Overweight caravaners.

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Mar 14, 2005
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No way. Screwem & Leggit will not allow me to accept anything less than 60%, but that could possibly be reduced to 55% if there was a mop & bucket in the cab as well.
Mar 14, 2005
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5% is my final offer but we are prepared to throw Liz in to the cab with her mop and bucket - take it or leave it as there are many other excellent HGV drivers out there willing to work for us.
Mar 14, 2005
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Colin, whilst I would certainly welcome Liz in the cab, I don't think she'd appreciate being "thrown" in!Also, I don't like your tone in that last posting, so if that's going to be your attitude, then I shall instruct Screwem & Leggit to begin action against you, personally, as ringleader, because your so-called partners appear to have run away as soon as it got tough. Now I'm going to have my pm nap.Do not disturb, please.
Jan 2, 2006
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Emmerson,I dont believe how these people are trying to muscle in on our invention true thay have had a small very limited input but most is I consider mere fancyful thinking and not really practical.You will see from a previous post that I already have the copyright and therefore the patents in place for my design(which includes some but no all of their features)which is to be called The Royale Thunder Box,I am already looking at marketing ideas and think maybe like supermarkets we could try a 'Bog Off' promotion.Personally I think the golf buggy idea is a none starter especially if the battery is flat,I have ordered a pupose built display vehicle with all mod cons and looks very impressive not like the c*** they are going to use.Emmerson me old mucker I am prepared to offer you equal shares at 50/50 and cut out Colin,Ian and Liz ,if Matthew appears he can have the warehouse job they have available.
Jan 2, 2006
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Moderators :- I hope you are keeping a watching brief on this thread as the other three namely Colin,Ian and Liz are I believe acting unfairly and against forum etiquette so if need be can myself and Emmerson be assured of your intervention in blocking their copying of our product.
Jan 2, 2006
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Moderators :- I hope you are keeping a watching brief on this thread as the other three namely Colin,Ian and Liz are I believe acting unfairly and against forum etiquette so if need be can myself and Emmerson be assured of your intervention in blocking their copying of our product.
Mods dont let them know I am joking,keep it between us.
Mar 14, 2005
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Emmerson as far as your legal advisers are concerned I have no cause to fear them. That firm is but a small organisation in the legal system of the UK - we will eat them for breakfast and spit out the distasteful bits.

Plotter you have not got the patent rights of the new product and I don't think your BOGOF approach will work. My partners are at present in the contract room ironing out last minute hitches - they have not run scared as suggested.

Incidently as our product is superior and better value for money we are not afraid of cheap imitation competition. Copying is the sincerest form of flattery.
Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter that is an underhanded means of corruption having to run to the moderators for help. How low can you go? - much lower and you will be able to limbo dance under the 2in. gap as Emmerson suggested in his Heath Robertson makeshift attempt of design.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin I thought we were mates what has happened you have let the thought of massive wealth cloud your judgement and you previosly unquestioned moral standing can we not come to some sort of compromise,the warehouse job is not an option it has to be a significant stake.Think about it this way we both reckon we have money making products that differ from one another and so almost certainly appeal to different market sectors yours to the budget market and mine (and maybe Emmerson's)to the more discerning purchaser.So what I suggest is what I believe is a mutually agreeable solution a merger,what do you think then we can stop the squabbling and concentrate on making lots of the folding stuff.Incidently I have registered our business on the Isle of Man to ensure the most tax efficient situation.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi all, just want to clarify my position here; before I go any further, I seemed to have dropped from 10% to 5%,

I have today been seeking some Legal Advice from my solicitors Looe.Limited, whom inform me of my rights, therefore the web site for the above is

wwc.*** End/Rear End.com

Partners of my own choosing, job interviews to be arranged in the near future,

Regards Liz (Managing Director)

p.s Shares maybe available
May 31, 2007
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Colin and Liz, I have been speaking to our legal experts at S.mokeit A.ndsee & Partners at the offices in Looe. They have been looking into the case and they have been in touch with me over the phone not long ago and they have said the other side don't have anything to go on. As we have the patents and copyrights to the whole product range if they tried to duplicate any of it we could make millions in compensation.

They even said they had from a very reliable sorce that we could even be mentioned in the Loo of the year awards ( yes this is a real award )as we have such a high quality product and people would be coming for miles to be able to use our product.

With this peace of mind we can now relax and let things run. They have also waivered their consultation fees if we would provide them with use of 4 of our products for their A.G.M.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Ian, Very good news well done, my solicitor Looe.Limited did mention that you may be speaking to S.mokeit A ndsee and Partners know them well.

So looks like the Loo Award is in the Bag (Nicely wrapped) up I would say.

4 products I cannot see a problem.

I wonder where Colin is, perhaps gone to the Bank for our Loan at T.S.Pee Limited

Well Ian you and me have done a grand job today lets hope it continues. Lol Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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As a result of the legal consultations by my partners Liz and Ian I can now confirm that all is ready to go. The warehouse for manufacturing and storage is available, we have transport and as Emmerson cast doubts on his availability (bickering over shares and wages) we have an expert driver (chap by the name of Richard ???? - he is available as a result of his present job being shelved at present and has good references from BBC) and most of all we have adiquate funding at a very lucrative rate of interest (3% pa and a loan of 4 units for their AGM). All we want now is the customer. Keep up the good work Ian and Liz and the money will soon be flooding in.
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin you have done well warehouse is obviously called The Dumphouse, I trust your judgement on our new driver, I hope he is able to cope with the load, and will not be too much for him.

A customer would just top it all.

I did have an enquiry on website not very clear, I think it was for a demo, would this be possible, who would you suggest for such a big job??

Lol Liz.
Mar 14, 2005
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Very close Liz - it is actually known as the Pump House for historical reasons apparently. Regarding our new driver he has only suffered one serious accident of his own fault and after hospitalisation he appears to be now OK. We will need an atractive young lady to act as a demonstrator as they generally can charm any man to part with his money - back to you Liz - do you know any attractive young ladies who would fit the bill?
Oct 17, 2006
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That might work Colin, very quiet from the rest of our rivals, they know when they have been beaten.

Now just in case I have to go to Somerset short notice, behave yourself. lol Liz
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi All

I have been following this thread with great interest and I think that when you start to get all these orders and sales you are all going to achieve a very effluent lifestyle.
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi Colin

I do have secretarial skills as it happens and also experience in sales, so I probably should apply for the position. I am able to come for interview at your convenience.
Mar 14, 2005
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Scraping eh Mathew I suppose now you want a piece of the action - well tough go and find your own business as we have worked long and hard including burning the midnight oil developing this project.


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