Mar 14, 2005
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I notice that the caravan club has issued in the caravan club book site directory that on page 263 section 4 behaviour on site.

no ball games are permitted within the vicinity of outfits- areas of play are indicated on site where available.having expeienced different types of sites where this appears to be policed very well by parents and in other caravan sites where there is a total lack of respect for peoples outfits.would you in the case of having a football,rugby ball,tennis,cricket being played near your outfit and car-regardless of what you paid for your car and outfit say something to the child or parent.clearly the caravan club appear to wishto stamp out this type of behavoiur but would they actually enforce this rule if push came to shove.
Jan 3, 2007
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Boing......Your question? "clearly the caravan club appear to wish to stamp out this type of behavoiur but would they actually enforce this rule if push came to shove."

Yes they will enforce this rule. But, really is'nt it up to all members to act responsibly and not just to expect the wardens to police all rules. They should be the last resort. There is another rule that cycling should be on site roads and not around caravans. Some years ago we were in our awning and a young boy, about 8 years old, damaged the rear of our caravan with his handlebars. We actually heard the bang and witnessed the damage. When I spoke to his father, he flately denied his son was anywhere near our van so who, in the end had to pay for the damage? Yes, you've guessed it me!

It is, after all for the benefit of all members to have rules and the no ball games rule has only been made now because the minority of members are inconsiderate to others and their property that can and does get damaged.

There are usually places where ball games can be played away from vans. We experienced, at Ferry Meadows last month one family who took exception to this rule because they did'nt want the children to play out of their sight. One of the wardens pointed out the "no ball games" rule to the parents who were quite annoyed and said it was a stupid rule and the CC had no thought at all for children.

But in reality, I believe it is these parents who had no thought for their children because if they had they would have gone to a suitable area to play football WITH them.
Jan 19, 2008
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... but why should the parents have to go with their children to supervise them Mal? Don't forget the parents are on holiday too. Surely we, as people who have a like minded pastime , those of us who have reared our brood, could share some of the responsibilities and help in rearing others children so the parents can relax by their barbie and beer.

I think I will ask if it can be put on the agenda at the next A.G.M. of the C.C. that we should, as caravanners, adopt a more community spirit.

Second thoughts, sod it, we took full responsibility for our own children and actually enjoyed the time doing it so why can't they get up off their own fat rumps and do likewise. They to might find they enjoy it and it helps them to bond closer with their offspring.

Jeremy Kyle Rules ..... hehheh!
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh dear

Parents should not need to supervise their own children with ideal children in an ideal world

Sadly we find in the real world where they are after all the parents responsibility that anyone who approaches children these days does so at their own risk of accusations etc etc.
May 25, 2005
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We must remember that it is not always 'club members' who are at fault. It is their visitors, who arrive on site and seem to think they can get away with anything!!! Not all club sites, unfortunately, are members only, and this can also cause problems as non-members decide not to read the site rules. I for one, hope that the Club adheres to these rules and that Wardens should uphold them.
Mar 14, 2005
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What is a chestnut,are people now using this instead of balls.

i now notice that page 36 of august caravan club magazine now states CLUB SITE RULES FORBID THE PLAYING OF BALL GAMES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF OUTFITS.see behavoiur on site,section on page 263 of your site directory-editor.

a club site is not a football,baseball or cricket pitch and is full of rather expensive and easily damaged outfits

At last the penny has dropped and now the club have inforced this rule due to club members persistant we can all enjoy our time knowing that should this happen,wardens can be informed of the offending offenders.
Mar 14, 2005
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roija,yep,boing or boring,but clearly people have no respect for other peoples caravan was damaged to the excess of
Aug 1, 2007
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We had a big front window broken by a football The kids where sat rolling to each other quite nicely till one of the dads came along and just had to kick it


He got an ear bending that he will remember
Mar 14, 2005
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We had a big front window broken by a football The kids where sat rolling to each other quite nicely till one of the dads came along and just had to kick it


He got an ear bending that he will remember
rita,who paid
Feb 3, 2006
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I am sure you were mortified when your caravan was damaged. I was when mine was vandalised. That is not the point. Everyone is with you about not playing ball games around their vans but the biggest bore is quoting page numbers and rules.We know there is a rule, no need to tell us. We know what action to take so there is needless labouring the point.

Happy caravanning !
Jan 19, 2008
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At least I'm thankful for this thread for informing me it's against the rules to play chestnuts on site too. I suppose conkers come under the same heading. Think of all those bits of conker flying about. I'm glad that schools etc. have stopped the playing of conkers under Health & Safety. I do think a resolution could be passed though, that would allow our over protected little kiddywinks to play if they wore a helmet and safety goggles :O)

Just a thought, I wonder how long it will be before some jerk in Parliament puts forward a bill to get all the lower branches of trees lopped off to stop kids climbing them.
Jan 19, 2008
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Just another point, on the news yesterday they removed a childs body from a fishing pond. He had gone in to swim and got into difficulties. Now the idiots are out demanding the pond be filled in. How long have ponds/lakes etc. been around? Get real, this happens with kids, does that mean we should fill up every body of water? I suppose it's the communities way of absolving themselves of blame and passing it on to others. It's probably Gods fault for creating such a thing as rain and water.

The dangers of water, especially ponds for swimming are drummed into kids at school and by the media so why deprive wildlife of a habitat because someone is too dumb to heed peoples warnings.
Aug 1, 2007
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We had a big front window broken by a football The kids where sat rolling to each other quite nicely till one of the dads came along and just had to kick it


He got an ear bending that he will remember

The insurance paid but we had to wait 6 weeks for window and travel 35 miles each way to get it fixed
May 21, 2007
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I'm with you your Lordship.

I wonder if the World Conker Championships are still being held this year in Northamptionshire as they are every year OR have Health & Safety stepped in.

I will keep you posted.

Mar 27, 2005
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What was it Clarkson said,

"You aren't allowed to have a party, you aren't allowed to have music, you aren't allowed to play ball games, you aren't allowed to have a camp fire, you have to park within two feet of a post, you have to keep quiet, you have to be in bed by eleven. This is not a holiday, it's a concentration camp!"

Its going that way:0)
Jan 19, 2008
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Another whinge .... hehheh!

Our kids today aren't allowed to be kids and go out and enjoy themselves. They all live in a sterile environment. Now we have kids with all kinds of allergies simply because of the lifestyle they are made to lead. They have no chance to make anti-bodies. Their immune systems aren't allowed to build up the bodies defences.

As a kid I had never met another with what is now known as A.D.H.D. (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Now the country is awash with these kids being fed drugs like Ritalin to calm them down and not knowing what the long term affects will be. These kind of children in my day were simply made better by the school teachers/headmaster implementing disipline with no cost to the health service for drugs.
Jan 3, 2007
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and.......what about all the alergies. Did you know anyone with a nut allergy 30/40 years ago? I'm not saying they don't exist but i'm sure it's the sterile world we live in that has helped to create them.
May 20, 2006
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Lol, i love how my chestnut line twisted this thread, i feel i must however make myself clear.

I too detest children playing near my van, i wont allow it. my chestnut line was referring to the fact that we "did this topic to death" a few months ago.

i agree with the majority of folks feelings on the matter, i am lucky enough to be a 6ft4in ogre who would throttle any childs father for damaging my van, and rest assured he would regret the day. if i damage my van myself then thats unfortunate, but i will not tolerate it being damaged by some scabby little uneducated scrote with a ball!

and we all know that the best way is to soak a conker in vinegar for 24 hours then leave it in the airing cupboard to harden for at least a month, come on folks, its sooooo obvious!
Aug 9, 2005
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Got to agree I feel the same as you, that's why we go to Adult only sites most of the time, if we do venture to other sites I am on edge as soon as I hear the sound of Children, I just can't relax if they are around the Caravan.
Dec 2, 2006
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Modern life is made up of broken homes, homes in which parents work every hour by necessity or choice. The wider family no longer live nearby and as a result children grow up suffocated and isolated. As someone new to caravaning it has been an absolute joy to see a more traditional style of living with young and old all together on sites, having fun. The kids learn so much just being around others with more freedom than they ever usually get.

I agree they need to be respectful, but let's be honest, much of what I have seen on this thread shows contempt for children full stop, behaving or not.The threats of violence to kids and parents and the intimidating thread coming through is appaling and quite shameful. If this is caravaning then as one new to it I doubt I will keep my van too long for fear that me or my children may suffer the physical or verbal assault of an adult who places far too much importance on posessions than people.


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