• We hope all of you have a great holiday season and an incredible New Year. Thanks so much for being part of the Practical Caravan community!

Hello, just joined forum

Jun 27, 2011
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Hi, been caravanning on and off for over Thirty years, not counting the caravanning trips with my parents when I was a child! Current outfit is a Land Rover Discovery 3 and an Elddis Oddyssey 550 2010( fixed island bed) bought as an ex demonstater last July. Consider ourselves ( the Mr, myself and the dog! ) as quite experienced caravanners but you can never have to much advice and help from other caravanners. Just got a shock from the Land Rover dealers, on completing annual service on said Discovery ( only just three years old) they say there is two much 'play' in the anti roll bars, caused by towing?, and will cost us £95 + vat to fix! As tow car of the year in its class for several years, wondered if there are any other tuggers with a disco that have had experience with this.


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Lorrainejoyce and welcome to the Practical Caravan forum. It's always nice to share tips and experiences garnered over the years and also to use the forum to get it off your chest when you see something strange and we hope that you will enjoy using this forum.
Opinion about Land Rover is polarised on this forum, if you raise your query in either the General or the Towcar sections of the forum I'm sure that a fairly lively debate will ensue
Apr 20, 2009
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Hi lorrainejoyce, welcome to the forum, always nice to hear from more experianced vanners, pass on those tips to us less seasoned folk.

PS If your not happy with the Disco try one of these
Jan 3, 2012
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Hi Lorrainejoyce Welcome to the Practical Caravan Forum there are a great bunch on here that will help with any questions you may have look forward to your posts in the near future.


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