Open Invite

Jul 12, 2005
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After a discussion with Jim I have come up with the following idea.

I propose that myself and any other member with a 4x4 offer to take others on a green lane trip into wales or the Dales. This will only take place on legal lanes that are managed and with road legal cars.

Come and see what real greenlaning is like. See what we see. experience the countryside as we do.

This is not a 4x4 pro campaign but more a chance for people who are against this or just curious to take a look. form your own opinions once you see for yourself.

So, what I need now is this.

1) People to say yes to the idea

2) People with 4x4's to join in (Any 4x4 will do, you don't need a landrover 90 to go green laning)

3) Good, suitable ideas for lanes

4) a date, I suggest during the easter rally or sooner but am open to ideas.
Mar 14, 2005
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Steve thats not quite what we discussed ! but they say dont knock it if you havent tried it so, although I am firmly against offroading, I would be prepared, in principal, to have a go. At least then I could say I know what I am talking about. I dont know how you would organise it but I think its a great idea. Jim.
Mar 14, 2005
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I would go for that, if it's in the Dales (Derbyshire), just about any weekend is good for me. The Easter meet would be equally good, as long as it doesn't coincide with the intake of alcohol or BBQ. I would be willing to let those that don't have a 4x4 ride with me and we can experience it together (never been green-laning). Just hope my tow bar doesn't get in the way!
Jul 12, 2005
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No Jim. Its not what we discussed, but the subject we discussed would become apparent during the day.

This is also open to people who are not normally able to get deep into the countryside.

We use the term offroading, but to be accurate this is not off roading as all these lanes are byways open to all traffic. the total currently available to drive is less that 4% of the total rights of way in the UK and is managed by local councils and volenteer groups.

On the off chance this idea is popular, please note that it will be first come, first served as we are restricted to 4 or 6 cars. Why? well, there is a code of conduct for green laning and it is always followed by the serious person. This is similar to the countryside code but has extra's to cover vehicle use.

The Invite is open to all, even those who are against green laning or 4x4's in general.
Oct 4, 2005
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If you were against blood sports would you want to go fox hunting? If you were against hanging would you want to go and watch? While it may be quite fun to ride around country lanes being jostled about whilst peering over hedges I would be surprised if it would change the views of true environmentalists.
Jul 12, 2005
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How can you be completely against anything if you do not know what you are against?

Most people form an opinion based on what they have been told. I am not doing this to prove green laning is fun, all I am doing is offering people the chance to see why I do it and why I think the choice should be there.

I cannot comment on fox hunting or hangings as I have no experience of either.

If it does not change someones opinions then thats OK with me, they then have the experience to make a valid argument.

As for true environmentalists. Are those people who want evryone to access the countryside on foot? if so, how do the paths get built? how are the materials for maitenance transported? How are their walking boots put together? and out of what?

This is the chance for anyone, either pro, neutral or against to see first hand. No more, no less.

Mar 14, 2005
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Mervyn did you see the TV programme where Peter Kilfoyle the MP for Liverpool and opponent of blood sports agreed to work on a shooting estate so he could see the other side of it and get a balanced view. I saw the programme and was totally disgusted by what went on. Perhaps if we all kept an open mind and listened to all the arguments we might all learn something, as I said before "dont knock it if you havent tried it" (mind you I still dont think I would go to a fox hunt!)
Mar 14, 2005
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I live about 100 yards away from a forest, I go mountain biking in there as do many others who come in cars with bikes on the back.

This is the best way to view the countryside as you can smell and hear the countryside as well as see it.

You also go at a speed that allows you to see more and for others to enjoy without the risk of death from a 2 tonne monster bearing down on them.

For those that can't or wont bike, there are many stables around for treking.

Thanks for the offer, but I'd much rather use a road car for the road and an off road bike for off the road. Both specialised in the respective tasks.
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with you Pete, I would much rather cycle or walk, but what about someone who, because of ill health, cant cycle walk or ride? Is the countryside only for the ablebodied?
Mar 14, 2005
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So, all these people who have 4x4 cars can't ride a bike, ride a horse or walk?

Those that can't, absolutely right, I'd even pay towards a 4x4 for them.
Jul 12, 2005
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I know this goes against what you consider to be fair use of the countryside, but I would welcome your input to this.

Please consider joining us.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes I agree, but where do you draw the line and how do you stop abuse. This is the discussion I had with Steve. I am against offroading as I believe it destroys the peace of the countryside, and the actual countryside itself but I have to admit I havent tried it so I thought Steves idea was an excellent way to find out more about it so I could make an informed choice.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes I agree, but where do you draw the line and how do you stop abuse. This is the discussion I had with Steve. I am against offroading as I believe it destroys the peace of the countryside, and the actual countryside itself but I have to admit I havent tried it so I thought Steves idea was an excellent way to find out more about it so I could make an informed choice.
This comment intended for Pete
Mar 14, 2005
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Help pay for my two then if you are feeling so generous.

I've got a bone in my leg!

You could either donate to the Christine Fund which is helping keep my Discovery in rear bumpers and end caps or the Shed Fund which would help keep my 10 to the gallon V8 RR offroader in fuel.

Thanks a lot, I await your cheque.

Why would people be against offroading?

Is the fact that I drive my Range Rover or Discovery on an offroad course - where I have to say they excel - so abhorent to them?

Why would that be?

Let me get this straight, it's wrong to have 4x4's in a city.

It's wrong to use them for the school run.

It's wrong to use them for towing when you could buy a smaller 'van to tow with a car, and now it's bad to drive them offroad which is what they are designed for?

You lot are very hard to please.

So next it will be Mountain Bikers, because they are using one at an altitude less that 1500 feet, I suppose.

You crack me up!
May 20, 2005
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So, all these people who have 4x4 cars can't ride a bike, ride a horse or walk?

Those that can't, absolutely right, I'd even pay towards a 4x4 for them.
Thanks Pete I await your Cheque I would like an X trail.
Mar 14, 2005
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Brilliant idea!

Count me in - Only stipulation I would suggest is that we all abide by the tread lightly guidelines and get the lanes to be used checked by Glass (Green Lane Ass.) with the local Highways & biways dept to ensure that they are open.

For those who want to see what some of us get up to to protect and ensure access FOR ALL to the countryside have a look at the Glasss website plus the FoDRoW website which is more specific to Dorset.

The Anti's would have you believe that as well as roaring down roads indescrimanently killing children and squashing all and sundry, we also do the same to animals and walkers in the countryside.


If you do come - you will be amazed at how responcible Green Laning helps keep the countryside open for all. FoDRoW works with walkers, horse riders and other users to keep Footpaths, Bridleways, Byways and RUPPS open. We work WITH the local Hiways & Biways dept providing volunteer help and support.

Brilliant idea Steve - you have my 100% support.
Mar 14, 2005
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I can second what Clive says, it's a brilliant website.

It's a little known fact that councils cannot afford the manpower to spend on RoW and it's groups such as FoDRoW and regional 4x4 clubs that go out into the countryside and make the lanes accessible for all once more.
Mar 14, 2005
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Agreed - Jim & Pauline have said elswhere that they have no problem with 4x4's but have an issue with "Off-Roading".

Well done to Jim & Pauline for being open-minded enough to have a go - I am convinced that once people see how and what we do they will understand that most of the Anti propaganda is just that - properganda NOT fact.

All you need is an open mind.
Mar 14, 2005
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Typical responce- Why can you not just consider that there is another side to the view that you take.

You have a very poor opinion of your stance if the only way you can explain people with differing views is that they are "brainwashed"!!

Come on and join us on the day - you will see what we do and be able to make an objective decision.
Jul 12, 2005
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Why so negative? If you do not want to take part then fine. But why try to convince people that I am out to do something I am not?

You know nothing about me, but still make a judgement! All this shows to people is that you are very opinionated and that (as far as you are concerned) you are always right.

The world is full of many different things. I aways try to find out the real facts before I judge anything. I cannot or would not force you to my point of view, that would be unfair.

Don't forget that I am just as likly to see someone try to convince me that this is wrong on this trip. It would be silly not to expect that. Why don't you join us and take that challenge on rather than being an arm chair environmentalist on this subject.

Oct 4, 2005
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That is exactly my point. After all how anti swingers would actually wish to attend a swinging party in order to see the other persons differing views and make an objective decision? Very few would want to I suspect.