new coachman

Jun 20, 2005
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I rather like the look of the new Swift ranges. Amazing what a cad system can do these days.

Will Swift and others be offering the same 10 water ingress guarantee as Bailey I wonder

Has there been any more feedback on the efficacy of the Alu tech system and the bolt retorquing at service time?
Apr 3, 2005
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Hi Forest, it's not the same as the Swift sun roof, the new Coachman sunroof is full width of the caravan front, the swift sunroof is much smaller!
We are looking forward to taking delivery of a new Laser looks fantastic! very adventurous for Coachmans and super build quality.....can't really ask for much more!

Aug 23, 2009
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Hideous!!!!!!!! I suppose the Amara will catch up next year so looks as if our current 2010 Coachman will be the last one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Jim and the team but that's one step too far for us!!!!!!!
Aug 23, 2009
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In fact, Looks like Swift have taken over Coachman, Even got the dreaded electric hob!!!!!! No good for those of us who never have EHU!!!!!! Funny really Jim Hibbs being joint president of the owners' club and yet alienating ralliers that need four burners in a scratch of the swift design team pen!!!!!
Apr 3, 2005
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I sometimes despair at the comments on this site, if Coachman had carried on producing caravans in the same vein as the last few years, there would have been those who chastised them for not moving forward! (not to mention, selling less caravans)
They have in my opinion, made a superb caravan with a full width sunroof (similar to the swifts) certainly not the same! also, with lovely wood trim (not cheap plastic) as in the swifts.
They have included Alde heating (as a lot of prospective coachman owners have asked for)
The Coachman Laser looks a fabulous caravan, i for one can't wait to view it at the Lawns........and look forward to picking one up!
Take your heads out of the sand and look at the beautiful new coachmans!
Aug 23, 2009
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Under 40, family of 5 with 2 dogs so not stuck in the mud geriatric mafia but family caravanner, who incidentally has moved with the time since starting caravanning at 6 months old!!! funnily enough I don't miss gas mantles and a foot pump!!!!!!, but I jolly well know that I can't stand the look of it. If you haven't seen it in the flesh yet then there could easily be a further deterioration in Coachman internal quality. My 2007 was much more solid than my 2010 and I am not alone in this opinion. I feel that yes currently they are the best of a generally bad bunch but I for one would not buy anything that resembles these new ones and it seems such a shame that anyone isn't allowed to express an opinion without being chastised for it!!!!!!
Aug 2, 2006
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Dear All,

When was the last time a thread was started about a new Coachman? I think that is what the new models do deliver - a bit of interest and wow to Coachman's portfolio and they are much more than a 'me too' of the Swifts.
They are very striking up close - and I was really impressed. They are actually something of a technology showcase too. Dimmable LED lighting is unique to Coachman in Pastiche, VIP and Laser and a Truma Combi boiler in place of the standard seperate heather and water heater gives them a unique selling point. In fact, the Truma heater is programmable and that is unique to Coachman.

I appreciate that the looks could divide opinion but from what I saw at the preview event last month, they are very impressive. And the waste pipes are on the side, rather than the back!

For people who don't know what the fuss is about, see below...
Apr 3, 2005
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How many times have you looked at pictures of something and not liked it? after reading several reviews of the new Coachman, each reviewer has said the same thing......"they look great in the pictures, EVEN BETTER in reality"
No one is chastising anyone, but for pitty sake, take a look before you criticise so strongly!!
I agree, caravan manufacturers have a long way to go, with regards build quality and customer service, but lets not criticise probably the best (quality) caravan manufacturer in the UK, for trying to move forward and be innovative!!
Mar 10, 2006
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I've got to be opposite haven't i?
I thought the new swift pictures looked great.
But when i saw the product in the flesh, i didn't like it, cheap and plastic.
Now a even bigger sunroof?
What purpose will it serve?
I have noticed that my Valencia allows rain noise through the sunroofs, so does that mean even more noise.
Sorry not for me.
Dimmer led lights, OK i like gadgets, also programmable heating, thats a plus.
ADLE heating = win,win.
But what about the real important issue, damp control.
Just what have CM done on this front?
CM surfer from damp issues, same as any convention built caravan, see link.

Certainly looking at the pictures only, i don't think theirs anything to worry Swift or Bailey
Mar 10, 2006
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Nigel Donnelly said:
Dear All,

When was the last time a thread was started about a new Coachman? I think that is what the new models do deliver - a bit of interest and wow to Coachman's portfolio and they are much more than a 'me too' of the Swifts.
They are very striking up close - and I was really impressed. They are actually something of a technology showcase too. Dimmable LED lighting is unique to Coachman in Pastiche, VIP and Laser and a Truma Combi boiler in place of the standard seperate heather and water heater gives them a unique selling point. In fact, the Truma heater is programmable and that is unique to Coachman.

I appreciate that the looks could divide opinion but from what I saw at the preview event last month, they are very impressive. And the waste pipes are on the side, rather than the back!

For people who don't know what the fuss is about, see below...

My 2004 senator had drains in the middle, its not difficult to work out why.

What is difficult is understanding why its took CM so long to do the same.

Maybe one day they will use Stainless steel awning screws?

Something even my 1985 swift had.
Jun 20, 2005
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The real factor here is reliabilty. All caravans pretty well look the same from the avant garde Adria to the safe Bailey. It's what's under the skin and who is prepared to put their money where their product is.
I'm afraid until the rest of the market offer a 10 year water ingress guarantee, Bailey will remain the front runnner.
Mutton dressed as lamb just doesn't work today.
Feb 16, 2009
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Its been an expensive learning curve for us, we first purchased a Ace Firestar which didn't lose to much on probably about 500 quid. the wife wanted the end Bathroom so we then had a 2010 Clubman SE, finally she has found the van she really wants and this is definitely the last one. She as set her mind on the Bailey Madrid reasons it has the side dinette so we can take the grand children away, it has an enormous lounge, plus now she says she won't have to clamber over me to go to the loo from the fixed bed models. Down side to all this is my bank balance which will now be down by some 5K.But like she reminded me we don't go abroad we caravan all year round so you want the van that has everything that’s required for all year caravanning. My advice to new commers sit and do your home work first, otherwise it can be a costly exercise if you choose the wrong layout like we did. Not to worry we will make up for all the enjoyment it gives us, just hope the Yorkies like the new van has much has the Clubman.
Ps looked at the Clubman ES but the Alutec swung it in the end.
Aug 23, 2009
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Okay so I'll admit it when I'm wrong. Went to Lawns and on Saturday having only looked at Coachman was still not impressed. Then on return Sunday looked after going around the rest and spent time talking to Martin and Jim and they have convinced me. If I hadn't just ordered the 110 defender I would of gone over to the Kenmore stand and ordered a laser there and then. Looks like I'll probably have to wait for a 2013 :-((
Apr 3, 2005
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Hi Martin, we also went to the Lawns on saturday, just to look at the Laser 640, (we had already ordered one) so we were very nervous about seeing it for the first time!
We needn't have been.....we came away very very excited about our new caravan and can't wait to take delivery sometime in november!
We thought the build quality was excellent and the new furnishings superb! the new full width sunroof looks great and the whole feel of the caravan is really roomy and bright, the wood finish below the sunroof is very classy, not at all tacky and plastic as in the swifts!
We were very very impressed.

Mar 4, 2008
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Totally agree with Andrew. We also went to the Lawns on Saturday and bought a Pastiche 460/2, delivery not until next year! OK, I know they are expensive but got a great deal from Kenmore Caravans.
I think the full width sunroof and solid wooden interior are much better than the plastic Swift. Maybe they copy is better than the original.
Aug 23, 2009
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Which is of course typical Coachman, look at what the others are doing, improve on it and only bring about changes when they are pretty sure they have it right. Well done Coachman!


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