I’m after something easy to use or it will be on eBay after first use, what I am hoping for is suggestions of a reasonably accurate nose weight gauge, not one that’s going to cost me an arm and both legs, something that will give a fairly decent figure, so if I’m looking for 75kg it might give me 70 or 80 but will be mostly be giving the same inaccuracies, so suggestions appreciated.
Musing on this and having used
digital luggage scales for weighing my LPG cylinders, it seems a pair of these ought solve the nose weight weighing issue?
I have not tried it, yet, just as said musing on the question.
The thought is make a loop of rope to go under the hitch as a strop forming two "handles" each side for use with the digital scales. Set jockey wheel to place the hitch an inch under the required tow ball height, then stood infront of the hitch with scale held in each hand, gently lift the jockey wheel just off the ground. The hitch weight will be the sum of the two scales, these ought to be quite similar. With 75 kgsthat is sub 40 kgs per scale this ought to be quite doable. These "lock" the weight reading after it settles, but the upper facing display makes reading a easy task anyway, no looking sideways, just down.
Obviously, all care is needed as in any manual heavy lift tasks.
The investment, here £14 [but there are cheaper options] is not wasted, keep one at home for the various tasks it can do, and one in the car for checking the gas bottles contents, as I do.
I would suggest avoiding the budget offerings that I have seen that use a plastic snap coupling and go for the metal hook type as in the link, again as I did, just feel it is that bit safer.