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Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,thankyou for your offer of a place on the board which I am happy to accept after being betrayed by someone who i considered a friend namely Emmerson,and now he tries to besmirch my name,I have no doubt Emmerson will come back to explain my why my name is what it is but IO hope that this will not change your mind regarding my new position,after all it was an ancestor and over 400 years ago,I would not dream of such behaviour especially if it reflected badly on our new enterprise.To recap are Liz and the others now on the payroll.I know you have issues with lord B but I do feel he could be an asset to the business,with his title and proximity to the throne.I hope now that we have finally come to agreement we can leave the other riff raff to their inferior product and we can press on with development of ours.Are you able to outline the final specification,don't worry I doubt Emmerson will see as he is as you say at chapel down the valley somewhere.
I assume Colin that you have been appointed MD in which case when you call the next board meeting (the first in fact)we can discuss your proposal,which in retrospect I support I had previously suggested a merger.
Oct 17, 2006
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Now Colin, have you got some explaining to do? We now have some extra staff, should you have not consulted your fellow directors first, I thought this was company policy.

If The Plotter is now on our staff, maybe his stool would come in handy but I do feel he first find the Udder One first!!

What has Emmerson got to offer?,(Did you ask)

Not Heard from Chrissylizzie although she has accepted the postion as stated.

Not heard from Ian neither

We also have Matthew whom seems to be involved somewhere along the line not sure something do with posted in the first place,

Perhaps you could please clarify the postion.

Awaiting your comments in due course,

If this is not resolved I will have no choice but to take the stop smoking tablet, therefore my shares would be available to the highest offer.

Regards Liz (Managing Director)
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz I am getting confused I assumed that Colin was MD when he offered me the position on the board which I have accepted an would not expect to be withdrawn even if Emmerson explains my background.I assume as you sign yourself MD then Colin must be CEO.You are very welcome to my stool large as it is and I will endevour to find the udder one as you suggest.Given my business background I assume I shall take up the roll of Financial Director.Ian has made valuable contributions and could be in charge of R&D,Chrissie Lizzie is in her secretarial/sales role and Matthew with due respect has only really contributed the original post so he could be in charge of the post room.As regards Emmerson well it is perhaps best that I dont get involved in what we do with him,although I could suggest a couple of things ,but maybe with his HGV experience hecould be in charge of Logistics.

It would appear that things are coming together with the structure of the Company so soon production can begin in ernest(a little village with a big warehouse).
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz I am getting confused I assumed that Colin was MD when he offered me the position on the board which I have accepted an would not expect to be withdrawn even if Emmerson explains my background.I assume as you sign yourself MD then Colin must be CEO.You are very welcome to my stool large as it is and I will endevour to find the udder one as you suggest.Given my business background I assume I shall take up the roll of Financial Director.Ian has made valuable contributions and could be in charge of R&D,Chrissie Lizzie is in her secretarial/sales role and Matthew with due respect has only really contributed the original post so he could be in charge of the post room.As regards Emmerson well it is perhaps best that I dont get involved in what we do with him,although I could suggest a couple of things ,but maybe with his HGV experience hecould be in charge of Logistics.

It would appear that things are coming together with the structure of the Company so soon production can begin in ernest(a little village with a big warehouse).
As an addendum to the above I was thinking but obviously the board will decide,but we are in danger of being a one horse race so we need to start thinking of other products to develop whilst launching the Smokaloo or whatever name is decided upon.Any ideas for diversification.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm not at all sure I want to be involved in any company which employs the Plotter. Be warned his family is not to be trusted. If he will not tell you his history, then you will have to remain in ignorance, but it goes way above even Lord Braykewynde.But of course, I could be persuaded to operate the logistics of the business, if the money was right. Not that I'm mercenary, mind.
Jan 2, 2006
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Emmerson,please don't tell them or they might sack me and I have 15 children a large mortgage a wife and two cats to support.At least you have seen sense and are prepared to consider the important role of logistis manager,what would we do if deliveries were not organised.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi The Plotter, Just to clarify things a little more, Colin in on a YTS with the company, not quite upto Management Skills yet, but with a little more experience we may review his status.

Now Emmerson, Trying to creep to Colin in my absence, just because your partners i.e Lord B is not here, it will not work, you will have to creep a little harder.

Good points raised The Plotter, but we must clear up these minor hiccups first, do you not agree, because off your 15 children to feed, one must look after you.

Regards Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Psst The Plotter, If we are very clever we may be able to run this company ourselves, Colin not here, no need to worry about Emmerson, not heard from the others, so if we play our cards right, we could be sole owners. What do you say? Please do not let anybody see this message.ok. Regards Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Ok talk only in a whisper for fear they hear,yes we could go down that route but am glad that you are not letting my background put you off but plotting is in the blood so together we might get away with it(although my families track record is not good)

I am worried though in case we get trouble from Colin and co because it bothers me if the workers are revolting.If we were to go it alone together(how does that work)what will we do for workers are there any piskies that you know that we can recruit or maybe a few Poles or Romanian's.
Oct 17, 2006
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Ok I am whispering hope you can hear me, do not worry we will get more people looking in, you wait and see, but we have to think of more ideas for the "smokaloo"

Do not worry about Colin, he might turn a bit bitchy but we will worry about that when the time comes,

now we must think of more ideas, I will put my thinking cap on.

Apr 4, 2005
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Sorry I have been out of the office all day, but I had urgent business to attend to. I have been watching the developments and wonder just how the Company is going to proceed from here.

Even though mainly involved in the secretarial tasks, I have been thinking of how the 'doggy' side of the business could be developed. Dogs generally have to use trees, so perhaps we could market a new idea built of wood so they know what to do. It could be called a logdogloo and Pet's R Us are interested. If the Company does split and the opposition think they can beat this idea, they will be barking up the wrong tree.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Chrissylizzie, I have also been out this afternoon, but come back to find all sorts of things of happened, Colin has disappeared, we still have The Plotter, Emmerson well he is trying to creep his way in, as for the others well you have probably seen the posts, glad you are still here, what a brilliant idea for the doggies, us girlies have got to stick to together, I think you have differently earnt a promotion. Shall we have girl doggy tents and boy doggy tents. Regards Liz
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Chrissylizzie, you say call it logdogloo, but do you not think it might be a bit heavy for transportation, could it not be tentdogloo, a bit lighter do you not agree, we have to sort this out before the boys are back in town, you know what they are like they will scoop our ideas. Liz
Apr 4, 2005
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Agreed we must keep an eye on these men. I think girl doggy loos and boy doggy loos are worth developing. Mind you, the boy doggy loos will need more supervision before the users grasp what they have to do.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,just in case Emmerson comes back trying to stir it I think I need to say that whilst the original plot involved a 'Liz'I ahve no plans to emulate my ancestors so you are quite safe.

I have been working the little grey cells and have been in touch with AlKo and they have put their design team on developing a special chassis upon which our product can be installed.It needs to be a bit like a low loader lorry so that it rides very low to the ground.Are there any special features we need to include,I have told them that stability is crucial as we dont want spillages,they in turn are consulting with the powers that be to see if it could be towed behind the caravan a bit like the road trains in Oz.It looks like Colin and Emmerson have decided that this project is out of their league.
Oct 17, 2006
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I quite agree about the boy doggies, we don't really want to supervise really, how about a larger set of scales inside the logdogloo or tentlogloo, with some kind of meter reading system on the outside. Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Breaking News,Breaking News:-

I tokk it upon myself and hope my fellow Director Liz doesn't mind but i refered the plans of the 'Loo'to a mechanical engineer and to say I am impressed with his result is something of and understatement.You will appreciate on an open forum(where the likes of Colin and Emmerson can see)I can't go into too much detail but using cantilever mechanisms and revolutionary lightweight materials he is confident that the whole thing,yes the whole thing can be packed away into (wait for this) a pack of around two cubic feet.Better still he has designed a method where the unit will be fastened into the van for transportation but from a refillable cylinder be filled with helium so that it floats in the van so adds no weight,how clever is that!
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi The Plotter, what a great idea a low loader, it will cope nicely with Chrissylizzie's idea of the doggie's loos.

Us 3 are doing a grand job, who needs the rest, some Clients would be ideal now, we must promote, we cannot do it on here, as Mods would get involved and we don't want that to happen, we are doing so well without them, I wonder if any of them would like to be our Clients or maybe a model for our smokaloo, or logdogloo/tentdogloo? Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I have not disappeared as I have interests in other lines of business besides this one. Plotter I accepted you on good faith and now behind my back you have suggested to Liz that you two go it alone and that all others be thrown out. It would appear that Emmerson was right about you and therefore I must offer my sincere apaologies to him for ever doubting his word.

In conclusion the company set up is as follows:

Liz, Ian and myself as company directors, Chrissylizzie as internal sales, reception and clerical director, Emmerson as Logistics manager and all others employed on the production line as general operatives. This was the initial company management plan and we are sticking to it - any deviation has to be rattified by Companies House.

Any whispering by any member of the company whether director, manager or employee and relating to company business will result in instant dismissal - if you are not man/woman enough to voice your opinion out loud you are no use to the company.
Jan 2, 2006
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With respect Colin it was not I that proposed dumping you if you excuse the pun but Liz,I am suprised that you did not see what I was doing in your abscence I have gone along with them to find out if they are to be trusted clearly they are not,so it looks like we are back in business but I suggest perhaps you look at again at including Liz ( I did warn her about my ancestor and people called Liz).What do you think of the design from the mechanical engineer for the floating weight neutral pack?
Oct 17, 2006
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Colin, I do not know where you have got your information from, nothing has been discussed or planned, as for whispering would I do that, I think you have been reading the wrong posts, I have myself been out putting posters up around the Newquay area to promote our Loo's, how could you think such a thing of me,

(he's never find out he's only on YTS).(Deleted).

So what have you been doing today Colin, have not heard from Ian, perhaps both of you have been doing some promoting yourselves. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz I would like to bring you to book regarding posters around Newquay (presumably Cornwall) as I have at present first hand information - my son is in Newquay Cornwall this weekend with 27 friends on a stag weekend. He has not seen any posters regarding our company or its products as I asked him a few minutes ago. He phoned for me to meet him off the bus when he gets back to Aberkenfig later tonight.
Mar 14, 2005
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The way this company is being set up and "run" is diabolical - infighting before we even get off the ground. It is obvious to me there is no back stabbing - why wait until their back is turned, stab them in the front. I havn't a clue who I can trust apart from me. Any more of this bickering and it will be two fingers to the lot of you (and not the Churchill salute) and I will start out on my own.


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