Overweight caravaners.

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Oct 17, 2006
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Now you lot I really think the toilet area is very private, therefore no cctv cameras allowed, 2inch gap under toilet tents for air circulation good, I suggest masks should be handed out when entering the toilet blocks, hence incase of gas explosions, do I dare say because of all these overweight caravanners about.

Smoking although I do smoke myself, should not be allowed in toilet block because of the above mentioned gases, see no reason why smoking outside the toilet block , as long as the main toilet door is shut firmly so no gases will escape.

Well I think that has covered this area,

p.s The Plotter you did not reply to my question regarding a miniature toilet brush to put on your stool besides your toilet roll.

Mar 14, 2005
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Liz is this why my mother always told me to change my underwear regularly because with the 2 in. gap at the bottom of the toilet tent one would be able to see who had listened to their mother and who had ignored her?
Oct 17, 2006
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I think I better open a bottle, my hubby has just bought me a pair of steel toe cap boots to take to somerset, I expect they might be handy to slip on for the toilet/shower block. hehehe Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz - Cure any sign of constiaption no doubt. Another cure is a dose of castor oil - you would be afraid to cough. Incidently recapping from the other evening if you do not like honey have a dose of castor oil.
Oct 17, 2006
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What was this thing about caster oil, I can remember my mother pouring a spoonful down my throat, I am sure she said it's was good for me, I will keep my cough and stay young,cough,cough.
Oct 17, 2006
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What was this thing about caster oil, I can remember my mother pouring a spoonful down my throat, I am sure she said it's was good for me, I will keep my cough and stay young,cough,cough.
A cure for constipation, I rather eat prunes.
Jan 2, 2006
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Liz,sorry I didn't mean to ignore your question no I don't have a small brush as it would be silly with such a large stool as the one I have.

With only a two inch gap how does that give sufficient vision to determine if underwear changes have been undertaken,unless a mirror is used or CCTV again.

On serious note (thats a laugh)will smoking be banned in the loos on site.Once you have answered that we can get back to the rest of the rubbish we all keep posting.Talking of which rotting rubbish gives off methane so should all waste receptacles be kep outside of vans.
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi The Plotter, I was under the impression that you had a small stool, which I thought a minature toilet brush would go well with your toilet roll.

I was also under the impression that all site loos were none smoking, maybe I am wrong.

As for 2inch gap below toilet tents if you stand well back from such tents you can see feet,(or in Colin's case underpants)if only he had listen to his mother, so really no need for magnifing glasses to be placed under such tents, or cctv cameras to be placed near such tents.

Mar 14, 2005
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On the subject of being overweight, my doctor told me I had to lose a few pounds, to get down to the lowest I'd ever been. I said what?? 6lbs 7oz, you must be joking!!
May 31, 2007
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1st July smoking ban, double toilet tent ( complete with His & Hers facilaties I presume ), meeting point for smokers in the tiolet tent, I would seriously have to think more than twice to go in there to have a smoke lol.
Mar 14, 2005
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I will be honest in over 30 years of caravanning I have never seen a toilet tent with a chimney. Under the Building Regulations all rooms which have a w.c. must have mechanical ventilation with an over ride facilitiy on the light switch. Could this be incorporated for the smoking fraternity?
May 31, 2007
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ahhh colin thats what the news paper is for to mechanically remove any oders or to disperse the cig smoke. You can just imagine it cant you new style of toilet/smoking tent with carbon pole supported chimney which includes a warning notice, 'Caution is required flamable gasses, please use extraction devise before ignition'.
Mar 14, 2005
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Could we patent this new form of toilet tent and call it a wigwam? The users would then be able to sit on the throne and smoke their pipe of peace. Don't understand the reference to newspaper as the sides would not be strong enough to support the arms with the weight of a braod sheet. We could incorporate disability aids for this purpose though.
Mar 14, 2005
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Right Ian we will get this sorted out now before Liz(cornwall) gets back from Somerset otherwise she will want part of the action. Do you think we need some sort of "Engaged/Vacant" sign and what about a lock or would it be more interesting if it was communial? Another point is where could we put the slot for the 10p. charge. There should also be a sign not to throw cigarette ends in the w.c. We must not overlook the important parts of this new invention otherwise someone will come up with a Mark ll version and steel our thunder. If Mr. Crapper can make his fortune from the basic essentials of the call of nature why can't we?
May 31, 2007
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We could have an honisty tin for people to deposit their 10p charge, the engaged/vacent sign could be hung via a luminous guy rope suspended over the entrance for night time use the sign would also need to be like the fire extinguisher notices so it can be seen in the dark. I dont fancy it being a communial facility really I think the build up of gasses would be a bit to much to handle and you would need to incorperate some sort of partion between the smoking and toilet sections. We are now getting into health and safety regulations there will have to be a fire extinguisher available in case of accidental ignition.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ian I must disagree regarding the honesty tin as God only knows what would be deposited in it. We need something more substantial than that. There would also be the temptation for theft - we all know what caravanners can be like - don't trust the little blighters at all.


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