Hi Frank
Just come in from another shift and saw your earlier post re police pay etc.
Yes I agree it is a job we chose to do, and I am one of the lucky ones, having enough service that I can retire after 30 years ( I will be 53). Full pension though will be about half pay although there will be a lump sum (hopefully if G Brown hasnt spent it). However, our present pay is not rising in proportion with other occupations (in my opinion). I have 20 years service, but if I was to train and qualify as a train driver with a certain company I would increase my wages.
When I joined the police service, it was a job i wanted to do, and I will admit we were also well paid to do it. That incentive is no longer there. Our wages in real terms have dropped and the amount of c@*p we have to put up with is steadily increasing. Add this to the bleating from do-gooders about human rights etc and people being more concerned about being PC than truth, morals and decency and it is not the career it used to be.
Sorry about that but I feel better with that off my chest! :.)