Fuel prices

May 21, 2008
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Have you all noticed how the fuel retailers have sneaked up the price of fuel by 2p a litre or so, even though the chancellor did not.

Our local supermarket (with more reasons to shop) put their's up by 1p on budget day and then 2p a week later.

Also anin't it quite funny that coincidentally summer is round the corner just when the motorist is most likely to use his car.

From what I could see of penalties for car drivers most of the working class (me included) got off relatively light. So long as we own pre 2001 reg cars. Even the chelsea tractors got a reprieve as most of those are owned by the pretentious upper working to middle classes, and the post 2001 tractors are owned by the well heeled amongst us who can afford it.

So my question is, what are we the fuel users going to do about it. I don't see any protesting going on. Are we just going to sit back and give up?

Your thoughts?
Jan 21, 2014
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Whilst I agree with your comments on fuel retailers, why the need to have another go at us 4x4 owners?

It is very derogatory to tar us all with the same brush, particularly on a caravanning forum, where those of us who drive 4x4s are using them for a purpose - TO TOW OUR CARAVANS - and should therefore have no need in justifying the use of to anybody! We pay our own fuel and taxes!

Or are you trying to start the 4X4 debate AGAIN!!!
Jul 12, 2005
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That is unfair, I work bloody hard to get what I wish, If that includes a post 2001 4x4 then why am I pretentious

Definition of pretentious (adjective)

impersonating; putting on a false appearance; pretending; feigning; arrogant; haughty

I am what I am, no false appearances needed
Jul 14, 2005
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I don't see what the problem is all about, if you cant afford your tow vehicle Wendy stop complaining and buy something more economical, that's exactly what I did, sold the Freelander and bought a Volvo V70 D5 ,result? an extra 10mpg...problem solved.

You have to live within you means. All too often we spend well in excess of 10K or 15k on a luxury caravan then complain about 2p on a litre of fuel, eh? Is it me?

Happy vanning

Jul 12, 2005
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Where does it say that Wendy cannot afford her car? She is agreeing with Steve on the price hike of fuel, nowhere does she say that she cannot afford it. Her complaint is that Steve made a comment about post 2001 4x4's.

Every time you post, it appears that you do not read the thread but just start an attack on whoever is there, or is that just me?
Jul 12, 2005
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I was typing the above as you (Tom) posted the reply. but the same comment still goes, steve did not say he could not afford it either
Nov 6, 2005
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The laws of basic economics are at work on fuel prices, supply and demand.

In the UK, we are prepared to pay the highest price in the world for fuel even if it gets much higher!

A lot a people, not just on this forum, whinge on forever about high fuel prices but keep on buying it. The only thing that will EVER bring the price of fuel down is if demand reduces.

Stop whingeing, it doesn't work!
Jan 19, 2008
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Where does it say that Wendy cannot afford her car? She is agreeing with Steve on the price hike of fuel, nowhere does she say that she cannot afford it. Her complaint is that Steve made a comment about post 2001 4x4's.

Every time you post, it appears that you do not read the thread but just start an attack on whoever is there, or is that just me?
No, it's not you Steve, 10/10 for observation mate.
Mar 14, 2005
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The laws of basic economics are at work on fuel prices, supply and demand.

In the UK, we are prepared to pay the highest price in the world for fuel even if it gets much higher!

A lot a people, not just on this forum, whinge on forever about high fuel prices but keep on buying it. The only thing that will EVER bring the price of fuel down is if demand reduces.

Stop whingeing, it doesn't work!
The European governments need the money they gain from fuel taxes. These taxes have funded the growth of the European countries since the war. Without these taxes they would be bankrupt, remember Tony Blair during the fuel disputes. He said that schools, hospitals etc. were all dependant on the taxes levied on fuel.

If demand goes down the taxes will go up - so the result is the same for the end user. This is further compounded because this is 'rip of Britain' and there are gangs of ciivil servants in the treasury looking for ways to make you pay more without it being obvious that you are.
Mar 14, 2005
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I don't see what the problem is all about, if you cant afford your tow vehicle Wendy stop complaining and buy something more economical, that's exactly what I did, sold the Freelander and bought a Volvo V70 D5 ,result? an extra 10mpg...problem solved.

You have to live within you means. All too often we spend well in excess of 10K or 15k on a luxury caravan then complain about 2p on a litre of fuel, eh? Is it me?

Happy vanning

something more economical,what at
Dec 12, 2005
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I dont know why 4x4 owners are so touchy, every time a non-4x4 owner makes a comment and includes "4x4" The "4x4" owners immedately regard it as a personal attack on them. Result, down comes the "red mist" and suddenly the original discussion is out of the window and it's "pistols at dawn" For the same reason I fail to see why the non-4x4 owners are just as touchy when ANYONE mentions 4x4 and get lost in the same "red mist". For Gods sake children, could we just please grow up. Everyone makes their up their own mind what they want and should'nt allow their choices make them feel insecure. I pull my caravan with a RENAULT SCENIC and am very happy with it. But I must add, I was once baulked on a wet ramp on a ferry by a 4x4 who had to be towed away allowing me to continue unaided. But that happened only once ( he said with a smile!)&( equally big grins from the deckies!)

So could we all please GROW UP and not feel so insecure!!!!!

Jul 14, 2005
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As far as I,m concerned Mr breakwind and klarky do you not have anything better to do than get the odd dig in when it suits you. If I have something to say I will say it whether yo approve or not , so pick up your toys,put them back in you pram and say something constructive, If you read my post (which you didn't) I was directing my comments at leao steve not Wendy as I posted directly afterwards,but you didn't read that also were did I say that I bought a new Volvo? It doesn't so who is making an argument??

For Gods sake grow up the lot of you, continually acting like a bunch of kids.
Jul 12, 2005
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you are amazing. I will just say go back up the thread and read it!!!

TALK ABOUT READING POSTS. I will repeat a post you seem to have missed


I was typing the above as you (Tom) posted the reply. but the same comment still goes, steve did not say he could not afford it either


If you are going to just complain everytime you post, please change your name to victor meldrew so new members get a warning as well
Mar 14, 2005
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It was the fuel companies who put the cost of fuel up to probably feed the fat cats. They make record profits from fuel whether it is prior to refinement or at the pump - a profit is a profit. In the past they have said they are losing money at the pump and it is the wholesale price of fuel prior to refinement that is making the profit. To be honest I do not give a toss where the profit is made. If they make record profits why then put the cost of fuel up to Joe Public. It is purely greed and for no other reason They know we will buy it without any form of objection so they are out to financially milk us. As the price goes up so does the tax element therefore the government aren't going to object as it is a back handed way for them to receive more revenue.

I hate to say it but we should adopt the French attitude whereby if we are not satisfied with a service we should protest in the most disruptive but peaceful way. I am not trying to incite a riot of any kind but why sit back and let us be ripped off.

Incidently regarding 4x4s I drive a 4x4 - it is my choice to own and drive such a vehicle and as I am a mature adult I will change my car when I see fit and not when some person on this or any other forum dictates that I should get rid of it for the sake of the environment. So there.
Jul 12, 2005
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It was the fuel companies who put the cost of fuel up to probably feed the fat cats. They make record profits from fuel whether it is prior to refinement or at the pump - a profit is a profit. In the past they have said they are losing money at the pump and it is the wholesale price of fuel prior to refinement that is making the profit. To be honest I do not give a toss where the profit is made. If they make record profits why then put the cost of fuel up to Joe Public. It is purely greed and for no other reason They know we will buy it without any form of objection so they are out to financially milk us. As the price goes up so does the tax element therefore the government aren't going to object as it is a back handed way for them to receive more revenue.

I hate to say it but we should adopt the French attitude whereby if we are not satisfied with a service we should protest in the most disruptive but peaceful way. I am not trying to incite a riot of any kind but why sit back and let us be ripped off.

Incidently regarding 4x4s I drive a 4x4 - it is my choice to own and drive such a vehicle and as I am a mature adult I will change my car when I see fit and not when some person on this or any other forum dictates that I should get rid of it for the sake of the environment. So there.
Or after he wrecks it next weekend!

Only Joking (I hope)
Mar 14, 2005
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It was the fuel companies who put the cost of fuel up to probably feed the fat cats. They make record profits from fuel whether it is prior to refinement or at the pump - a profit is a profit. In the past they have said they are losing money at the pump and it is the wholesale price of fuel prior to refinement that is making the profit. To be honest I do not give a toss where the profit is made. If they make record profits why then put the cost of fuel up to Joe Public. It is purely greed and for no other reason They know we will buy it without any form of objection so they are out to financially milk us. As the price goes up so does the tax element therefore the government aren't going to object as it is a back handed way for them to receive more revenue.

I hate to say it but we should adopt the French attitude whereby if we are not satisfied with a service we should protest in the most disruptive but peaceful way. I am not trying to incite a riot of any kind but why sit back and let us be ripped off.

Incidently regarding 4x4s I drive a 4x4 - it is my choice to own and drive such a vehicle and as I am a mature adult I will change my car when I see fit and not when some person on this or any other forum dictates that I should get rid of it for the sake of the environment. So there.
Steve even a cabbage has a heart.
Nov 6, 2005
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We need the fuel companies to make vast profits!

Pension funds own large amounts of their shares so pension payouts would go down, pension contributions up if they didn't get these vast profits in the form of dividends.
Mar 14, 2005
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Roger without sounding "sod you Jack I'm O.K." I can understand what you are saying but as fuel is an essential for commercial as well as social use I don't see why I should subsidise the profits for the sake of someone's pension. I have paid into a pension fund and am now receiving it. I would shop around for a good return for my pension if I was in the market for one. It is up to the individual where they go for their pension (that is if they so wish). Unfortunately we cannot shop around for the same benefits for the purchase of fuel. Nye Bevan's idea of the National Health was to include for the provision of a state pension but it would seem that governments are now out to wreck this idea and blame the public for not providing for their pension at old age. They are the ones to blame for the pension fiasco in this country and not the private sector investors. It all went pearshape with the Daily Mirror rip off and has gone down hill since with Mr. Brown taxing the pension pot.
Jul 12, 2005
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It was the fuel companies who put the cost of fuel up to probably feed the fat cats. They make record profits from fuel whether it is prior to refinement or at the pump - a profit is a profit. In the past they have said they are losing money at the pump and it is the wholesale price of fuel prior to refinement that is making the profit. To be honest I do not give a toss where the profit is made. If they make record profits why then put the cost of fuel up to Joe Public. It is purely greed and for no other reason They know we will buy it without any form of objection so they are out to financially milk us. As the price goes up so does the tax element therefore the government aren't going to object as it is a back handed way for them to receive more revenue.

I hate to say it but we should adopt the French attitude whereby if we are not satisfied with a service we should protest in the most disruptive but peaceful way. I am not trying to incite a riot of any kind but why sit back and let us be ripped off.

Incidently regarding 4x4s I drive a 4x4 - it is my choice to own and drive such a vehicle and as I am a mature adult I will change my car when I see fit and not when some person on this or any other forum dictates that I should get rid of it for the sake of the environment. So there.
Colin, I hope you did not take that seriously, if so, I apologise
Nov 6, 2005
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Colin, as far as I can see we all fall into one of three categories - pensioner, working contributing to a pension, not working. In all three cases we need good performance from pension funds, if they don't perform well we'll all suffer, either now or later.

People whinge about high taxes (the real reason for UK high fuel prices) and they whinge about poor roads, schools, hospitals etc but we can't get good services without taxation. If fuel wasn't taxed so highly just where should the revenue come from - basic income tax at 40%, higher rate at 60% - I don't think many would support that.

The politicians aren't to blame, neither are the civil servants - it's the 50-60% of the population who aren't bothered enough about politics to vote.

This country is a democracy, an imperfect one but still a democracy - we get exactly the government we want and deserve every time there's a general election. Many people don't like the policies of this Labour government, including me, but few bothered to vote against them at the 3 elections they've won - they didn't exactly keep their policies secret did they!


Sorry, but blaming retailers for the fuel rise is not really accurate. The world oil price has just reached a record high again of a shade under 70 dollars due to higher than expected demand in the US, so if you wish to direct any animosity then across the Atlantic would be the place to start.

I do agree the tax demanded here in the UK is extortionate, but the current round of increases is not directly attributable to that. It will be interesting to see if the proposed increase in duty scheduled for September goes ahead, or will the desire to get the keys to No:10 kick that into the long grass for a while?
Aug 28, 2005
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Hi roger l people do pay way above the 40% bracket of tax i used run a small bricklaying sub-contract bricklaying business and we paid 40% tax plus 50%of our tax bill for the following year ,and most Builders pay CITB dues ,and did you know there is a goverment branch called the DETR -Construction Market intelligence based at Temple Quay house the Square Bristol ,and they want to know your manpower /turnover/value of your work /then you have sign a declaration ,i was doing more unpaid work for the goverment than i was for myself ,i have come to the conclusion if i was an illegal immigrant or a drug addict or some or a criminal ,i would be better thought of ,i mean look at the way we treat our pensioners they have paid in all there lives ,and they are walked over no one fights there case and yet ,we pay lawyers thousands for the likes of Abdul Hamsa who has done nothing for this country ,thats why our fuel costs so much


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