New Caravan Electrical Test - This could effect you !!!!!

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May 10, 2009
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I have to say I started this topic and now think Hmmnnn maybe I shudnt.

Sitting here reading some of the comments. Its very confusing and from the comment above this I wonder just how much these people really know.

Is it a closed shop or not. Is it a rip off or not.

I feel the intention is right but.....poor old me is still confused.

Before hubby doesnt take much.

Aug 24, 2009
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I have spent 20+ yrs working in maintenance. I have done contracting for paper mills,distilleries,wood processors,power stations,high pressure gas (turbines,compressors). Currently my "other"job is shift engineer for a large foundry with 11kv furnaces. I also do panel wiring,plc and cnc controls.

I felt happy with what the course offered and some of the other delegates were 17th edition trained,those that werent certainly had many years of caravan experience, and a caravan is a pretty basic system.

Compared to the ACOPs i did where there were guys from a large NW dealership whom i wouldnt trust to light a match.
Sep 23, 2009
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Emma in startibg this topic you have created quite a constructive discussion

It has highlighted how the NCC and CITO in trying introduce something without thinking it through

I know a caravan engineer with 30 years experience who has done the CITO course and got the certificate but does not feel it has fully trained him to carry out PIR's on caravans and did not address some of the problems he has to overcome as a mobile engineer carrying out caravan RCD tests at customers homes while the caravan is connected to the customers supply

I don't think it is a closed shop as any electrician should be able to carry out a PIR, with regard to rip off or not that depends what is being charged and how often you are expected to have the PIR done, the regs state every 3 years for a full PIR and a yearly routine check in between but some engineers are quoting every year for a full PIR

The intention is right, it just needs better training and better presentation

I can understand your confusion, I'm confused at the way the NCC is trying to introduce it


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