
Jul 18, 2017
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The past Saturday OH and myself went for our Covid and flu injections. Sunday morning OH could hardly get out of bed and walk. I had to help her. She has sort of recovered now better than me as I feel as if I have a very bad cold or a dose of the flu. My temperature is normal, but still feeling woozy, sore throat and bunged up nose. I think it is the new strain of the covid injection as the injection has never bothered me previously.

Spoke with the nurse today and seems we aren't the only ones suffering. She then suggested that next year we have the injections a week apart as we both have immunity issues. If you still have to have your injections consider having them in different days?
Nov 6, 2005
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We had our Covid and flu jabs last Tuesday and our RSV jab today - no problems so far.

The RSV jab is for 75-80 year olds plus pregnant women - but some GP practices haven't yet started contacting their patients.
Jul 18, 2017
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We had our Covid and flu jabs last Tuesday and our RSV jab today - no problems so far.

The RSV jab is for 75-80 year olds plus pregnant women - but some GP practices haven't yet started contacting their patients.
Had the RSV jab about 2- 3 weeks ago. No issue.
Nov 11, 2009
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Had our covid and flu jabs together a week last Saturday. Apart from slightly sore upper arm where one went in neither of us had any problems.


Mar 17, 2007
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The previous two years I have had flu and Covid jabs together and been poorly for 24-48 hours afterward. Planned ahead this years so I had nothing I needed to do and could spend 2 days recovering. Had both jabs last week, sore arm but only felt a bit off it for a few hours the following day.
I have a “ suppressed immune system”, but clearly response to the jabs is very individual.
Nov 30, 2022
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We had flu and covid Saturday, I have had what seems to be a cold for the last couple of days. Tested for Covid yesterday just in case, it was negative which was a relief as off on a cruise this coming Sunday. Mrs P is fine with no symptoms. Both fit 70 year old with no health issues.
I suspect it's just coincidence as the flu vacinne uses dead virus and tge covid one is RNA so both unable to cause any sort of infection.
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