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Mar 14, 2005
I don't think there is much more that can be said on this topic as Lord B. has said it all in a nutshell. His last posting is spot on in my opinion.

Incidentally Brian it would appear that you and I are one and the same person as I can relate to your life style 100%. Still have old banger but was offered a good deal the other day - Jaguar X Type 2.2. turbo diesel estate brand new for 25% discount - can't afford it though so there is another pipe dream to think on whilst having my whisky in the evening.
Mar 14, 2005
There are times when I think LB has been reading my mail!!

Our opinions are so close at times that is almost uncanny. Is it an age thing?
Jan 19, 2008
It's our generation Emmo.

We were brought up in the age of rationing where nothing was thrown away. Rusty nails were straightened and re-used. Orange boxes were covered and draped with old curtains to make bedside cabinets. The Daily Herald was cut into squares, threaded by string and hung on a nail in the outside toilet. Need I go on?

My father was the only worker in our home, my mother was always there when we got home from school with our meals ready. She was always there when we were off sick from school, never farmed out because she was working. I look back at my childhood and I'm thankful for the sacrifices my parents made for us and this is something I will never ever be able to pay. As far as I'm concerned they instilled in me the right morals and principles and my wife came from a similar background, working class, with a mother who was there for her daughters. From what we were taught we have tried to instill into our children. We had three, two of them will give you their last penny, the other will take your last penny so I think two out of three aint too bad :O)

If I died tomorrow I couldn't complain about my life, I've been very fortunate in having a loving family but saying that I honestly don't believe I would want to live it today under the current state of this country. By me saying that doesn't mean I'm ready to pop my clogs just yet though :O)

I've got to keep you buggers in order on this forum ... hehheh!
Mar 16, 2005
"current state of this country"

LB. The current state of this country is fine, better than fine if you realy want to compare standards of the 1930 or 40s or 50s, with today, i suggest taking off the tinted glasses.

Whilst i too look back at my childhood and schooldays with great fondness for the 70s, i tend to look forward to the positives of today,rather than the negatives.

And honestly the positives far outway the negatives today.
Jan 19, 2008
gio I was born in the 40s. I grew up in the 50s and left school in 1960.

I don't need to wear tinted glasses, I was there and now I'm here. When I see of the murders, vicious assualts, and this is just in the class room how on earth can you say things are fine?

I'm not longing for the past, I'm telling it as it was. Parents, at least those who care, can't let their kids out of their sight today, even driving them a few yards to school hence the obesity we have today in children and the fact they spend more time indoors in front of the TV with the playstation.

Crime is at an all time high, hundreds of murderers/rapists have been freed and are roaming the streets. There are no go areas of OUR country where if you stray you risk being attacked, the highest number of schoolgirl mothers in the civilised world, the highest number of single teenage mothers in Europe, a drug situation that is out of control, the worse cases of alcohol abuse in Europe, divorce at an all time high, immigration out of control where a city the size of Coventry will need to be built every year, a transport system that is on overload, our manufacturing industries all but gone, a country where people are now going to have to work until 67, the highest taxed country in Europe, a corrupt government with another corrupt one in waiting, the new home of the Eastern European underworld, a country that welcomes illegal immigrants and houses,feeds and gives them money while they can't look after the indigenous population, having to rob them of their pensions to pay for the handouts, a country that sells off all of our utilities to foreigners like France, where all of their utilities are nationalised to stop foreign companies owning them, a country who allows it's NATO members in Afghanistan (Germany/France)to monitor the peaceful areas while we and the Yanks face the sh*t, a country that will sign up to the wishes of France and Germany of a European Defence Force (guess who will do all the defending), unemployment at an all time high but masked by the governments Job Seekers Allowance.

My typing fingers aching now gio although I could go on.

I think it's you who need to take the rose tinted specs off mate :O)

Gawd I'm buggered typing all that :OP so I aint going to proof read it.
Jan 9, 2008
Now is Gio talking about the country with half a navy and armed forces under manned.

Health service that fails the old, over weight and those who need expensive drugs amongst other things whilst it will give bigger t'ts to women who feel depressed and sex changes to others.

An education service thats ruled by make believe statistic gatherers rather than children's educatinal needs.

A country where midgets, gays and dyslexics or any other member of societies fringes think they can police us and gain respect, whilst we have wet behind the ears MP's from the loony left with little or no practical experience telling us how we should run our lives.

This whilst the dyslesic police want courses so they can understand paperwork and the gay ones are attending acceptance and understanding seminars and we have hobby bobby's who run and hide if a 10 year old school girls go boo to them whilst streets are over run by any goon claiming assylum, eatern european gypos and crims and any 3rd world chancer who jumps a truck at Calais, not forgetting drugs pushers.

We then have most of our main business sold off to foreign owners with MP's egging them on.

There is more, but I guess the place is ok like Gio says.
Jan 19, 2008
Hmmmm , I knew I'd forgotten one or two things. Thanks for helping me get even more depressed after my long missive Jason but I'm sure both of us have missed a few more points out of the list :O)

BTW you say "half a navy and armed forces under manned".

Don't forget under equipped. And our thousands of government quango's. And a society that allows a Gay Police Officers Association and a Black Police Officers Association but would throw in jail the first person who started a White Heterosexual Police Officers Association.
Jan 9, 2008
Well I could have added police that don't turn out for robberies but Hearses and Funeral cars that get clamped.

Big gas profits within weeks of forced upon the supplier record price increases to consumers.

Shop owner attacked by on the run criminal with knife under threat of murder charge because he defended himself and the scumbag got killed.

Yeah and there is much more, but Gio might be right
Mar 14, 2005
Read in the local paper recently that the Heath Hospital in Cardiff are now not going to employ any more foreign staff because of the language difficulty between the staff and staff/patient. Now who would have realised there was a problem at all? Foreign medics treating foreign patients - no language problem
Mar 14, 2005
The topic under discussion here seems to have meandered off the original posting I made but still makes interesting reading. Nice to be able to get it off your chest and find there are others who agree with your point of view. Now if only the powers that be could be made to understand how the rank and file British citizan feels about this country there could be an effort made to improve matters - what a pleasant thought.
Jan 19, 2008
The topic under discussion here seems to have meandered off the original posting I made but still makes interesting reading. Nice to be able to get it off your chest and find there are others who agree with your point of view. Now if only the powers that be could be made to understand how the rank and file British citizan feels about this country there could be an effort made to improve matters - what a pleasant thought.
How long are you prepared to wait Colin?
Dec 14, 2006
Have you read the story this morning about the police Superintendent who moved house (from Haringey) rather than confront the yobs outside his door? He then went on to speak at a conference to say the police should do more about this sort of thing!!! More 'running away' or what?
Mar 16, 2005
LB& jason. I am just wondering if either of you ever dare wonder out, let alone go out caravanning.What with all those murderers and criminals lying in wait!

No,it was no different in the old days,and thankfully today we have a better system for catching them.

As bad as people claim the NHS is,the fact is survival rates are still far far higher now than "back in the old days"

And yet you complain that some will have to wait till they are 67! till they can retire! when the NHS was formed people were not expected to even live that long, certainly not the working classes.So you want to go back to those days do you?

If only they had had the internet back then,we could be reading how much better it was in the victorian days.

I never said it was perfect,and you moan about the lose of our manufacturing industry,whos faults that? do you still buy shoes at
Jan 6, 2008
Hi Colin

Yes Colin I to took early retirement and purchased a new caravan to enjoy our selves.

But now have found our selfs looking after one mother in law 75 years old house bound doing shopping cleaning banking looking after evey thing. Also I have two 80 year old Parants live a round trip of 120 miles one in and out of hospital like a yo yo and the other is going through second child hood. We also have a 25 year old disabled daughter living at home who we care for.

A bullet through my head at present would solve my problems.
Mar 14, 2005
Stephen - as Lord B. previously stated there are extenuating circumstances for each of us in some way or another. I will take my hat off to you for the responsibilities you have and the admiarable way you seem to undertake these duties. I know what it feels like as my mother died approx. three and a half years ago and my mother in law who is 89 is at present in hospital. We do her shopping and heavy washing for her weekly - she likes to do her personal washing herself. We are more fortunate in that she lives only 8 miles away. A friend had an invalid daughter - unfortunately she was both mentally and physically handicapped, and the pressures it put on his wife and self were unthinkable. As I said I admire you for the care you are providing and it appears from your posting that you have still retained a sense of humour. Keep up the good work sir.


Mar 14, 2005
I haven't read through all the posts, so I'll apologise if I've taken this out of context.

Blimey Jason:

QUOTE: 'A country where midgets, gays and dyslexics or any other member of societies fringes think they can police us and gain respect'.

I think what you're written is well out of order Jason.




This is 2008 you know.

I can't understand why anybody has a hatred for gay people. I also can't understand why people actively discriminate people who arn't as tall as some of the public expect them to be. Dyslexics - some very high profile people in this country have dyslexia. My understanding is you are born dyslexic, I don't think it has anything to do with IQ etc.

I know you're quoting the police. I'll ask this question of you:


Your house is on fire, you and your family are trapped in a room on the first floor of a building. All escape routes are inpassable. Jumping out the window is not possible (fs never recommend jumping by the way).

Three pumps turn up, crewed by gay, dyslexic and 'smaller' people'.

Would you turn them away Jason and say 'send me some 6ft 2, hetrosexual male firefighters who are well educated?

The fire service no longer has height requirements, no formal qualifications are needed and it does not discriminate against gay or lesbians.

I know the fire service is slightly different to the police. But the people who you have quoted would all be well able to do their job after the selection process (including medicals and fitness tests), probationary period (two years) I would imagine the police recruitment process works along the same lines but formal qualifications would be needed.

Sorry if this post sounds harsh but I don't like discrimination against certain members of society.

Jan 9, 2008
Is Gio yet another backwards thinking Socialist? Absolute hogwash Gio.

Steps forwards should not in turn sanction other backwards steps in policing, health care, education, manners and more.

Millions poured into UK car industry by Union backed Labour with no quality guarantees in return for the investment is poor government and lack of respect for the work force and other tax payers of the UK.

Wet police swannng around in cars holding hands whilst the old and young are scared to step out on many a street.

Rather than move forward and sort out the job in hand we have politicians throwing money at arty farty ideas ignoring the problems we have as prices are getting cheaper and everyone can get a TV, Video,Ipod and a mobile phone paid for by the employment services, that many "lose"/ or sell on for profit.

Gio seems to be another out of step with what is going on, as long as his requirements are affordable.
Mar 16, 2005
"out of step"

Sorry jason, you lost that argument when you came out as a sort of nazi! attacking any minority you could think of!

"backward socialist" "requirements are affordable"

How do i say this without coming across as arrogant... nope cannot, sorry jason if i am a "backward socialist" or am happy because "requirements are affordable" Its only to support those

in need.

I cannot complain about being dealt a bad deal in life, like you seem to.Whatever my circumstances they are down to me,i blame no one else, sorry i cannot really honestly say that.What i should say is i give no credit to anyone else!

Maybe once you stop blaming the whole world,or better still see how lucky you really are,things will look so much better.

But if you carry on blaming everything and everyone,beware you will run into a brick wall, cus you aint looking where you are going....
Jan 9, 2008
Sorry LMH.

But I think you have got me wrong, I beleive that there should be a places in society for everybody.

Police and armed forces are supposed to protect us, if somebody was threatening your childs life would you want a midget who could't take on a 15 stone pshyco or someone that may not be able to understand a report faxed about a potential attacker.

Joe Pasquale jokes that he thought of joining the police, but says who would stop or come out with their hands up if he called out.

I'm sorry, but if you honestly think that Alan Carr, Graham Norton or Herve Villechaize would truly earn respect as police you are having a laugh.
Jun 25, 2007
Bet you never thought you'd start such a war of words with your original post, eh Colin?

Who'd have thought that babysitting and dog-walking could bring out such a range of opinions?

Let's all calm down or the mods will step in.

PS We want to go out on Saturday, any offers of babysitting as our usual victims are in the Caribbean on a big boat?!!

No takers - oh well we'll have to take the 3 little darlings with us then!!!
Jun 20, 2005

Are you stuck in a time warp?

The NHS is the best I have ever seen. As a boy we had to wait 3-4 hours for a simple x-ray. Today it is almost same day and always on time.

Education is more freely available to all classes.

We have more car manufacturing plants churning out cars than ever before. Ok they are not British owned but they offer jobs as indeed do the support industries to that trade. eg we have Honda, Toyota, Nissan ( Renault),major engine manufacturers and even aviation.

Having got over the initial shock I am now enjoying my early retirement knowing I did work hard for every penny I now have. I still pay high taxes but at least my overall standard of living is way ahead of what my mum and dad had. I can remember mum getting her first fridge, washing machine and dad his first car, all quite expensive and crap compared to todays products.

If I could change anything I'd love a 6x6 to tow one of those 8axle airstreams. But then I love those little narrow Cornish roads.


Jan 9, 2008
Nazi now you are having a laugh Gio. Don't worry Mr Mod I find that very funny.

I just believe that whatever you are you should not just have right to any job you fancy.

You may have been dealt a bad deal in life Gio, but I think I did pretty well.

As for the fire crew Lisa. If it comes to beefy fire fighters that can read and write with no problem and can carry their own weight or more down a ladder from the window, would you rather have them on their way to you or the crew that may not get to the correct address as they can't work out the route due to dyslexia and a 9 stone gay blown over by the force of the hose to worried about his rugged looks getting tarnished and a 4foot guy who couldn't carry you down the ladder.

Sorry I have no concerns over gays, dyslexics or midgets being employed by anybody but am concerned with their right to be put in any position they fancy.

Next you'll have partially sighted people demanding to fly fighter planes or tourettes sufferers becoming surgeons.

Just because we have a better standing of living and more affordable prices today is no excuse for many of the crimes and bad behaviour on our streets, people crying out for health care and often poorer levels of education.

These things should have moved forward as well since Gio's school days not being seen and perceived as going backwards. If this is the result of pandering to minorities demands and whims I believe society is going backwards and failing all parts of it.

A business man or designer who can work with dyslexia or any other difference is different to people who have to make split second life saving or life changing decisions


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