How we are percieved

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Jul 12, 2005
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I think we should Steve - because if he has his way - there will be a licence to tow (not a bad idea in my view) and a premium for towing as well as a far more strict interpretation by the insurance companies on what is a safe combination.
only 4% of accidents occur while towing, Of course he wants rules surrounding them. He then has the right to increase premiums for a very low risk area. Massive increase in profits at no risks.

Another idiot who wants to use research to increase his profits. Probably wants to become a labour MP later in life!
Mar 14, 2005
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According to the Privilege research, other drivers are suffering from the wayward antics of drivers towing objects behind them. Over one in eight (13 per cent) of all motorists have been distracted from their driving by another driver towing an object. Of these, a quarter (23 per cent) drifted out of a lane, with similar numbers having broken the speed limit or almost been involved in an accident.

So, maybe they should invest in teaching these people how to drive correctly! Maybe a retest to learn some basic things like lane control, observation etc

So, remember all, if you see an accident while towing, it must be your fault!

As there research shows 25% of all drivers tow, It looks like Ian Parker has just managed to alienate 25% of his business, and people want us to take note of what a man like this says??????
You know that (accident stats whislt towing) but the general public when asked see caravans as a ruddy nuisence and a cause of accidents.

I posted the original because I can see a trend - get ready to pay more for your hobby!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Frank

Agree 100% - have a look at "Squirrel & grasshopper" thread on Chit Chat - it was sent to me today by a friend.

I expected a joke and a laugh - but found myself seeing the truth in it instead.
Mar 14, 2005
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It would appear to be the same over paid idiots and bumbling baffoons who create the problems on the road, eg Salisbury, Aberdeen, Bridgend, etc. (see postings above) and then grant planning permission for the large out-of-town retail parks. They then wonder why the town centres are dying. Not only do these retail centres create extra traffic but also in the snarl ups extra pollution. At one time I could catch a bus into town, do local shopping with local retailers and then bus home. This has now all gone - town centres are banks, building societies, estate agents and charity shops. No small local trader left as they cannot compete with the big boys who have taken the trade out of the town centre.
Jun 24, 2005
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This thread started with someones comment that caravans should be taxed. I've always considered that we are taxed since when towing we use more fuel and therefore pay more fuel tax. In addition, we pay tax on our insurance premiums as well as vat on everything we buy for the caravan.
May 12, 2006
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This thread started with someones comment that caravans should be taxed. I've always considered that we are taxed since when towing we use more fuel and therefore pay more fuel tax. In addition, we pay tax on our insurance premiums as well as vat on everything we buy for the caravan.
Agreed 100%

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
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Ah! - A guy with exactly my attitude!

I do think it funny that as two negatives make a positive, if we all rose up and told all the "anti's" to s*d off - we would become "Anti Anti's" - and a negative times a negative = a positive.

And I have never felt more positive than when I am getting right up an "Anti's" nose - whatever the twit is campaigning about.
Mar 14, 2005
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It was not meant to be an insult Clive, I thought with your command of the English vocabulary and outspoken nature that you could stand up in Westminster and voice your true opinion, and probably that of the general public, in telling those so called MPs how they are actually percieved outside Westminster, and not worry about litigation