Overweight caravaners.

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May 31, 2007
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Just a thought colin, what would the charges be for a sructure such as this on a pitch as it seems to be getting a bit on the large size ? As it will not be classed as a pup tent or an awning why couldnt we patent them as awning anexes with built in pop up chimney thet way there would be plenty of room to add at least a decent sized area for smokers to congrigate that way the extinguisher in the caravan would be within easy reach. With that you wouldnt need to supply external lighting as the awning light would surfice to read the broad sheet.
Mar 14, 2005
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Now you are really thinking - I like that idea very much. the only drawback I can see on that score is that if there is a party in the awning and an individual requires to use the loo it might not be very personal - but surely that would not be our problem it would be up to the person concerned. The up side mind is when sitting on the loo in the awning annex you could eat and drink at the same time - perpetual motion me thinks. We could go doen in the annuls of history for discovering perpetual motion. Another point worth considering - why not harness the methane gas and use it for generating electricity and any surplus not used in the caravan could be fed back into the national grid. The green party would be proud of us and we might even earn a gong from the Queen.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Colin, I am still here,been busy, just sitting back to watching what you are getting upto if you thought I had gone to somerset,

I have a lot of reading of posts, so watch it!!!

Regards Liz
May 31, 2007
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I wonder what added extras Liz would want to add as we need to take the female gender into consideration when we do this, I await her input on her return. I have just been advised that a mirror would be needed for those fine adjustments before re amerging from the toilet section. You do know colin that now someone will be making the smoklaloo anex as we speak and it will be on the shelves tomorrow. Now being knighted sounds good, I wonder if it would be from the throne ??
Mar 14, 2005
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Ian she hasn't gone to Somerset as of today, she is lurking in the background. I do like the name smokaloo - it is very catch and straight to the point - well done sir. Regarding the mirror aspect she will probably ask for a full vanity unit for make up etc. and all those things women take so long in doing before emerging from their bolt hole.
Oct 17, 2006
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I see you have Ian on your site now Colin, I suppose you needed the back up.

Engaged/Vacant sign very good idea, not thought of that one,

Communial toilets well could work with a little thought gone into it.

Now 10p in the slot, where to put the slot machine outside the door on entry, or I would suggest having scales somehow fitted into bowl, the more in the bowl the more you pay, you could say pay as you go!!

Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Ian she is not such a bad old stick after all - I do like the idea of paying by the bucket full so to speak - what say you? I think we can possibly make her a junior partner in the organisation of say 45%/45%/10%. She has some good points and also as a female she could have an input on internal design to suit all tastes.
May 31, 2007
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hahahaha very good Liz very good, see colin the ladies always have some good ideas. pay as you go smokaloo , we could make a fortune at rallies and other events, as it would be a private envrioment there wouldnt be any restrictions. could we possibly incorperate a small bar area in there as well, worth a thought. come on Liz any more good ideas we could add.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now Colin not so much off the Old, still younger than you.

Ian glad you like my idea, but before I give away more ideas, I think an adjustment has to be made for a bigger share, it should be equal shares. Discuss this matter between you, but please do not tell anybody else what our plans are, before we know it people might steal our ideas and that could lead to a production line going on these scales.

Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Ian is the salt of the earth - I do not think for one minute he would do the dirty on us. He is probably making some pre-production design sketches to iron out any last minute gliches. Liz how could you think of such a thing of a senior partner in this enterprise?
Oct 17, 2006
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Well it's always the way the senior partner never around when there's work to be done, people are relying on us, their needs are great, we have got the urinals to sort out do we charge more for the toilet bowls, than we do for the urinals, I suppose it's a weight issue here.

I also suggest a charge on toilet tissue used, 1 sheet per ????

of course we could do a special on buy one get one free? but we must have Ian and your comments?

Mar 14, 2005
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Liz you have used the royal "we" in your posting. I thought that this venture was a three way affair but reading your posting it would appear that you have another party lined up to join us - fair enough as long as the extra person makes a financial investment as a lot of the spade work has been done and we are now almost in a position to go into production.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now Colin a Senior Directors meeting, You tried to discuss important issues when you thought I was not here, now you wish to have meetings without me, I have come up trumps with some good ideas which I was asked to do, and this is how am treated,

please reconsider. I await in constipation, sorry in anticipation. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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I have said it many times that there is only one thing more dangerous than a brainy woman and that is a brainy woman who can talk. In my opinion they should have their brain cells and vocal chords taken out at birth.
Oct 17, 2006
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Are we going to put these ideas into motion??? I am so afraid that we may not keep this a secret for much longer, you never know who may be looking in, like Lord B he may not have left hereford.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B is in his sleeping pit, curled up with the milkmaids. He has an early start in the morning. The rest of you, Ian, Colin and you Liz, are now being extremely silly. This began as an inteligent discusion on something or other, I cannot remember quite what it was, cos I've just come in from the pub, but I'm sure it was to do with rocket science or something, probably the price of Guiness, and therefore, I suggest that the whole thread is now beyond saving, and should be banned, unless you wish to discuss the exorbitant price of the aforesaid beverage, which is extremely difficult to type when you have had a few of the aforementioned beverage. Is it time to go to bed yet?
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz Emmerson has hit the nail on the head good and proper - in order to make extra money from the weight of waste produced we could encourage the user to have a few beverages and possibly a curry prior to using the "smokyloo". What a money making idea - they supply the aformentioned beverage and curry and then use our facilities for disposal of same. The only down side is who is going to empty the bucket, as far as keeping the place clean you still have access to the mop an bucket so no problem there.
Oct 17, 2006
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I was just about to suggest that Emmerson might put feelers out in his pub about our ideas.

As for me to clean up, mop and bucket has now been passed over, I am now in charge of the Money, so I feel in these circumstances I would be the better person to empty slot machines, Ian and yourself must get used to a mop and bucket, after all we must all share these duties. Liz


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