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Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter here you go again trying to influence Liz and for you and her information I am not YTS and never have been. The nearest to this was YTS coordinator in College for construction. Since retirng from college I have a few irons in the fire with trustworthy colleagues. I am more than capable of setting up and running my own business and I have had discussions with alternative interested parties (which at this point of time for obvious reasons will remain nameless) and they are more than willing to join me and even make a financial investment into the business thereby reducing bank charges. This time next year you will all regret having annoyed me to such an extent that I will be the sole proprieter of a successful and financially sound company.


Mar 14, 2005
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I've just scanned through the posts, so if I've got anything wrong, apologies.

Am I going to be offered a job? Why hasn't anyone formally approached me to see if I'm interested? What are the terms of my employment? I'll give you an idea of what I am expecting:

I'm not cheap......

(smily icon thingy)

A five figure salary

A company car of my choice, I was thinking something along the lines of a red sports car

35 Hours per week with an hour for lunch


A uniform (designer mind, not off the rack)

Generous holidays and sick pay

Makeup allowance

Private health scheme

Three monthly botox allowance

Hairdresser allowance

(You don't look as good as I do on peanuts)

A dog (of my choice) to assist me with various duties

I think that about covers it, I'll expect a formal offer in the post.

I have to say to The Plotter, I am very disappointed with your attitude towards emmerson. If they do take me on board (which I am sure they will), I won't tolerate any funny business and will deal with culprits accordingly.

Oh, and as a feminist, who's going to keep LB in check?

Mar 14, 2005
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I've just scanned through the posts, so if I've got anything wrong, apologies.

Am I going to be offered a job? Why hasn't anyone formally approached me to see if I'm interested? What are the terms of my employment? I'll give you an idea of what I am expecting:

I'm not cheap......

(smily icon thingy)

A five figure salary

A company car of my choice, I was thinking something along the lines of a red sports car

35 Hours per week with an hour for lunch


A uniform (designer mind, not off the rack)

Generous holidays and sick pay

Makeup allowance

Private health scheme

Three monthly botox allowance

Hairdresser allowance

(You don't look as good as I do on peanuts)

A dog (of my choice) to assist me with various duties

I think that about covers it, I'll expect a formal offer in the post.

I have to say to The Plotter, I am very disappointed with your attitude towards emmerson. If they do take me on board (which I am sure they will), I won't tolerate any funny business and will deal with culprits accordingly.

Oh, and as a feminist, who's going to keep LB in check?

Lisa with all the underhanded shinanigans going on in the company even before it is up and running I would advise you to steer clear and find a more suitabl position for yourself with a reputable organisation. I am sorry if this disappoints you but it is how I feel. Unfortunately I am too far in to get out without some form of upheavel but when I do set up on my own I will favourably consider you for a senior post and will probably come to amicable terms.
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry had to visit the little girls room, powder my nose etc,

Now where were we, I see Colin has the Hump, The Plotter how is the 15 children,wife,2dogs,buggie etc,

where is chrissylizzy,Ian,

Colin you cannot go it alone the Bank Manager, Mr. Slashmyboots,says the loan was in yours,mine and Ian's name under the company name "smokaloo" website wwc.*** end/rear end.com. So therefore if you wish to go alone you would have find a substantial amount of money to buy us out.

Please business will be smelling roses soon. Regards Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa,it was Emmerson who started it by saying that he will tell everybody about my pen name(not that i am ashamed).As far as I am concerned you can be employed I said as much before in case we have a methane flare up,however i think you 'demands'are a little excessive.After all this is a new start up and we are not flushed with cash in fact we are scraping the bottom,which is not to be recommended.There is a lot of squabbling going on which is getting in the way of progress but most seems to be coming from over the border.
Oct 17, 2006
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I've just scanned through the posts, so if I've got anything wrong, apologies.

Am I going to be offered a job? Why hasn't anyone formally approached me to see if I'm interested? What are the terms of my employment? I'll give you an idea of what I am expecting:

I'm not cheap......

(smily icon thingy)

A five figure salary

A company car of my choice, I was thinking something along the lines of a red sports car

35 Hours per week with an hour for lunch


A uniform (designer mind, not off the rack)

Generous holidays and sick pay

Makeup allowance

Private health scheme

Three monthly botox allowance

Hairdresser allowance

(You don't look as good as I do on peanuts)

A dog (of my choice) to assist me with various duties

I think that about covers it, I'll expect a formal offer in the post.

I have to say to The Plotter, I am very disappointed with your attitude towards emmerson. If they do take me on board (which I am sure they will), I won't tolerate any funny business and will deal with culprits accordingly.

Oh, and as a feminist, who's going to keep LB in check?

Don't trust him Lisa, Look what he has done to us. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Lisa,it was Emmerson who started it by saying that he will tell everybody about my pen name(not that i am ashamed).As far as I am concerned you can be employed I said as much before in case we have a methane flare up,however i think you 'demands'are a little excessive.After all this is a new start up and we are not flushed with cash in fact we are scraping the bottom,which is not to be recommended.There is a lot of squabbling going on which is getting in the way of progress but most seems to be coming from over the border.
Over the Cornish border
Jan 2, 2006
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But what about paying the creditors.Sorry Colin but you have adopted a very negative out look by working out how to liquidate the company before we have sold the first unit.
Oct 17, 2006
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I think you will find if a Limited Company wants to go into liquidation, all directors have to be consulted, it has to be a whole company decision. Check with the company Solictiors Looe.Limited, which actually I am Managing Director off.

I think you will find that you will have to stick it out to the End. Liz
Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa,it was Emmerson who started it by saying that he will tell everybody about my pen name(not that i am ashamed).As far as I am concerned you can be employed I said as much before in case we have a methane flare up,however i think you 'demands'are a little excessive.After all this is a new start up and we are not flushed with cash in fact we are scraping the bottom,which is not to be recommended.There is a lot of squabbling going on which is getting in the way of progress but most seems to be coming from over the border.
yes I will try again you picked up correctly that I did not specify which border
Mar 14, 2005
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I have gone down this route as it appears that the right hand does not have a clue as to what the right hand is doing let alone the left hand. It has now gone beyond a joke and unless something is agreed pretty soon I will have no alternative than to adopt this "negative approach".
Mar 14, 2005
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Lisa, I've been waiting for you to come aboard. Never mind that other lot, come and work with me. I'm going to ask Sir Richard Pickles to finance us, so now we're off on the way to becoming multi-millionaires like Sir Richard. Bye you other losers. Come on Lisa, lets fly!!! (Virgin, of course)
Jan 2, 2006
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Can I suggest that we all make a decision who is going to go with who so that the bickering can stop and production begin at this rate the Chinese will beat us to it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Emmerson no doubt you saw my apologies regarding doubting your word about the Plotter. May I take this oppertunity of wishing you all the best in your venture and I am sure Lisa will be of great help to you in all aspects of business life - GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH.
Jan 2, 2006
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A suttle word to one of our suppliers to call the cash in will soon put the company in queer street and then the s**t will hit the fan.
Good idea Colin,s*** hitting the fan that is maybe the way forward a mulching machine.
Oct 17, 2006
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Lisa you seem a well educated person, what are your views before you join this company and also you must read all 120posts fully. Regards Liz

P.S We are looking into your requirements, some might have to be removed, but I am sure we can work around this. Nice to see you aboard. Liz


Mar 14, 2005
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Oh dear, all this sounds well dodgy to me.

Have you thought about getting Alan Sugar in to help you start it up?

What's Liz's and Chrissylizzie's role in the company? I'm wondering if they're being asked to participate purely because they are not making excessive demands like I am (allegedly).

Looks like I might have to consider taking the company to a tribunal. I feel I am being treated less favourably as the others. I also sense a bit of discrimination because I am a woman and some people might be wanting to offer the job to a man.



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