Overweight caravaners.

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Mar 14, 2005
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As some said earlier, where do you fit the slot machine on a toilet tent? With no machines to empty, there is no work for money counters, so Liz, I'm afraid you're demoted to M&B duties as of now.
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin we have Piles to do, I would supply marigolds for you and Ian. Now I really think you and Ian must get stuck in, less talk more haste. Liz

p.s I will be around to check.
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz could you elaborate please - the reference you made to piles was that referring to hemeroids or am I mistaken. If I am not mistaken my advice is to leave off the castor oil or otherwise there could be serious problems.
Oct 17, 2006
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With Emmerson wanting to demote me, and Colin wanting to give me Caster Oil, I think Emmerson with your contacts in the Pub perhaps you could be of great importance to me, it looks like Colin is trying to wipe me out of my true entitlement, I do have rights you know.

So please Emmerson please do not send me back to the Mop and Bucket, otherwise you may face the consequences of a continued,continued... Liz
May 31, 2007
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Morning colin and liz, Hi to all our interested clients, I have been sleeping on the idea of the smokaloo and the different adaptions that we could do with it. We could add a small 12v fan that attaches just in the bottom opening of the roof vent for extracting smoke/fumes operate via a PIR.

If we got the material coated in a flame retardent we could also produce one for using the BBQ with smoking area called the smokaQ. This way when it is raining we dont have to stand outside in the rain while the rest of the family sits inside the van watching through the window asking if it's nearly ready.

I think we could hire all this equipment out as well as offering them for sale, of course we have to conider the weight factor so it has to be as light as possible but strong enough to withstand the large volume of usage, If we used the smokaloo on a pitch with its own facilaties we dont dont need to get anyone to empty it as we could directly attach it via extension pipe.
Jan 2, 2006
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Right I have caught you all,I have been away taken note of your suggestions and filed copyright and production started yesterday and will be available from Towsure and all good caravan dealers shortly.I am sole shareholder so the money is all mine,mine mine.

I have incorporated most of your designs including the charge by weight deposited system and ventilation is by fan powered by solar panel on the roof,heating for those chilly night utilises a methane burner.With regard to payment I have decided to charge to get out and not to get in,that way I can attach the money box to the thunder box and charge as much as I like because they will not know how much the charge is untill it is too late.

The initial design incorporates a reflective material on the inside which doubles as a mirror for those last minute adjusments and perverts.It is also raised off the ground on stilts this allows for a flow of air to prevent explosion but also preserves the grass as after discussions with the two caravan clubs they had concerns over getting brown grass but i asured them it would not leak but they said that was not what they meant.

So I am sorry but that is the end of this thread,I know it topped well over 100 without the mods intervention but now it over unless of course you wish to buy me out if so the Dutch auction starts now!
Oct 17, 2006
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Morning Ian, I do like the idea of a "SmokaQ" very good,brilliant.

Hire it out and for sale, this is going so well.

I must apologise when you disappeared last night I thought you had gone in production of the "Smokaloo" yourself , but I see you are still here.

Looks like we have some interest, a couple of lookers in last night.

Also Colin's idea to incorporate a bar , that woke Emmerson up, now Colin also mentioned lots of curry's well I think we could have a problem here, we do want people to use the "Smokaloo" so maybe some stew might do the trick.

You are also right about the weight we do not want anything to heavy, but there again I could use the Golf Buggy for transportation.

Well over to you Colin.


Oh no whats happened The Plotter has found out (I call a directors meeting as soon as possible)
May 31, 2007
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ohhh i'm so sorry Plotter but the patent for the full product line has already been done. There is a full product range and will be available for hire and for sale shortly.

Liz the smokaloo , smokaQ , smokabar and the other product lines are well on the way, good idea about the golf buggie but how would we get the buggie to the venue,mmm we could do with a big 4x4 to transport all this equipment to and from the different sites. This would raise the nose weight limit and pulling range for a larger main unit, as there is an awning rail on both sides of the caravans we could add more facilaties for clients more equipment more income more income then we can afford to take on more staff to increase our product hire. this could mean that we can then relax on our company island and jet to and from venues in the private jet and helecopters. This could go world wide distribution, why think small.
Jan 2, 2006
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Sorry Ian you may have applied for the patent but I have the copyright so that makes your patent worthless,may I suggest you desist from your plans to go to production failing which I will be left with no choice to persue the matter through the legal process.Notwithstanding thus I do like the name for your product range and without prejudice I am prepared to offer you 5% of the business in exchange for the name.
May 31, 2007
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Copyrights and patents were made a few days ago Plotter unfortunatly this brain storm of an idea is unavailable to you at this time. The directors and partners of the product line would possibly consider to offer you a position in the company as a roadie to transport the equipment to and from venues and to re stock the shelves in the purpose built warehouse we have aquired.

We do hope to hear from you if you wish to take up the offer of this position, please forward your replie to smokaloo Ltd, our very experience front line staff will deal with your application.
Jan 2, 2006
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I confess to being a little miffed as I was one of the people involved in the inception of this project and to be excluded is a little unjust I have now taken legal advice and whilst they confirm that I should have prior rights to the product it will be an expensive case for both of us on the legal boys being the winners so they are of the opinion that the courts would if the matter was persued insist upon the business being split evenly between us and I suppose Liz can still have her 10% after all it is her golf buggy.Colin seems to have dropped out of the development discussions and Matthew who put up the original post has not been heard of since.Please advise your agreement as soon as possible in order that the paper work can be drawn up and we can get on with being millionaires,a bit like Del Boy and Rodney 'he who dares wins'
May 31, 2007
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I confess to being a little miffed as I was one of the people involved in the inception of this project and to be excluded is a little unjust I have now taken legal advice and whilst they confirm that I should have prior rights to the product it will be an expensive case for both of us on the legal boys being the winners so they are of the opinion that the courts would if the matter was persued insist upon the business being split evenly between us and I suppose Liz can still have her 10% after all it is her golf buggy.Colin seems to have dropped out of the development discussions and Matthew who put up the original post has not been heard of since.Please advise your agreement as soon as possible in order that the paper work can be drawn up and we can get on with being millionaires,a bit like Del Boy and Rodney 'he who dares wins'
That is a fair comment you have made Plotter it would be a long drawn out case and the only winners really would be the legal boys, they already have the private jet. Colin I think had to go and rest because of the strain of everything, he needed to go and sit on it for a while and contemplate the meaning of perpetual motion. Liz has offered her golf buggie to transport the equipment, but speed is going to be a factor in this and she would need to set off 3 weeks before the event took place to arrive in time. I think we need to upgrade her horse power for it to work right, maybe strap a 2.5ltr to the back of it that would do it.

Maybe we all need to sit down and think about things and how its all going to come out (ooohh that was a poor pun).

Who said anything about being millionaires, 'who dares wins' Billionaires sounds better, we are talking world wide distribution here dont forget.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have not disappeared from the scene but I am getting very annoyed as it now appears that any old Dick, Tom or Harry is trying to cash in on our invention. Initially it was Liz who I reluctantly agreed could have a 10% stake in the company for her limited input but now there is the Plotter (right name - scheming little toe rag) and some chap Mathew who Pltter reckons started the ball in motion. Where will it end I ak my self? Regarding the DEL BOY scenario "This time next year Ian we will be millionaires". This is to be a first class business organisation and not something run from the back of a Reliant Robin van with one eye open for police and trading officers.
May 31, 2007
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Colin, Plotter hasn't submitted his application for roadie yet, the legal side of things would make the legal boys richer but the job offer hasn't changed. We do need some sales assistants and warehouse staff to assist with our venture.

What do you think about upgrading Liz's buggie we could get one from the scrappers for it, either that or we will have to pay out for some other means of transport.

I have no intension of trading out the back of a yellow 3 wheeler though, I mean were would we put the supplies.

We need a suitable moto, any ideas ??
Mar 14, 2005
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What we need is a large fixed bed van/lorry - don't worry if over 7.5 tons as Emmerson can be our paid driver as he has a HGV licence and knows the country. We need the side to open out similar to a market traders vehicle but obviously the vehicle must appear more up market than a street trader vehicle. The colour, design and wording must be such to attract the discerning buyer and not the riff raff. Could also expand to the public house trade for their clientelle to enjoy the ambiance of being able to smoke whilst enjoying a drink.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you very much for EVENTUALLY inluding me in your plans! I think I should point out, however, that I too have been in touch with my legal advisers, Screwem & Hoppit, of Leggit Lane.They feel that I have a very good claim to a major share of the business, as it was MY DOUBLE TOILET TENT which started the whole idea in the first place.As I remember it, Liz(cornwall) actually ridiculed my tent, and therefore she should be excluded from any financial gain from the project. She would, however, be allowed to drive the golf buggy.I await your comments, be they from yourselves or your legal staff.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ian now another one is trying to muster in on our venture. OK Emmerson I will grant you the double toilet tent was your idea but it has progressed from a very basic structure to a first rate place of socialising, entertainment and a toilet facility. How do you feel if we rearranged the stake in the company to read Ian 45% myself 45% Liz 5% and yourself 5%. I think this is a fair distribution of wealth. Incidentally we will be providing a vehicle which has a bunk and toilet facility built into the cab. We will endevour to look after your comforts whilst driving.


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