Forum Upgrade - PLEASE READ

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May 21, 2008
Hi Soozeeg.

Your quite right, everyone has differing variations of dislexia. Mark's case is quite severe and as he has found only a voice activated software package will do. I still think that if Pc use a common spell check system, there might be a way of interacting with a voice operated system. My wife has used a voice recognition software package to enable her elderly mother to type by speach on her laptop. All it takes is for the techies to activate interactions on their software. My dislexia is visual word recognition orientated too, but perhaps not as severe. I tend to see a pc keyboard as a blur of letters and end up typing letters outof sequence for instance, was can be saw or aws if I haven't proof read mt work. I've left the typo in too.
Aug 1, 2007
"But yes, Mr John Duncan, we're still waiting!! ;o)"

You know its taken years to get to this stage so Patience sooz Patience :)

Sooz I expect you know Ian-Rapido has got a Caravan again (Rolls eyes) after all that fuss lol
Aug 12, 2007
"But yes, Mr John Duncan, we're still waiting!! ;o)"

You know its taken years to get to this stage so Patience sooz Patience :)

Sooz I expect you know Ian-Rapido has got a Caravan again (Rolls eyes) after all that fuss lol
I don't do patience Rita....I prefer other games ;o) tee hee

Yes, I had
Mar 14, 2005
To be fair, there are a number of well respected voice recognition packages available. These tend to be installed on the computer and can be used instead of a keyboard to add plain text to almost any application.

I cannot recall seeing any web site or forum with voice activation built in so its not really normal for a web site to offer the facility.


Mar 17, 2007
Hi all. I know this thread is about the forum upgrade not dyslexia and spell checking, but we can chat about this while we are waiting...and waiting..and waiting.....Sorry, back to dyslexia. My very dyslexic son tried voice recognition but because he has dyspraxia too, the early versions didn't recognise his slightly squishy speech sounds from his oral dyspraxia. He currently uses Read and Write version 8 and this seems to do a good job but still doesn't mop up all of his bizarre spellings. It will of course miss homophones or if he spells a word wrongly but it is, by chance, the correct spelling of another word.



Nov 12, 2009
I'd just like to remind forum users who do happen to be dyslexic that this forum is about the exchange of information and chat about touring caravans, it is not a spelling contest.

If you are dyslexic and wish to take part in discussions that's fine, your point of view is as valid as anyone else's so please don't be put off in any way.

Going back to members who hope to see a spell check facility when the forum is upgraded for those of us who use Firefox to access the internet there is already a spell checker that will work with this forum in it's current form.

You can install the British English (as opposed to USA English) dictionary when you download and install Firefox which works well with this forum.

If you already use Firefox click on Tools, then click Options.

In the Options box which will appear click Manage Add Ons then Get Add Ons.

A range of add ons will be shown which you can download, choose the dictionary and this acts as a spell checker.
Sep 25, 2009
Parksy there is also a Spell Check if you log on via Google, which ironically underlines its own name. Could not agree more, the Forum is open to everyone, and it is to be hoped people who are dyslexic, will join in and not worry about the spelling aspect.

Best regards,

Nov 13, 2008
Dear All,

I'll get Mr Duncan to pop back some time soon, but rest assured there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes and site redevelopment is motoring along.

We are talking a matter of weeks rather than months for things to be up and running and your patience is appreciated.

And most of you have been waiting seven years of more, so what is another week or so :)


Nigel Donnelly


Practical Caravan


Nov 12, 2009
We will look forward to using the redeveloped site in the fairly near future then Nigel.

With the talk of redevelopment work and slightly vague finish times it reminds me of having building work done. Do we need to wear hard hats, steel toecaps and high vis vests while the redevelopment takes place?
Aug 12, 2007
Exactly, Nigel......we've been promised it for so many years and it's never you'll forgive us for being a little impatient or even, dare I say it, a teeny bit sceptical? LOL!

*Sue now goes and sits quietly in a corner*
May 21, 2008
I can see Nigel's point as I've been on the forum for many years. To be honest even the current version is good compared to some forums I've been on.

My suggestions is quite valid about trying to make the forum a wee bit more user friendly for those of us who didn't get O level english literature when we left gramar school, or folks like me who are dislexic typists due to arthritis issues, or even my son who is dispraxic and dislexic. All I would ask is to have an automated spell checker installed. Most of us spell some words wrong, but our point of view is still understood.

Having been a "process technician", I have had to simplify process's so that even people who don't have english as their native tongue, can use the most complicated CNC machine tools and produce parts 99% right first time. I used the KISS process or "Keep It Simple Stupid" monogram.

To be honest, any aspect of how we use the forum, be it, typing, pasting photo's, spell checking or any other item relating to the ease and useability of a web site should be open for debate. After all it has been proven time and time again that the best idea's often emerge from the shopfloor rather than the boardroom. Just think of a factory, it can run if the MD has a one month holiday, but what happens if the shopfloor workers take a week off?!!

Atb Steve L.


Nov 12, 2009
I'm looking forward to the upgrade as much as anyone else but to be honest our much maligned existing forum can already support things like spell check, photograph posting and clickable links.

The trouble has been that no one could explain to members how to get the best out of the forum.

Really the main thing which is really in need of serious improvement is the search facility and also the ability to post private messages between members would be good.

I'm not a great fan of post counts or smiley icon thingy's, these only encourage members to submit posts consisting of just icons in order to boost their post count rather than proper replies.

Clickable links have to be handled with care because as was demonstrated on our sister forum Caravan Sitefinder unless there is a method for the moderators to block certain post or memberships the site soon becomes overrun with inappropriate advertising material which ruins the forum.

Sitefinder moderators were driven to distraction by bogus 'members' offering drugs and pornography, fortunately admin and the Sitefinder mods have now resolved the situation.

Out of interest what would forum members wish to be included in the upgrade and is there anything that members wouldn't want to be included?

This will have no bearing on the outcome but is simply for the sake of discussion.
Aug 12, 2007
Personally, I don't see the point of post's not a competition! And what does it matter how many posts we's quality, not quantity, that counts!!! lol

I do think smileys are a good idea, I think they help sometimes to get a point across or to take away any ambiguity there might be in a post. As few of us actually know each other, it may be difficult to recognise whether a member is being serious or tongue in cheek when they post something, and a smiley (or not so smiley!!) icon may help to clarify that. I'm not keen on them being used to excess though, or simply as a post in themselves.

The ability to send private messages would be brilliant, and would cut down on the workload for mods who presently have to deal with requests from members to pass on email addresses, e.g. But if such a facility was provided, would the 'private' messages actually be private? I'm told that on some forums, in certain circumstances, they aren't actually private at all and can be viewed by admin staff (Big Brother is watching you!!! ;o) lol).

And how about the ability to 'watch' a topic and be notified of replies, as you get on some forums? Or a button to click to read all new posts since your last visit?

Oh, and an automatic coffee maker would be nice ;o)
Mar 14, 2005
There are several examples of what a good forum should look like, CT2 and T&T spring to mind. I am not talking about the content but ease of use. I don't have an issue with post counts as I think they are a good idea, at least they give an idea of the experience of someone posting. Some forums exclude from the post counts from sections like Chit Chat so only (hopefully) serious post are counted. It should be much easier to post links and photos. Posting links should not be a problem if the the proper security is put in place, an example would not to allow a link to be posted until you had made 5 posts. That would stop 99% of the posts Caravan Sitefinder experienced! It would be good to be able to PM other members. A spell checker would be a must as would the ability to edit posts. On editing I would prefer that we don't have a system where every edit is reported at the end of the post. Some forums get round this by either allowing you to choose whether the notification of an edit is made or perhaps a better system would be to allow a certain time after the post for it to be edited like an hour.

Nov 13, 2008
Dear All,

I'm pleased to say that I'm not on the technical team for the website delivery, else you'd be waiting an awful lot longer...

Have passed all comments onto the development team and all those that can be taken in, will be.

Regards and thanks again for your comments

Nigel Donnelly


Practical Caravan
May 21, 2008
One comment caught my eye. "Big brother watching you".

To be quite honest, unless you have an alteria motive to what you write or are worried about expressing oppinion then having a moderator reviewing what you say shouldn't bother you at all.

I've been quite happy with the moderation on this forum and believe me there has been some awkward decissions to be made by them at times.

Sure I've strayed ove rthe line of etiquette at times and have been coaxed back on the straight and narrow and have alos been assisted when things went way out of hand by others on one occassion. Parksy has certainly been most fair and understanding to us all. Lets not forget, these guys do their moderating for free and the love of having a good well run forum.

One offer of advice on the new forum. Please publish a hand book of sorts so that we can use all the facilities.

Atb Steve L.
May 21, 2008
One comment caught my eye. "Big brother watching you".

To be quite honest, unless you have an alteria motive to what you write or are worried about expressing oppinion then having a moderator reviewing what you say shouldn't bother you at all.

I've been quite happy with the moderation on this forum and believe me there has been some awkward decissions to be made by them at times.

Sure I've strayed ove rthe line of etiquette at times and have been coaxed back on the straight and narrow and have alos been assisted when things went way out of hand by others on one occassion. Parksy has certainly been most fair and understanding to us all. Lets not forget, these guys do their moderating for free and the love of having a good well run forum.

One offer of advice on the new forum. Please publish a hand book of sorts so that we can use all the facilities.

Atb Steve L.
Woops, there you go, my PC and dongle were having a hissy fit and the bow zo behind the buttons clicked too many times. Sorry guy's.
Aug 12, 2007
You seem to be missing the point of a 'private message' - it's just that, private (or at least it should be!). If it was something you didn't mind discussing on the open forum with everybody, then you would have no need to send it as a pm. And who said anything about ulterior motives or being worried about expressing something? I merely meant the ability to talk to another member in private about something which concerns you both, or might not concern or be of interest to the entire forum.

So why should a moderator or member of the admin team be able to review it? Would you mind if relative strangers reviewed your private correspondence?
Jun 20, 2005
Have I missed something here??

On all the other forums I use, PM is just that.PRIVATE MAIL. Only the sender and recipient are party to the content.

If the Mods can see it then it's NOT PM .

It is essential such mail is PRIVATE to stop any cheating or "insider dealing" on sales etc.

Swift Talk's new system also e-mails me if someone else responds to a thread I may have posted on. Great continuity at minimal cost!


Aug 12, 2007
Have I missed something here??

On all the other forums I use, PM is just that.PRIVATE MAIL. Only the sender and recipient are party to the content.

If the Mods can see it then it's NOT PM .

It is essential such mail is PRIVATE to stop any cheating or "insider dealing" on sales etc.

Swift Talk's new system also e-mails me if someone else responds to a thread I may have posted on. Great continuity at minimal cost!


That's exactly my point, DD. Apparently (so I was told by a reliable source) on some forums mod or admin staff CAN read PMs, a fact which they obviously aren't keen to publicise!
Jun 20, 2005
That's exactly my point, DD. Apparently (so I was told by a reliable source) on some forums mod or admin staff CAN read PMs, a fact which they obviously aren't keen to publicise!

If that is the case then I for one will not use PMs.

I'd like hear our Mods views on this .




Nov 12, 2009
Thank you for the kind words Steve in Leo, I'm sure that they were well meant.

If there is a private message facility included in the upgrade it should most definitely be private with no means of access for moderators.

There are already existing parts of the behind the scenes mechanism which can only be accessed by administrators, the ability to check on passwords or account details such as I.P. addresses is a case in point.Moderators cannot access this private information.

Our main day to day administrator is Tori Hanson who is the brand manager at Haymarket, to be honest she is far too busy to spare the time to read private messages even if she wanted to and I daresay that John Duncan the Head of Technology Delivery would certainly have some sort of access because it's him who writes the programmes to run this and Haymarket's other forums.

Most of this access is limited to when administrators are in the office as far as I can tell so my feeling is that one way or another everything that we do on the internet is traceable to some extent.

It might help to remember that moderators of this forum are first and foremost forum members.

Moderators review what is publicly written on the forum and there are good legal reasons why this is so, we try to calm things when feelings understandably run a bit high every now and then and we try to help the general flow of available information.

There is absolutely no valid reason for us to read or review private messages, we would not be comfortable in doing such a thing so although users of PM facilities should assume that their words could be read by someone far removed from the forum if it was strictly necessary nobody would routinely seek day to day access to PM's and there would be absolutely no access for moderators.


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