Prison Officers Strike

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May 12, 2006
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Frank, just an observation, read what I said,

"Gio is entitled to his views "

so you put your foot in it again by typing without reading ;O) so desperate to put people down aren't we ;O)
No I read it, just renforcing it !!!.

Don't worry LB nurse will be along in a minute to change your nappy before you go to bed.

May 12, 2006
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Shush Diane, you will soon be accused of being xenophobic by the righteous amongst us ;O)
quote "Don't let the b*ggers get to you allen" That with "he's entitled to his views" looks very much to me a bit of a back handed remark.

Nice to see you remember Xenophobic

Apr 11, 2005
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Hi again I to think that prisoner get it to cushy now day. I think seen as they seen as they thick they got the right to take other people right a way. If it was left to me when they are in prison they shud have there rights taken of them and made to hard labour and not get paid for it and the prison shud not be moden as well.

Jan 19, 2008
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Hi again I to think that prisoner get it to cushy now day. I think seen as they seen as they thick they got the right to take other people right a way. If it was left to me when they are in prison they shud have there rights taken of them and made to hard labour and not get paid for it and the prison shud not be moden as well.

........ and life should mean life.
May 29, 2007
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No i am not xenophobic, i don't mind foriegners, but i do object to them comeing into this country and breaking its law and in extreme cases killing people and the good law abideing people of this country are left to cloth feed and keep them and in many cases thier familys. My poor mother worked all her life from the age of sixteen until she died at 59 and Dad as you know just past away was in the army on boys service at 16 and worked hard all his life, so that these people could come in to this country and break our laws and for us to keep them.

No sorry LB this is wrong!
Jan 19, 2008
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It's not me you have to convince Diane ;O) I've said the same thing in many debates in this forum. I also agree with Mark, why should we keep them. The paedophile who was sentenced to life today is eligible to apply for parole in 18 years and be free so why not just give him an 18 year sentence. Even so for those 18 years it will cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands in total to keep him in gaol.

The problem we have is with the liberalists, those who see good in even the most evil monsters.
May 12, 2006
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I agree 100% that foreign law breakers should be deported as soon as the sentence is completed.

Just look at how many times the Police/CPS have got it wrong in criminal cases.

Should it be one of your kin who goes out, has a car crash after a couple of beers and someone is killed.

Would you scream at the Judge Hang Them ????.it's murder in some peoples view, so how do we decide who hangs and who doesn't.

May 12, 2006
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Paedophiles, have to be mentally deranged, and need to be locked up in secure units for LIFE. But if we follow the route outlined " why should we keep them " cost us a bloody fortune mate.

So we start to put down the mentally impaired in our society ??. That's what you are saying, lets go to Rampton or Carstairs and gas the bloody lot of them criminals, it's probably cheaper than hanging them !!.


Mar 14, 2005
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What not follow the readings in the Christian Bible where it states ".... an eye for an eye ....." or as is done in many foreign countries where the panalty fits the crime - stealing - have your hand chopped off, murder - the death penalty. Where are the human rights activists in these countries? They are probably too scared to show their heads there.
Jan 19, 2008
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Paedophiles, have to be mentally deranged, and need to be locked up in secure units for LIFE. But if we follow the route outlined " why should we keep them " cost us a bloody fortune mate.

So we start to put down the mentally impaired in our society ??. That's what you are saying, lets go to Rampton or Carstairs and gas the bloody lot of them criminals, it's probably cheaper than hanging them !!.


Hmmmm, you've got a good point there, well done. The gas could always be reused for the inbuilt crematoria.
Aug 29, 2006
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Hi Frank

Just come in from another shift and saw your earlier post re police pay etc.

Yes I agree it is a job we chose to do, and I am one of the lucky ones, having enough service that I can retire after 30 years ( I will be 53). Full pension though will be about half pay although there will be a lump sum (hopefully if G Brown hasnt spent it). However, our present pay is not rising in proportion with other occupations (in my opinion). I have 20 years service, but if I was to train and qualify as a train driver with a certain company I would increase my wages.

When I joined the police service, it was a job i wanted to do, and I will admit we were also well paid to do it. That incentive is no longer there. Our wages in real terms have dropped and the amount of c@*p we have to put up with is steadily increasing. Add this to the bleating from do-gooders about human rights etc and people being more concerned about being PC than truth, morals and decency and it is not the career it used to be.

Sorry about that but I feel better with that off my chest! :.)
Feb 4, 2007
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Quote from LB "The problem we have is with the liberalists, those who see good in even the most evil monsters."

Some people cannot be rehabilited, and I dont just mean people with apparent mental conditions, some people are just plain bad but they will still come up for parole.

May 12, 2006
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Welcome back Colin

" or as is done in many foreign countries where the panalty fits the crime - stealing - have your hand chopped off, murder - the death penalty. Where are the human rights activists in these countries? They are probably too scared to show their heads there "

Yes you are right that's why here, we are regarded as a Civilised Society. Do you want to be like Iran !!!!

Your internet connection would be monitored, if you don't pray to Allah 5 times a day you will disappear in the night. Like that Colin.

Be Careful what you wish for it may come come true, Shira Law for the U K that's what you are advocating



Jan 19, 2008
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So what you are saying Colin is that although they will be able to apply for parole they will not get it?????

I'm not up with the play regarding parole but I do know there are those who have been released in the past and gone on to commit more murders :O(

Mark, I can understand what you mean because if I had a close relative I would want nothing to do with him if he/she murdered innocent people. They could rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.
May 29, 2007
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Mark and Frank, I have a brother who has done drugs and drinks, he is also violent when drunk. He was locked up for 4 months and as far as i am concerned good enough! Shame we had to pay to keep him there. And yes if he harmed a child or hurt and killed an adult then he would deserve what he had coming to him.

Life should mean life.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Diane

My brother is on drugs and drink it has made him steel of the family and break other laws.


I was just hading a bit moor to what I was saying it was not to get at you sorry if it seem that way.

May 12, 2006
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I was not trying to say you are overpaid, maybe what is wrong is pay levels for doing certain jobs within the Police Force or the Prison Service. I don't agree with the blanket salary, (which the POA and the Police Federation do ) A Constable on say Skye is slightly different to say Central London/ Liverpool/Manchester/ Glasgow etc. Same as a Prison officer on a wing with violent criminals is not doing the same job as someone on a wing with Fraud Offenders etc.

Yes I know a train driver on cross country who earns


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