Its really got my goat...........

Feb 24, 2008
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I for one am glad that the CC website has buckled under the strain of bookings - gives full time workers like me a crack of the whip, not what I would consider a fair one, but a crack all the same.

It really is time for this booking situation to be sorted once and for all. Too much allocation is given to those picking and booking prime (and not prime come to that) time and cancelling it at their behest. If it is booked and attended, fair enough. On the odd occasions when situations arise and you are unable to attend, fair enough. But to be in a position to book year on year and cancel at the eleventh hour is totally unacceptable and downright selfish. And moreover, to have posts deleted when challenging said behaviour is appalling. I expect this post to be deleted as others I have written on this subject - but I hope in the meantime someone up in the "Gods" reads it and works towards equal opportunities.
Jun 20, 2005
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I'm with you all the way on this one. Just look back at all the grief this adolescent bun fight has caused over the years.

Let the selfish few get on with it.

We took a deep breath a while back and now use CLs and even some leser well known "Privates". The costs are no greater than CC sites. The facilities often better.

I really don't understand what the mad rush to go to a CC site is all about anymore? I love them but quite honestly do not wish to play these stupid games year on year. As you say it's high time the CC put some fairness and sensibility into the whole booking mechanism.




May 24, 2006
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I have written on the other site, but I agree something seriously needs to be done. I am going to write - as I said, but the CC don't get it do they. Our club and people taking the p*** out of us all. Maybe they can't sort out the logistics of it - well they need to take some lessons from the CCC I think. Just booked a little CL for Easter. Then went on the CC website - made me laugh. It's still crashing.
Jul 28, 2008
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I have been trying to book one site all day without success. It's absolutely rediculous as the dates I want are next December. It's the one and only place we book. Would you believe that when I've been able to get on the booking site, they say that they're not taking bookings for then. An hour later and the Saturday night is full.

I don't know why they don't take a none refundable deposit, especially for peak times.

The caravan Club is becoming an utter greedy joke. We're seriously thinking of giving up caravanning all together. It seems that even on CL's it's a devils own job to get a pitch. We tried a C&CC CS last year, but what a dump.

Anyone want a 2009 caravan (little used because we can't)?
Aug 24, 2009
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Posting a copy of my opinion from another thread -

Totally agree that changes are required in the reservation system at the C.C.

I often visit one particularly popular site that even on the day of my arrival is listed online as full and the site entrance board states "Site Full" but surprise surprise on last dog walk of the day (Poo bag and torch to hand ) six, seven, eight empty pitches.

I really feel that if such a large number either don't show or cancel on the day a charge should be levied, it wont help those who were unable to book but it may act as a deterrent to frivolous bookers. Let's be honest all the no shows cannot all have suffered some unfortunate mishap.
Feb 24, 2008
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I'm wondering if you think it is the Caravan Club itself who are becoming the greedy joke or the members??

The whole thing needs overhauling - rallies and everything. Its getting to be the case of its not what you know its who you know. We haven't bothered with the rally situation for years, mainly because the rally marshalls "take bookings in the order the slips come throught the letterbox", and strangely enough...... they all come in the order that allows those with their nose in the troughs to go every weekend and others are left without a single opportunity, ho hum.

Same old people going to the same old rallies, including christmas and new year, every same old year...... yawn...


Nov 12, 2009
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Valerie wrote;

'And moreover, to have posts deleted when challenging said behaviour is appalling. I expect this post to be deleted as others I have written on this subject - but I hope in the meantime someone up in the "Gods" reads it and works towards equal opportunities.'

Valerie I've now sent two emails to you giving the reasons behind the deletion of your first post which contained a personal attack on a member of this forum and my editing of the second post which contained the same thing.

I don't normally deal with these matters on the open forum but because you seem to be hell bent on taking your frustrations out on me via this forum I'll make an exception in the hope that you will get the message.

Please take the time to read forum etiquette Valerie.

You will find that rule 1 states:

You may not transmit any material that is abusive, threatening, obscene, or sexually explicit.

You will find that rule 3 states:

'You may not transmit material that discloses personal matters concerning any person or that is defamatory.'

Now because your post which was deleted contained in my opinion material that was abusive it breached rule 1

Both of your posts also contained personal matters concerning a person that was defamatory in my opinion.

Therefore you also breached rule 3

I'll leave aside your criticisms of me for the moment Valerie but suffice to say that you don't decide what posts or threads are deleted from this forum.

The moderators do.

If you were to address your concerns directly to the Caravan Club then your point of view might be noted by them.

This forum is NOT the Caravan Club so any issues raised here will have no effect on decisions over which we on Practical Caravan forum have no control.

If you 'expect' posts submitted by you to be deleted then don't submit them in the first place!


Nov 12, 2009
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.....and you've got nobody to vent your frustrations on apart from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, not true Valerie

My partner of 10 years is the lovely Carole who I'm sure would tell you that I'm putty in her hands ( well, except for some bits of me!)
Sep 20, 2008
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Again, not true Valerie

My partner of 10 years is the lovely Carole who I'm sure would tell you that I'm putty in her hands ( well, except for some bits of me!)
Getting close to a breach of rule 1 with your last comment :)
Jun 20, 2005
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Well said Lord B. I am afraid I was the 6th idiot to use the "comments" section. Waste of time but how else can you comment and maintain continuity. Scrap that comments bit entirely and save my dear friends fingers; woof woof.




Nov 12, 2009
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Sorry, I added my comments for Valerie in the 'comments' section because they had nothing to do with the thread.

Dustydog, Jo-Anne was mentioned because Valerie had had a pop at her elsewhere which I deleted which then caused Valerie's displeasure to focus on me which I replied to causing Valerie to suggest in the hidden comments that Jo-Anne and I are married to which I replied that I'm not married and therefore am happy whereby Valerie suggested that my frustrations were directed at her which brought forth the reposte that I have no frustrations of that sort because I have a significant other to which other forum members replied ........ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
Jun 20, 2005
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All these women in your life Parksy, not good for the blood pressure.

I thought having children was bad enough. I'm sticking to dogs , they don't answer back!! LOL.

Nigel. It was LB's fingers I referred to but I am sure he time to time shows his claws; I think I've got that right or have I gone barking mad too. ha ha.


Jul 22, 2005
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Last year i tried to book the cc site at Craigie Gardens Ayr for Hogmany and i couldnt get booked for love nor money. I was told to leave it nearer the time which i did and i got booked. Turned up at the site and the amount of free spaces available was shocking. I can understand the frustration that Valerie feels by members booking too far in advance 'just in case'but hey ho i dont get too upset by it. Valerie take a deep breath! ;)



Nov 12, 2009
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All these women in your life Parksy, not good for the blood pressure.

I thought having children was bad enough. I'm sticking to dogs , they don't answer back!! LOL.

Nigel. It was LB's fingers I referred to but I am sure he time to time shows his claws; I think I've got that right or have I gone barking mad too. ha ha.


So many women - so little time!

I've got tablets for the blood pressure :0)


Nov 12, 2009
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No DD, afraid not although with all of the arguments between ladies raging at the moment I could do with one of the little blue pills to hold just underneath my nose.

When the aforementioned ladies turn on me and blame me as no doubt they will I'll be able to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of the enemy :0)
Aug 12, 2007
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No DD, afraid not although with all of the arguments between ladies raging at the moment I could do with one of the little blue pills to hold just underneath my nose.

When the aforementioned ladies turn on me and blame me as no doubt they will I'll be able to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of the enemy :0)
Bless you need a nice cup of tea and one of those lovely biscuits you gave us the other day.....if you ask Carole very nicely she might let you have a lick of one! ;-)


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