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Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry, but we've got you beaten all ends up! Screwem and Leggitt are about to sue you lot for so much money that there aren't enough noughts on the computer to print it. And besides,we've come up with an idea which will outsell all of your tinpot schemes.our electric flush system has a large Handel, which when pressed will not only flush the loo, but it will play the "Water Music". Now beat that, or just crawl away and leave us proper business men to count the money.After all, we're on a "roll"
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Matthew, And you Are? sorry matthew if you would like to apply for a job please contact Colin,Ian or Liz on this forum for more details.

Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Emmerson if you think we have the basic model you are very much mistaken. We have a number of added features which we are not prepared to divulge to so called competitors. I will however tell you that rather than one tune we have a jukebox covering all kinds of music from heavy classical to heavy rock. Another feature we have is a computer terminal with fax facilities. These are just two of many accessories others will have to be seen when on site. We will however add facilities as requested by our clients.
Apr 4, 2005
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I am pleased to accept the position and look forward to starting with the business very soon. I have been thinking of how to expand products and wonder if you have chosen a site for the demo model. If the cubicle proved to be popular there might be a queue as folks went for a p and q before retiring for the night. Perhaps later, you could develop a showerQbicle also.
Oct 17, 2006
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Emmerson beats going to the pub, but if you want to promote us to your local, that would be fine, just face it we have come up trumps here, we are getting interests from all directions. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry Liz, but you lose out again. We intend to recruit LMH as soon as she returns to the forum. We also have a directorship lined up for Lord B on his return, too. he, hopefully will promote our product in the Other Place, and LMH will do the same in all the Staffie clubs. In fact, we're already working on a doggy version of our product. ( I just wish I could remember what that product is!!!!)
Mar 14, 2005
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Scraping the barrell in recruiting Lord B. - before you turned to the mods for help but they ignored you and now you are hoping I suppose to have a regal crest on your products "BY Appointment To Lord B." what a laugh - you will be the laughing stock of the British manufacturing industry.
Oct 17, 2006
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Emmerson now LMH is not a push over, LMH and her SBT and me with my Jack Russells so don't count your chickens before they have hatched. Now Lord B well this will all be sorted time he gets back, so no worries there. Looks like your on your own, nice try. lol Liz

P.S Doggies are covered we have scooped the deal already, hard Luck.
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry Chrissylizzie we had some urgent matters to deal with as you can see from postings, but I beleive that it has all been sorted now,

In this line of business you have to wash your back (sorry watch your back), lol Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Psst, colin(bridgend) Are you there? I've been thinking about this conflict we have with our businesses. As it's quiet on here this morning, this might be a good time to talk together, as fellow-Welshmen.Can you imagine what sort of world-beating product you and I could have if we pooled our resources? Aside from making us both very rich, it would keep all the profits in GoC, and there's plenty of empty factories so we could probably get a Welsh Assembly grant to start production. Get back to me if you're interested, but don't tell any of the others. This is for the Taffia only.
Jan 2, 2006
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Emmerson,do I take it from your posts that we are now business partners.I fully endorse recruiting both LMH (useful if we have a methane flare up) and of course with LB and myself we cannot fail with two members of the aristicracy thats nearly like being on the throne.I am working at the moment on the idea of an annex possible as a granny flat or doing B&B so that they will have ensuite arrangements.I am suprised at the derision by that other outfit for my proposed links to Del Boy and Rodney after all they are the Trotters!I take heart that the other lot in obvious desperation seem to be prepared to employ anybody who comes on line unlike us who are more selective,I think it just smacks of panic in the face of likely failure.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sir Anthony, my previous post was for colin(bridgend), and was confidential. How dare you read my private correspondence? I shall speak to Lord B and have you thrown in the tower!
Jan 2, 2006
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I can't believe you have all turned against me I think I have no choice but to start plotting the downfall of both outfits,I shall begin with talking to trading standards and check that now it is the size that it is if planning permission is required.

I feel you are missing a chance here Emmerson to benefit from my years in banking and finance.
Jan 2, 2006
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I knew it was a mistake to trust the Welsh just you wait until Lord B comes back we will reinstate Offs **** and keep you lot back in the valleys.It is a shame when such an opportunity came along to let bygones be bygones and to all work together but no it clearly was not to be old habits die hard I suppose.So that leaves me LMH and Lord B to develop our superior product then and drive your inferior effort off the shelves.Given that Liz is not Welsh (as far as I know) she can if she wishes come and be employed us we need a cleaner and she has the experience with mop and bucket.
Jan 2, 2006
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Sir Anthony, my previous post was for colin(bridgend), and was confidential. How dare you read my private correspondence? I shall speak to Lord B and have you thrown in the tower!
The Tower holds no fear for me my ancestor went there,mind you he did lose his head so to speak :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm beginning to wonder where they've all gone this afternoon.I can see it's going to be left to me to sort out all of the opposition. Not one of them has been seen all day, and Ian has been missing since early evening yesterday. I don't think any of them can be really trusted when the chips are down (though colin may have gone to chapel, like a good valley boy should. I'm exempt, cos I was there on Friday, and Liz is probably on stand-by in the toilets)
Mar 14, 2005
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I knew it was a mistake to trust the Welsh just you wait until Lord B comes back we will reinstate Offs **** and keep you lot back in the valleys.It is a shame when such an opportunity came along to let bygones be bygones and to all work together but no it clearly was not to be old habits die hard I suppose.So that leaves me LMH and Lord B to develop our superior product then and drive your inferior effort off the shelves.Given that Liz is not Welsh (as far as I know) she can if she wishes come and be employed us we need a cleaner and she has the experience with mop and bucket.
Offa's ****? We'll destroy that with our store of methane gas, then build another bridge and charge you all to get out of GoC.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter you have been ousted by one of your founder partners of the company. Please do not tar all Welsh people with the same brush. The way Emmerson is carrying out his business I think you are better off out of it - on behalf of Ian and Liz I now have the pleasure of offering the hand of frienship and a seat on the board of directors of our company as a mark of trust and respect of you. Emmerson I am not a valley boy as I was born and raised in Aberavon and brought up as a member of the Church in Wales.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm beginning to wonder where they've all gone this afternoon.I can see it's going to be left to me to sort out all of the opposition. Not one of them has been seen all day, and Ian has been missing since early evening yesterday. I don't think any of them can be really trusted when the chips are down (though colin may have gone to chapel, like a good valley boy should. I'm exempt, cos I was there on Friday, and Liz is probably on stand-by in the toilets)
PS, just shows how observant you lot are: you didn't even notice that my solicitors changed from Screwem & Hoppit to Screwem and Leggitt!
Mar 14, 2005
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I have always maintained that as part of the UK we should all act together to further the good name of the country and not attempt to out smarten each other. I will put to my fellow directors the idea that we should stop these petty squabbles and unite the two companies as one to enhance the design and production of a quality product with no competition and thereby be sole traders. I am sure that we can appoint professional responsibilities to each of us and unite in the name of success.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,thankyou for your offer of a place on the board which I am happy to accept after being betrayed by someone who i considered a friend namely Emmerson,and now he tries to besmirch my name,I have no doubt Emmerson will come back to explain my why my name is what it is but IO hope that this will not change your mind regarding my new position,after all it was an ancestor and over 400 years ago,I would not dream of such behaviour especially if it reflected badly on our new enterprise.To recap are Liz and the others now on the payroll.I know you have issues with lord B but I do feel he could be an asset to the business,with his title and proximity to the throne.I hope now that we have finally come to agreement we can leave the other riff raff to their inferior product and we can press on with development of ours.Are you able to outline the final specification,don't worry I doubt Emmerson will see as he is as you say at chapel down the valley somewhere.


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