kite flying on site?

Mar 14, 2005
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having read about the no balls use on site,and new to caravanning will i be able to use my stunt kite on camping and caravanning sites or caravan club sites.

the general comments appear that football amonst outfits dont appear to be a problem.
Dec 16, 2003
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Any decent stunt kite uses Spectra kite lines.

If you even think of flying with that near people you need locking up, it is stronger than steel wire and will cut an ear off or lacerate a neck arm or leg !

Also they use at worst fibre glass tubes and at best carbon fibre that will punch through people or caravans and cause serious damage. Fly at site where people are well away from you and with the price of todays kites you don't want it tangled in anything!

Top flying :0)
Dec 16, 2003
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A good fast stunt kite will out accelerate the fastest sports cars to.

Lose control and people close by will get hurt really bad if they get hit or tangled in the lines and many will lift a large man off the ground.

Large man that knows !
Dec 16, 2003
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We fly stacked Flexifoils power kites, Bullets and Rage and and Naish Torch and a selection of one off stunt kites.

A child flying a simple kite is one thing on a sites play field.

Any half decent pro looking kite can be very fast, a 6' Fexifoil when stacked can do 100mph plus.

I have kite flying friends in Holland who have seen some really bad accidents with kite lines and even a light weight kite at speed can bowl you over.

10 years ago we flew kites on a beach in France with other caravannners and an English chap and his son joined the queue to have a go, the next day he went out and bought two 10 foot Flexifoils, with no experience he got dragged across the beach over rocks after he'd reluctantly taken our advice just to start off steady with one.

It was an ambulance job and I think the end of the families holiday, in a crowded camp site play area it could have been a disaster for someone else.

If a kite goes down people often grap the lines rather than the kite if the wind catches it, the Spectra / Dyneema lines will cut you to ribbons and do not break.
Feb 8, 2007
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Grown men playimg with kids kites, no wonder they dont like doing grown up things like using a mop! The immaturity of it all.

Berty... Old, sensible & considerate of my fellow

Jan 19, 2008
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Grown men playimg with kids kites, no wonder they dont like doing grown up things like using a mop! The immaturity of it all.

Berty... Old, sensible & considerate of my fellow

Hehheh! The balls in your court cris ... or should that be kite?
Dec 16, 2003
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If you'd bothered to have noticed Berty, I was explaining the dangers of any fool using even the most simple of kites on a camp site unless there is a very empty safe area.

No doubt playing with foot or rugby balls is rather childish and as for those beating the hell out of tiny balls with a stick or bat. Or how about those playing in boats and don't forget the childish inconsiderate behaviour many of you display after a glass or two.

You might also be interested to know that Kite developements are something the British still lead with re Technical fabric from Carringtons who are world leaders in their field and the development of these fabrics has gone into the development of modern parachutes and hang glider design apart from the boom in water sport use and those fine ripstop tents and caravan awnings you see on campsites!

You should also remember to that to my knowlege no one in kite flying sports gets into punch ups as with football and other sports and they dont need pitch's indoor or out or the likes for other hobbies or sports so it is very eco friendly !

I can use a mop or any other cleaning gear as good or better than the next man or woman.

If you had any clue you would know that kite surfing and other kite sports are on of the fastest growing sports.

If you think you can handle a
Dec 16, 2003
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If we all just stayed at home and sent a donation equalling that of site fees to our chosen sites each year all sites would have no probelms at all ;-)
Feb 8, 2007
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slip of the key board old chap,just like you suffer from frequently, then again if I was to spend as much time on here as you do I would be word perfect, but of course not as good as you cris .............ahh that's it privileged upbringing, spare the rod spoil the child, end result : grown up brat that plays with kites & refuses to clean up after himself.

Jan 19, 2008
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slip of the key board old chap,just like you suffer from frequently, then again if I was to spend as much time on here as you do I would be word perfect, but of course not as good as you cris .............ahh that's it privileged upbringing, spare the rod spoil the child, end result : grown up brat that plays with kites & refuses to clean up after himself.

Hey Berty . I resemble that remark...... privileged upbringing - grown up brat - refuses to clean up , that's why I employ a butler and maid :O)
Feb 8, 2007
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Hey Berty . I resemble that remark...... privileged upbringing - grown up brat - refuses to clean up , that's why I employ a butler and maid :O)
Yes ma lord, my sincere apologies, no offence intended. Must dash; see if I have got a bite.

Toodle pip old chap talk again soon.



Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry but I don't agree with kite flying unless you are doing it in a wilderness.

Too many incidents of kites getting caught up in power cables and causing electrocution or death for my liking. I have a bit of a phobia about it.

May 25, 2005
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I have just received my Big Site Book 2007-2008 (Camping & Caravan Club). The rule on kite flying is:

"It is forbidden to fly kites and model aircraft and to use catapults, airguns, firearms, bows and arros, etc., on site. Ball fames are permitted only with PERMISSION of the Steward on an open space well away from units."

Was your original question a windup?
Sep 14, 2006
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As of today there is a new Caravan Club rule that states,

" The practice or breathing heavily whilst walking past another members outfit must cease incase of damage to the caravan. "


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