Mental Health ?

Feb 24, 2008
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As I work in mental health I'm interested to know what people think about the man who was diagnosed schizophrenic, and who strangled his wife nine years ago, becoming a black cab driver? I understand he is no longer deemed a risk to the public. This story is on our news here in the South East and I see there is an outcry and protest from black cabbies concerned that he may be successful in any bid to join them. Is it possible for somebody who has historically been diagnosed with schizophrenia to be rehabilitated sufficiently to be a black cab driver?


I assume it is possible if the medical experts deem the person to be sane enough to be allowed back into the community. Of course, if they have got it wrong, it is usually someone else who suffers.

However 25 years ago when I worked as an engineer in the North Sea one of my colleagues had a breakdown and chased his wife with an axe. Fortunately he did not catch her. However, he spent a period of time in a secure hospital before being given a discharge. He returned to work and was one of the few people who could produce a certificate stating he was sane. He went on to lead a normal life.

Nowadays we have the extra problem of good old Human Rights to contend with. If the person mentioned by Valerie was not given a job purely for this then he would be entitled to sue for damages, so I suspect that he will succeed as the authorities will not wish to risk a Court case.


Mar 14, 2005
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Whilst I understand your interest, I do not think a caravan forum is the right place to get thoughts on someone they do not know, have no idea about the circumstances and are not qualified to make any substantial contribution.

All health and Mental Health issues are PERSONAL, between patient and medically qualified practitioners, not for debate on a public forum.

I will be watching this topic very carefully and will have no hesitation in deleting it entirely.


True, but as it has been put in the public domain, I suspect any confidentiality has long gone. Valerie is only asking for thoughts and after all 'chit chat' does cover non caravanning issues.

I doubt anyone is going to jump into a black cab and ask the driver 'are you that nutter?'. Mind you, seeing some black cab drivers throughout the UK, you could begin to wonder.
Feb 24, 2008
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BTW can I make it 100% clear I have no links with this person whatsoever and have no influence on whatever judgement is ultimately made, absolutely none at all. I'm just interested in public reaction to "mental health" issues and your response Damian is typical!


Mar 14, 2005
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No its not harsh.

How would you like your mental health or other personal details discussed on a public forum......think about it!
Feb 24, 2008
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I've thought about it and am OK with my posting. I have spent a lot of my working life advocating for and supporting people with severe and enduring mental health issues. I'm not saying it would be right to employ this person or wrong, but its an interesting debate and one that has the potential to bring mental health issues to the attention of a cross section of society who can post impartially and honestly. Once people are "labelled" with mental health issues there appears to be a problem. It is an illness, would you think of monitoring and deleting my post so quickly if my discussion were on cancer or Parkinsons disease for example??


Mar 14, 2005
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I HONESTLY think this forum should only stick to caravan related issues. The chit chat section should be removed. Any non caravan related threads and posts should be removed.

There's no room for healthy debate.



Mar 14, 2005
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I am certain the person who is actually concerned has all the support and help he needs.

He does not need unqualified input into his case, and it is not going to happen here.

Please do not try and widen the remit by bringing in cancer and other illnesses, they are completely different and in any case, if an individual was being discussed, then that would also be subject to deletion.

Before you reply with my "typical" response, may I inform you that you have absolutely no idea of what I have done or am doing, either now or in the past, suffice to say I have, without doubt, seen more suicides and self inflicted injuries than you will probably ever see (and all by peoplw with mental health issues), and I do not "label" people, too many other "do gooders" have already done that.
Aug 6, 2009
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Sorry to heavy for me! Wouldn,t know where to start on a subject like this. I don,t think there is a right or wrong answer especially not knowing anything about the case.I,ll leave this one to the experts.
Feb 24, 2008
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Couldn't agree more, I thought I was posting about "non caravan related issues" - I'm feeling my post is perceived more as "gossip" - which was never intended - and as such is under threat! I can't think of any good jokes at the moment, so I guess its down to let me think..........


Mar 14, 2005
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That's why I say, remove the chit chat section.

Rubbish is printed in the papers all the time, every day, 24/7 but the papers arn't censored.

People do like to discuss this sort of thing, same as people still discuss whether Diana's death was an accident. If someone opened a discussion on that subject and said they thought her death wasn't an accident, would that be pulled? Probably, as it's feasible the Royal family could instigate legal proceedings against the PC forum.

Valerie hasn't asked any outrageous questions has she? or made any allegations? Anyway, what do I know, let's all stick to nose weights and tyre pressures, far more interesting.



Mar 14, 2005
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I am certain the person who is actually concerned has all the support and help he needs.

He does not need unqualified input into his case, and it is not going to happen here.

Please do not try and widen the remit by bringing in cancer and other illnesses, they are completely different and in any case, if an individual was being discussed, then that would also be subject to deletion.

Before you reply with my "typical" response, may I inform you that you have absolutely no idea of what I have done or am doing, either now or in the past, suffice to say I have, without doubt, seen more suicides and self inflicted injuries than you will probably ever see (and all by peoplw with mental health issues), and I do not "label" people, too many other "do gooders" have already done that.
Well, it sounds Damian that you've taken this post personally and really you should try to be more impartial.
Feb 24, 2008
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That's why I say, remove the chit chat section.

Rubbish is printed in the papers all the time, every day, 24/7 but the papers arn't censored.

People do like to discuss this sort of thing, same as people still discuss whether Diana's death was an accident. If someone opened a discussion on that subject and said they thought her death wasn't an accident, would that be pulled? Probably, as it's feasible the Royal family could instigate legal proceedings against the PC forum.

Valerie hasn't asked any outrageous questions has she? or made any allegations? Anyway, what do I know, let's all stick to nose weights and tyre pressures, far more interesting.


Come on, lets put our thinking caps on..... Lets think of something far more twee to discuss to keep everyone happy... have you noticed the glut of dandelion clocks in evidence this year? - my conservatory is full of them, do you think its the weather??
Feb 24, 2008
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Come on, lets put our thinking caps on..... Lets think of something far more twee to discuss to keep everyone happy... have you noticed the glut of dandelion clocks in evidence this year? - my conservatory is full of them, do you think its the weather??

(Sorry, pressed the wrong button)...for the second time tonight!!
Aug 6, 2009
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I agree with LMH I use this site because i,m interested in caravanning, I don,t mind amusing chit-chat but topics like this depress me as peoples opinions tend to get a bit heated and personal.If I want to be depressed I,ll log off and watch the news. People may think i,m putting my head in the sand but thats the way I am.


Mar 14, 2005
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Well, it sounds Damian that you've taken this post personally and really you should try to be more impartial.
No, not personal at all, but I am a firm believer that an individuals health matters are between him or her and their medical practitioners.



You better not even think about mentioning the South African runner saga. From what i have just read in the latest news...the mind boggles.


Mar 14, 2005
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Come on, lets put our thinking caps on..... Lets think of something far more twee to discuss to keep everyone happy... have you noticed the glut of dandelion clocks in evidence this year? - my conservatory is full of them, do you think its the weather??

(Sorry, pressed the wrong button)...for the second time tonight!!
Sorry Valerie

That's far too contraversial a topic. Dandelion's have a right to be in your conservatory.

I've started a new topic for you in chit chat. It's non contraversial but highly informative.

Lisa x


How many people have killed in recent years after being declared safe for release from wherever?

I wouldn't trust any doctor to decide that someone with a mental ilness who has killed is safe to drive let alone take a job driving lone passengers.

'Chit Chat' allows a little humour and and insite in to others lives and interests and what makes people here tick.

Some may not like others way of thinking, thoughts or way of life. We are all different individuals and should accept one anothers foibles.

I would miss talk and pictures of dogs and quality photo's from our amateur photographer's like Lisa and various other things that our raised.

Val's take on mental health and the case she's brought up is also interesting. Quite frankly I wouldn't fancy visiting the UK ordering a taxi to take us to a pub from a camp site only to find some "former" nutter is driving it!

You could ask if a schizophrenic caravanner had murdered a neighbouring caravanner, would you be happy if he or she bacame a CC warden a dew years later!

It could happen! So what's the problem with Val's question.

Sorry if that isn't PC, but that's being as honest as I can on a somewhat sensitive forum


Mar 14, 2005
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I am certain the person who is actually concerned has all the support and help he needs.

He does not need unqualified input into his case, and it is not going to happen here.

Please do not try and widen the remit by bringing in cancer and other illnesses, they are completely different and in any case, if an individual was being discussed, then that would also be subject to deletion.

Before you reply with my "typical" response, may I inform you that you have absolutely no idea of what I have done or am doing, either now or in the past, suffice to say I have, without doubt, seen more suicides and self inflicted injuries than you will probably ever see (and all by peoplw with mental health issues), and I do not "label" people, too many other "do gooders" have already done that.
But that can never be the case in this country really can it? Once this sort of thing 'gets out' the press have a field day. Valerie said it was on her local news programme. So I don't understand why it's ok for the news to report on this and when someone makes an innocent post with a question on here, it's blasted.

If this is the new policy of Practical Caravan forum (eg, threads having a warning attached to it), then it should relate to all sections of society, not just ones pertinent to people who are involved in moderating the forum. I don't mean that as a personal attack or anything like that Damian but you're street wise and have life experiences to know what I mean.

I honestly cannot for the life of me see any problem in Valerie's initial post, nor subsequent ones.

Feb 24, 2008
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Sorry Valerie

That's far too contraversial a topic. Dandelion's have a right to be in your conservatory.

I've started a new topic for you in chit chat. It's non contraversial but highly informative.

Lisa x
Of course, you are right. Dandelions have a right to be in my conservatory indeed - don't want to come a cropper due to the Deprivation of Liberty for Dandelions Act. If they choose to come into my conservatory and can demonstrate they have the capacity to make said decision, so be it.


May 25, 2009
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No its not harsh. How would you like your mental health or other personal details discussed on a public forum......think about it!


This matter has been brought into the public domain by the person in question making an application to become a cab driver.

Can he be considered cured of his illness ..... ever? I don't know. What I do know is that I am reluctant to take risks (gamble) for stakes that I cannot afford to lose. If the doctor who decides he is cured is willing to put his job on the line if he is shown to be wrong, I would have more confidence in this decision.

Presumable the illness has been declared to DVLA?