I am a cyclist, and have been since I was about 3. Sometimes it's jeans, T-shirt and trainers. Sometimes its "lycra" and clipless pedals. It's always with a helmet and lights, and these days always with a rear facing radar so I know what is coming up behind me. When I ride, I always engage with the traffic around me, waving it forward to pass when I can see it's safe, gesturing to stay back if I can see oncoming traffic. If I see a queue is forming (and my radar will show me up to 8 cars behind, so I am aware, even if I am not looking over my shoulder), I will pull over when its safe to do so.
Being on a bike I have a much better view forward than the car behind me (I am in front and higher up) and relay that information with simple gestures, always with a wave of thanks as they pass. Usually I get a hazards flash or "toot toot" in thanks.
There will always be idiots on the road. Yesterday I was out cycling with friends and neighbours, seven of us in total, on a 27 mile ride. The only incident, was coming out of a village, where we had just stopped to regroup. We rode off single file (having let all traffic around us pass), still in a 30 zone approaching a 40 zone, before national speed limit with a junction perhaps 1/4 of a mile ahead. A driver decided to overtake us, round a bend, and ended up cutting up the lead cycle because two cars were coming the other way. The overtaking car got a hooted at by the on coming car for being on the wrong side of the road, going faster than 30 while still approaching the 40 zone.
But all the other drivers were considerate and carful - and interacted with us in a positive manner.
What annoys me about these conversations is the tarring everyone who rides a bike with the same brush. The suggestion that riding two abreast should be banned, or that riding with headphones in should be banned, or that cyclists never give way, or pullover to allow other road users to pass, is belittling and infuriating.
Cyclists, pedestrians, horse riders, motorbikers, car users and other vehicle drivers are all valid road users, with different capabilities, different safety profiles and different needs. calling out one group because of some ingrained imagined bias based on tiny subset of users is futile and irrelevant.
Learn to live and let live, grow up, and move on.