Overweight caravaners.

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Mar 14, 2005
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The only problem with combustion in a toilet tent is one is smoking whilst on the throne. Methane gas is highly flamable. However this should not be a problem after 1st. July as smoking in public confined areas will be against the law.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry peeps, I was going to say I couldn't reply cos I was on the bog, but that wouldn't have been very genteel! Actually I was washing up after dinner. Very domesticated I am, see.

Wind in the toilet tent? just hang on tight to the guy ropes!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Re combustion - is a toilet tent a public place? If so then you cannot smoke in it, so unless you have spontaeneous combustion, you should be quite safe!

Liz, you know that 2" gap at the bottom? That's to let the wind out! You'd only have a problem if it was pegged right down to the ground.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ok smarty pants, a privately owned toilet tent is ok, after all it's outside, you could call it a meeting place for the smokers.

Ah, but if it's a meeting place, isn't it then a public place, so therefore a no-smoking area?
Mar 14, 2005
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An official smoking area must be open to the elements to at least two sides but may have a roof. Therefore a confined area such as a toilet tent whether it be a single or two person tent would not be considered acceptable in the eyes of the law. The smoking police will have you. Could be smokey and the bandit ( not a**e bandit) hehehehe
Oct 17, 2006
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You say I may have 2 sides, plus a roof, but gazebos have 4 sides and a roof, so maybe I could call a toilet tent a gazebos.

Now Gazebos are allowed outside for smokers so this way it would serve two purposes.

P.S I hope you checked your toilet area in your new van, would you require a stool for your toilet roll as suggested above hehehe Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I was not thinking so much of Smokey catching you (LOL). We are having a NR awning paying 50% and the rest by the dealer so not so bad. He did offer a Pyramid awning as he reckoned they were good value for money but after the wife hit him he withdrew the offer.
Mar 14, 2005
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For all those contributers who enjoy toilet humour I personally think this topic has gone right down the pan and it is beginning to smell funny. There is nothing humourous about the use of the toilet - after all if we did not have this necessary body function we would be right in the s**t. For your information the royal family and those noble people of the upper house also partake of the "little room" or throne as it would be known in higher places.
Oct 17, 2006
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I see that you waited for everybody to go to bed before replying to this very important issue. Going down the pan you say, well I think some of us are sticking around!!!

P.S whilst still here as anybody purchased one of those miniature toilet brushes seen in most caravan and camping shops, I wonder if The Plotter stands his on his stool with his toilet roll. Just a thought. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I did NOT wait for you lot to retire - for all I knew you could have been on the throne and using your wifi. I can just imagine your site - a double person toilet tent with a yupee sitting there trousers and underpants around his ankles and a lap top computer using wifi. Modern day technology with period style toilet facilities. How do you cope with your mop and bucket in a toilet tent?
Jul 31, 2006
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I love these posts when they go off on a tangent! but re the original thread of this post..............

I'm not overweight........just Undertall!

I used to be 6'4" but the weight has compacted my legs
Jan 2, 2006
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George B,I also was well over six feet and whilst in my case the weight has compacted my legs it has also spread sideways.As regards going of at tangents ,see my post above a motion was passed only allowing two tangents known as number 1's and number 2's.

I see that a 2inch gap at the bottom of a toilet tent is thought to solve the problem of wind and related safety issues,but is methane lighter or heavier than air?

With regards to smoking in public spaces I think we should call a halt to that topic as it will have to be a number 3's and that is a real worry.I have seen many people smoking in the toilet blocks on site so will this be banned I assume so,if that is the case how do you intend policing it Liz(Cornwall)cctv cameras in the cubicles maybe!THat surely would be an invasion of privacy or should that be privy!
Mar 14, 2005
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Think like the Americans "Everything's up to date in Kansas City, They've gone about as far as they can go, They've built a skyscraper seven stories high etc., etc., ..... You can walk the privys in the rain without wetting your feet...." Can this be done in a toliet tent I ask myself ...... The Americans are more advanced than us on matters of toilet hygene.
Mar 14, 2005
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What bottle - we used the methalated spirits on the weekend to try and keep warm - between using it for a fire and drinking it - my wife had a bit of a problem mind when she lit a cigarette.
Jan 2, 2006
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I am not suprised she had a problem just think if she had been in a toilet tent at the time she might have gone into orbit or learnt what it is like to fly a hang glider!


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