pup tents

Aug 23, 2004
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Anyone had any experience of extortionate charges for using a pup tent.

I was filling out the booking form for a site in Pembrokeshire but when trying to work out the nightly fee I couldn't see the cost for a pup tent - I phoned the site owner to enquire and was astounded when I was told £7.50 per night - to put up a small tent on the same pitch as my van and awning. This took the nightly fee for the pitch to £26.50.

Needless to say I ripped the booking form up and have found a site just down the road where the pitch fees are around £10 per night less.

If we all boycott sites who indulge in this kind ofblatant profiteering they will be forced to reduce their prices.

Sorry - rant over - I just hate being ripped off.

Mar 14, 2005
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You did the right thing, Haydn, going somewhere else. Sites like this don't want pup tents so price them to discourage people. Caravanners should never feel ripped off by site charges, if you think they're too high go somewhere else. In a supply & demand economy, WE'RE in charge not the site owners.
Mar 14, 2005
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I also agree you did the right thing. I have just looked at booking a long w/e local to us in the New Forest as we are new to caravaning and need to "check things out". I went on to the website of the Red Shoot Pub Campsite and was amazed at the charging structure. When I added it up the cost for a three day break was over


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