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Mar 14, 2005
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Oh dear, all this sounds well dodgy to me.

Have you thought about getting Alan Sugar in to help you start it up?

What's Liz's and Chrissylizzie's role in the company? I'm wondering if they're being asked to participate purely because they are not making excessive demands like I am (allegedly).

Looks like I might have to consider taking the company to a tribunal. I feel I am being treated less favourably as the others. I also sense a bit of discrimination because I am a woman and some people might be wanting to offer the job to a man.

Lisa, I've just offered you better terms than them, even though you're going to stand me up next week! What are you doing, still talking to them?
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,why are you having a go at me i have told you I am on your side and only went along with the others to discover their plans while you were away.I was not plotting against you.I have said above that your idea for a mulching machine as a recycling route is great.


Mar 14, 2005
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I can't keep up, whilst I was typing just then, nine posts were made!

Thanks for the offer emmerson, before I say yes or no (subject to the outcome of any tribunal of course), have you got room for a pony in your paddock?



Mar 14, 2005
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Oh dear, all this sounds well dodgy to me.

Have you thought about getting Alan Sugar in to help you start it up?

What's Liz's and Chrissylizzie's role in the company? I'm wondering if they're being asked to participate purely because they are not making excessive demands like I am (allegedly).

Looks like I might have to consider taking the company to a tribunal. I feel I am being treated less favourably as the others. I also sense a bit of discrimination because I am a woman and some people might be wanting to offer the job to a man.

I've replied below, but I have a child to feed you know, so I have to do what's best for me.



Mar 14, 2005
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Well, it might sway things a bit. I'm not promising anything though. If I did take up your offer, it would mean giving up a high flying career in the fire service. Plus, the firemen are very nice to look at, particularly in their shorts. All these things have to be considered.

Mar 14, 2005
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Emmerson I will agree with you as the way things are going at present I will hang my head low and openly admit defeat. Never have I been so messed around by so few in the past. Lisa I don't think at the moment you will have grounds for success in an industrial tribunal - my advice is to cut your losses and join Emmerson with his offer it appears far more lucrative.
Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa if you come on the side of me ands Colin ( we are partners really ) he has said he will wear shorts around the office if that helps to sway your decision.
Mar 14, 2005
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I had to give up wearing shorts.It was frightening the horses! Lisa, I had planned to build our factory on my paddock, but if keeping your pony in there means you'll join our company, I'll build elswhere!besides, the pony might well be useful for us to escape the creditors if this thing goes pear-shaped. See, I always try to be one step ahead.
Jan 2, 2006
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Colin,Can you confirm that we are co directors and that we will consider application fron Liz and Lisa,however Emmerson is a problem possibly due to his Nordic ancestry!:eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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If we can successfully get this business off the ground I will work wearing only my underpants if it makes anybody feel any better. Serious this has to be sorted out and soon, and I still think that we should all be united and reform on a larger scale with a greater knowledgable input from all parties concerned. Ladies and gentlement lets all start afresh and forget the past infighting and bad feelings to one and another.
Mar 14, 2005
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In light of my last posting will you all please answer either FOR or AGAINST a merger of the two companies and it be run as one. I don't want any other correspondance at this point - just one word, you are either FOR the merger or AGAINST the merger.


Mar 14, 2005
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Colin, I'll have to print this off and take it to my solicitor in the morning as some of you have implied there is a job available for me and now it looks like it was just an empty promises. Did I tell you my solicitor (lawyer) is the one who advised the writers on Dallas of some of JR's schemes. He's a genious. However, if he's not free, I'll get an FBU rep to represent me.

Plotter, the offer of Colin wearing his shorts around the office is tempting though.

Liz - yes, there's a job here for you if you want it. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it. You'll have to get used to the doorbell ringing and when you answer it to a woman, the absolute look of disappointment on her face when I answer is a picture (they expect a dishy fireman and they get me).



Mar 14, 2005
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emmerson, I'm really sorry but I've got a thing about land being built on, particularly paddocks. In fact, I am thinking about trying to get on at the council so I can block planning applications.

Its encouraging to hear that you would refrain from building on the paddock but the very idea that you were considering it, is a massive downer on your offer.

I need to think very carefully. Anyway, with the money I get from the tribunal, I might not need to work again anyway.



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