruth that was quite funny,about your first trip out I think?

But it has got very very personal now and people are getting hurt and thats a real shame,I'm sure we wouldnt wish any harm to anyone whilst travelling wiht or with out caravan! Some one out there(denise ahd a go) think of a new topic for the general section and Mr mod can delete the others!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Yeah thanks Tina...Yes as I have maintained I am not a prude, I like a laugh and have tried to inject some comedy into my own posts, but things have just become really bad, you are afraid to post a sensible question these days. I am sure none of mean it personally, I just think anyone lokking in and wishing to join this forum would be horrified and put off. This is a great shame, we learnt everything we need to know from the good advice of people on here.
Apr 11, 2005
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I think the last couple of days you're right! It doesnt read very well for someone looking to join, prior to that I think it was a perfect balance with a bit of a laugh in between the serious stuff,i think the big problem is there is no emotion in the written word,how you feel you are saying it is not nescesarily how it reads,! Hope you dont leave and look forward to you still posting some quirky topics!!xx
Mar 14, 2005
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Yeah thanks Tina...Yes as I have maintained I am not a prude, I like a laugh and have tried to inject some comedy into my own posts, but things have just become really bad, you are afraid to post a sensible question these days. I am sure none of mean it personally, I just think anyone lokking in and wishing to join this forum would be horrified and put off. This is a great shame, we learnt everything we need to know from the good advice of people on here.
Hi Ruth & Paul. I don't know whether you recall but a little while ago someone asked for comments on their funniest moments of caravaning. Some of the remarks made were very funny but it was contributers sharing their memories and not slanning others. this type of humour is in my opinion very acceptable and enjoyable as it brings the lighter side of caravaning into perspective. All I can say to you is please stick with the forum and help to make this a useful and enjoyable helpline for others but still keeping this lighter vane for those of us who like you have a sense of humour when the appropriate time arises. Good luck and stick in there. As the old saying goes, if you parden my attempt at Latin "Nil illigitimus carberundem" I am sure you will understand the phrase and enjoy the humourous manner in which it was delivered. Regards
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ruth & Paul. I don't know whether you recall but a little while ago someone asked for comments on their funniest moments of caravaning. Some of the remarks made were very funny but it was contributers sharing their memories and not slanning others. this type of humour is in my opinion very acceptable and enjoyable as it brings the lighter side of caravaning into perspective. All I can say to you is please stick with the forum and help to make this a useful and enjoyable helpline for others but still keeping this lighter vane for those of us who like you have a sense of humour when the appropriate time arises. Good luck and stick in there. As the old saying goes, if you parden my attempt at Latin "Nil illigitimus carberundem" I am sure you will understand the phrase and enjoy the humourous manner in which it was delivered. Regards

Good point and we too have enjoyed and joined in with this type of humour, let's hope normal service will resume soon. There are worst things happening in the world right now to be worrying about I guess?
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps, if the 'General' section were spilt into 'General caravanning issues' and 'The lighter side' it would also be a bit easier to differentiate between genuine caravanning questions and the opportunity for sharing less serious topics. Currently it's a bit tiresome to have to wade through trival comments (although there's a time and a place for those, too) to find some novice caravanner's desperate request for more information.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have tried to make this suggestion today as well Lutz. People who are on dial up have already made the complaint aswell that it can be hard work going through the useful info compared with the general chit chat. This would solve a lot of problems and give the users of the forum to read what they want?
Mar 14, 2005
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I have tried to make this suggestion today as well Lutz. People who are on dial up have already made the complaint aswell that it can be hard work going through the useful info compared with the general chit chat. This would solve a lot of problems and give the users of the forum to read what they want?
Hi Paul and Ruth,

may I recommend that you upgrade to broadband as this will in the long term save you money. Please note i do not work for an ISP , I am only looking out for your best interests.


Capt Kangaroo
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Paul and Ruth,

may I recommend that you upgrade to broadband as this will in the long term save you money. Please note i do not work for an ISP , I am only looking out for your best interests.


Capt Kangaroo
Thanks CK , we are already BB, I could not afford to be on-line for so long on dial up! (It was some other users that have dial up that I was referring to).


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