Isabella Porch Awnings

Sep 29, 2016
Hoping Dustydog (he has owned 4 Isabella's) and others can help out here.

I am going to be on the lookout for a used Isabella porch awning, to be honest I am not at all familiar with the Isabella offerings.

I would like say 3 to 3.5 metres in length (depth not so important), carbon poles would be nice and no external tie-downs.

I see that that there appears to be a 'Coal' and a 'Magnum' option in these sizes, there may be others that I am not yet aware of, what is the difference between the Coal and the Magnum options?

Any other suggestions or advice is really appreciated.

Thank you.
Jun 20, 2005
Start here
Mine is the Magnum. Plenty big enough for all,our stuff. Not seen the Coal in the flesh.
Good luck with your hunting. Hope you find a bargain. The Magnum is probably the best awning for quality and flexibility we have ever owned
Nov 11, 2009
Dustydog said:
Start here
Mine is the Magnum. Plenty big enough for all,our stuff. Not seen the Coal in the flesh.
Good luck with your hunting. Hope you find a bargain. The Magnum is probably the best awning for quality and flexibility we have ever owned

We had a Magnum with our previous van and its quality was top rate. Had composite fibre poles. Easier to erect than the full size one, but provided ample room for four to use. I bought it second hand from CMHC classifieds. Other advantage is that if required spare parts were readily available.
May 24, 2014
As it happens, Im looking myself too for a used Magnum, I have the Ambassador but if I have to take it down wet, its too much of a pain to try to dry it in the workshop, too big. Also, for winter trips, we wont be spending as much time as usual in the awning, so no need for full size. I can thoroughly recommend the Izzy, we have had two Capris and onto our second Ambassador, with that damned air awning in between.

So, Ebay. There are lots of Magnum Moonlights on offer which the owners claim to be three or four years old. Looking at back catalogues from Isabella, I think the Moonlight production finished around 2010, some of these can be 12 years old or more. There are now different sizes of magnum, there only used to be one, and the trick is measuring it to find where it drops for your windows. The different sizes are 3.4m 3.6m and 4m.
Anything red/ green or blue is very old as the aging Moonlight replaced that. The Coal I think dates from around 2012 replacing the Moonlight. After that came Seed and we are now onto Flint. You will see some that are called Concept, its a different material to most awnings and porches in that its shiny, almost plasticky in looks.

Re your post, Magnum is the model, Coal more a colour scheme. They erect in exactly the same way as all the other izzy touring awnings and are an absolute doddle to erect. One thing to beware of, is if you are looking to add an annex, as there are different sizes for different models.
We want one to fit our Ambassador which takes a 250 annex, many of the older magnums take a 220. This means that whatever Magnum we go for will have to be one of the later ones. A further point is to check the model number for annex use as many of tho older ones on Ebay are pre unicut.

On the Isabella website, you can access all their product catalogues right back to their first year, and you can see the magnums and colours in them which gives a good indication of the true age of a used Magnum.

Hope this helps.
Nov 11, 2009
On our present van it is impossible to avoid a window when using a porch/midi/awning. The vertical space between the front edge of the door and the rear edge of the side front window isn’t wide enough for the front vertical edge of the awning to seat. So I always wipe the window and awnings vertical edge to remove dirt. Not had any problems with window scratches.
Jul 18, 2017
otherclive said:
On our present van it is impossible to avoid a window when using a porch/midi/awning. The vertical space between the front edge of the door and the rear edge of the side front window isn’t wide enough for the front vertical edge of the awning to seat. So I always wipe the window and awnings vertical edge to remove dirt. Not had any problems with window scratches.
On another forum someone has one up for sale for £499 that has only been used for 4 days. They are in Mosterton Dorset and will post via courrier at your expense if it will help. If interested, I can ask them to contact you.
May 24, 2014
I saw the Mosterton one on Ebay, it appears to have gone, certainly the ad is no longer there.

Now I dont know whether this will help Anseo but I have decided on a new one, and have just spoken to my dealer.
They are doing a Magnum 340 Silver 2.5m projection for £1059, the silver I believe is this years colours as it is a 2018 model.
Next week is show week, and at the show they will be doing the Magnum Flint, 2019 colours, 3.4m with 2.5m projection at £1119.
If it will run to a new one, those really are excellent prices, and of course with Izzy you get a 2 year warranty.
Both of these are with Carbon X frames, the same frame as on my Ambassador.

We have decided for the £60 difference to go with the flint.
Jun 20, 2017
We wanted the Magnum but it came halfway across a window so instead went for the Minor in Coal and carbon x.
A cautionary tale here, we wanted a used one so kept an eye open.
Found one that was 2nd hand but never used (elderly couple).
Pictures were taken off the Isabella site and showed the newer model in blue as they didn’t have any of it on their van (unused remember)
Paid a decent price and sorted a courier.
When it arrived, we unpacked it and couldn’t believe the damaged incurred, skirt was trashed and there were several *** burn type holes on the roof, the poles were also the older fibre type.
Rang the seller (daughter of couple), turns out her ad was correct in stating they had never used it, the previous owner had though!)
Send loads of pics to her and got a full refund inc courier and she asked me to skip it.
Bought a brand new one in the sept sale at Salop Leisure and it’s superb.

Nov 11, 2009
Wouldn’t buy an awning unseeen even with photos. Our last Isabella Magnum came off the CMHC classifieds and the member only lived 50 miles away. It was immaculate and I even sold it for a profit some three years on when we sold everything caravanning including the car.
Sep 29, 2016
Thank you both, Thingy and Buckman, for the potential awning sale offers.

My budget does not stretch to even a well discounted new awning (much less in fact), I am very much in the second hand market.

I will wait and see what comes up, I do appreciate your kind suggestions though.

May 24, 2014
In that case, this is the one i was considering before deciding on new.................
Sep 29, 2016
Thingy said:
In that case, this is the one i was considering before deciding on new.................

Just a few miles too far for viewing for me :(

But thank you Thingy. :)
Oct 12, 2013
Kevin ,
Sorry to hear you got a bad bargain , but equally glad that you got it resolved .
I know I said I wasn't to sure about air awnings but the wife is on about getting an ace air pro (possibly) 500 with us having a bigger van now and needing more space when we do France , not cheap but ...... i do miss the space compared to when we had our Isabella full size awning.
Jun 26, 2017
Craigyoung said:
Kevin ,
Sorry to hear you got a bad bargain , but equally glad that you got it resolved .
I know I said I wasn't to sure about air awnings but the wife is on about getting an ace air pro (possibly) 500 with us having a bigger van now and needing more space when we do France , not cheap but ...... i do miss the space compared to when we had our Isabella full size awning.

A 500 is too big for your van Craig ! - Be careful ! :p
Jun 26, 2017
I was intent on buying a Vango Kalari 520 Craig, but after measuring up, ended up with the 420. Fantastic awning. Can’t fault it, robust in all weathers including gale force winds experienced during several trips to the West coast of Anglesey, and I haven’t ever used the storm straps, ropes or poles.

I couldn’t have gone any bigger though ...


The picture above shows the awning positioned more or less as far towards the rear of the van as it can be, and the front part stops millimetres short of the frontmost side window which is approx. 950mm long, and so a 5M long awning would finish approximately 3/4 of the way along the window. That wouldn’t be the real problem though ... If you look at the profile of the awning rail, it starts to curve down just at the point where mine ends. I’ve just been outside and measured it for you. Another 800mm in awning length, and you’d be so far down the curve that you’d be in line with the front of the sunroof, just below the SWIFT insignia, meaning that the height of the canvas at that point would be in line with the top of the window ! :blink:
Jul 15, 2008
Hi if you fancied an Isabella full awning with carbon frame and a caravan holiday in Sussex :cheer: ;)

I have just aquired one with my recent purchase and I don't do awnings :)
Sep 29, 2016
Gafferbill said:
Hi if you fancied an Isabella full awning with carbon frame and a caravan holiday in Sussex :cheer: ;)

I have just aquired one with my recent purchase and I don't do awnings :)

Could be interested Bill.

But Sussex, that's near France isn't it?

Hope you enjoy great times with your new caravan.

Nov 16, 2015
Dustydog said:
If you did go ahead why not use a courier, circa £60?

I would miss out on some Stornaway Black pudding, :( but I think John still does that four letteer word "Work" :p
Sep 29, 2016
Dustydog said:
If you did go ahead why not use a courier, circa £60?

Makes sense Dustydog, and for around the cost of 4 Stornoway Black Puddings :p