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Mar 16, 2005
"Nazi now you are having a laugh Gio. Don't worry Mr Mod I find that very funny".

Strange how you ask the mods not to worry about my sentence,you should be more worried about you remarks concerning gays midgets ect.!!!! in fact the fact that you are laughing clearly means you have been there before!

"You may have been dealt a bad deal in life Gio, but I think I did pretty well"

I stated."How do i say this without coming across as arrogant... nope cannot, sorry jason if i am a "backward socialist" or am happy because "requirements are affordable" Its only to support those

in need.

I cannot complain about being dealt a bad deal in life, like you seem to.Whatever my circumstances they are down to me,i blame no one else, sorry i cannot really honestly say that.What i should say is i give no credit to anyone else!"

I think the first line "arrogant" and last line "i give no credit to anyone else!"

Should have given it away, by that i mean I am more than ok, and dont need to blame minorities for anything, which clearly is something you seem to do,so really i can only assume you have had a bad time of it,and resent it strongly.Otherwise how on earth do you come to the conclusion below?

"A business man or designer who can work with dyslexia or any other difference is different to people who have to make split second life saving or life changing decisions"

How is he diferent? has he lost his voice too, can he not comunicate using words. really !

Otherwise how else can you explain your post.
Mar 14, 2005
No matter what topic is being discussed on this forum it always appears to end up in personal animosity between contributers. Surely to God as we are all tarred with the same hobby ie caravanning we should be able to get on without this bitterness towards each other. It was for this reason that I ceased postings last summer to see if the situation would improve. I came back a few months ago because it appeared all the bitterness had gone over to that "other" forum but now it is returning here. I cannot understand why certain contributers want a forum rally unless they want a good physical punch up as well as a slanging match here.
Jan 19, 2008
I'm not posting in this thread anymore because I will be labelled a racist ,sexist,ageist,religious intolerant,xenophobic, ableist, adultist, biphobic, classist,

elitist, ephebiphobic, gerontophobic,heightist, heterosexist, homophobic,lesbophobic, lookist, misandrist,misogynist, pediaphobic, sizeist, transphobic person.
Mar 16, 2005
"No matter what topic is being discussed on this forum it always appears to end up in personal animosity between contributers"

That was scary for a moment,as i did believe you for a second.

But a quick check revealed that you were pulling our legs.!

Wouldn't it be great if we ALL agreed on all walks of life,there would be nothing to discuss, just stand there nodding our heads.there would be no need for forums so we could discuss our different view pionts.

We would all go to the same places wear the same clothes....oh no the stepford husbands.

lighten up colin. Its nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
Mar 16, 2005
I'm not posting in this thread anymore because I will be labelled a racist ,sexist,ageist,religious intolerant,xenophobic, ableist, adultist, biphobic, classist,

elitist, ephebiphobic, gerontophobic,heightist, heterosexist, homophobic,lesbophobic, lookist, misandrist,misogynist, pediaphobic, sizeist, transphobic person.

you missed out snob.. lol
Jan 9, 2008
"Nazi now you are having a laugh Gio. Don't worry Mr Mod I find that very funny".

Strange how you ask the mods not to worry about my sentence,you should be more worried about you remarks concerning gays midgets ect.!!!! in fact the fact that you are laughing clearly means you have been there before!

"You may have been dealt a bad deal in life Gio, but I think I did pretty well"

I stated."How do i say this without coming across as arrogant... nope cannot, sorry jason if i am a "backward socialist" or am happy because "requirements are affordable" Its only to support those

in need.

I cannot complain about being dealt a bad deal in life, like you seem to.Whatever my circumstances they are down to me,i blame no one else, sorry i cannot really honestly say that.What i should say is i give no credit to anyone else!"

I think the first line "arrogant" and last line "i give no credit to anyone else!"

Should have given it away, by that i mean I am more than ok, and dont need to blame minorities for anything, which clearly is something you seem to do,so really i can only assume you have had a bad time of it,and resent it strongly.Otherwise how on earth do you come to the conclusion below?

"A business man or designer who can work with dyslexia or any other difference is different to people who have to make split second life saving or life changing decisions"

How is he diferent? has he lost his voice too, can he not comunicate using words. really !

Otherwise how else can you explain your post.
Gio. Next month we go on hoilday to Auckland with the view to making a permanent move.

Both fairly healthy and so are our children. We are both retired at 55 years of age and own are home. We've a nice Audi towed caravanning outfit and don't have the worries that concern many people in the UK.

Like many people we have relatives and friends whose view and experience of the NHS differ to that of Alan's. Including wifes friend denied cancer drugs, I could add more!

We also know along with most people that UK manufacturing output has declined despite Alan's take on cars.

My concerns are for people of this country and are not based on my own reservations. We have looked at moving out for some time and are now off on our final research trip backed by family and friends of all ages.

If you think all is fine in the UK Gio, well good for you.

If you believe that any job should be open to any one that demands it. Well good for you again.

I couldn't join the RAF and train as a Pilot due to my size and eyesight and my brothr was unable to be a diver due to his size.

We found that quite acceptable and remained un-scarred by it.

Never thought that planes should be rebuilt for me or that others should be put at risk because my body was not 100% fit for the job in hand.
Jan 9, 2008
Gio. Next month we go on hoilday to Auckland with the view to making a permanent move.

Both fairly healthy and so are our children. We are both retired at 55 years of age and own are home. We've a nice Audi towed caravanning outfit and don't have the worries that concern many people in the UK.

Like many people we have relatives and friends whose view and experience of the NHS differ to that of Alan's. Including wifes friend denied cancer drugs, I could add more!

We also know along with most people that UK manufacturing output has declined despite Alan's take on cars.

My concerns are for people of this country and are not based on my own reservations. We have looked at moving out for some time and are now off on our final research trip backed by family and friends of all ages.

If you think all is fine in the UK Gio, well good for you.

If you believe that any job should be open to any one that demands it. Well good for you again.

I couldn't join the RAF and train as a Pilot due to my size and eyesight and my brothr was unable to be a diver due to his size.

We found that quite acceptable and remained un-scarred by it.

Never thought that planes should be rebuilt for me or that others should be put at risk because my body was not 100% fit for the job in hand.


Mar 14, 2005

QUOTE: may not get to the correct address as they can't work out the route due to dyslexia UNQUOTE

In relation to the quote above, it's probably best you don't make any more comments about the fire service because you're so far off the mark, you're in danger of falling off the side of the world.

Ever heard of incab data? (VMDS)and the responsibilities of the Officer in Charge? I thought not.

It's really awful to think there are still people about who judge others because of their disability, height, gender and sexual orientation.

Very very sad actually.



Mar 14, 2005
QUOTE:Joe Pasquale jokes that he thought of joining the police, but says who would stop or come out with their hands up if he called out.

I'm sorry, but if you honestly think that Alan Carr, Graham Norton or Herve Villechaize would truly earn respect as police you are having a laugh. UNQUOTE


Jason, sorry to point this out, but the above people earn damn good money by their campness. Herve Villechaize - I don't have a clue who that person is so I'll not include him/her in my statement.

You keep classing all gay people, smaller people and those with dyslexia as sub standard people who shouldn't be allowed to gain employment of their choice if they fit the criteria. And get on with your narrow minded outlook on life.

You might get a shock one day Jason because not all gay people are eight stone whimps as you seem to see them. I'm sure some are perfectly capable of giving a bigot a good hiding.

Dec 30, 2009
What absolutly discusting comments made by Jason R, not for the first time i recall.

With an attitude to people who he believes are not the "norm" i for one am glad he is going to Akland, please stay as long as you want so we have 1 less biggot in this country.

Mr mod if you decide to delete this posting please delete Jasons posting as well as i and some others find it in very bad taste. Thank you

Dec 30, 2009
Colin I appoligise if I have put your topic in jepody but I just could not sit back and read the tripe from JR without commenting.

Mar 14, 2005
In reply to Giovani and a few others - Yes we all have the right to differ and we all, so far, have the right to express our minds. All I am suggesting is that on a predominately caravan orientated forum is that matter be discussed and comments made in a mature adult fashion with the knowledge that there are people of differing views/opinions. There is no need on a forum such as this to become so blatently obnoxious to each other. Why can't the views of other people just be accepted and at the end of the day beg to differ rather than end up in an unfriendly slanging match.


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Colin

From my perspective and clearly a few others' too - it's just people with such discriminatory views on people who are not 'normal' eg, white hetrosexual, of a certain height and not suffering from a disability - well those who discriminate towards those people, are dangerous. It's not long since we had a man called Hitler around with similar views.

Anyway, this is a chit chat section so not just related to caravanning issues.

Lisa x
Mar 14, 2005
Lisa I agree it is the "chit chat" section of the forum and open for general discussion of any and all topics. What I am trying to advocate is that the discussion be conducted in a mature adult manner without squabbling, etc. Each to their own views and each being mature to accept the views of a fellow human being without getting bitter and twisted.


Mar 14, 2005
Lisa I agree it is the "chit chat" section of the forum and open for general discussion of any and all topics. What I am trying to advocate is that the discussion be conducted in a mature adult manner without squabbling, etc. Each to their own views and each being mature to accept the views of a fellow human being without getting bitter and twisted.
Ok colin, fair comment.

Oct 19, 2005
For the first time I am not sure what to do!!!

The original posting and many of the replies are an interesting insight into the way retirement is seen by different people, and the way thoughts of having lots of free time have been swallowed up by other ,,,erm,,,,,,intrusions, for want of a better word.

Late in the topic we have the thread being dragged into the now not unexpected realms of personal insult and denegrating of minority groups by one poster, which is then expanded by others.

Question is,what to do???

Possibilities are:

1 Because of the way the editing suite works, it would take me, or mod 1 most of the night to find and delete all the postings we feel are not right to stay in the topic.

2 Take the whole topic out and ask users to recontribute to a new topic, but then that would lose some very good postings.

As from now at least, no more postings about minority groups will be left on site, nor will argumentative posts.

So, before I make the irreversible decision and take the whole thing out, your thoughts would be appreciated.


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Mod

Couldn't you start a new thread, copy and paste the sensible replies and then come back to this post and delete the whole thread?

Jan 19, 2008
Well I'm from a minority group, we aristocrats are a dying breed and many times I have been made fun of because of my unstable constitution but I keep taking the medicine and hope to be better one day. Until then keep the forum windows open.
Jan 9, 2008

I think Gio, Lisa and Kevein are children of the sixties, favourite dance the TWIST.

They only read what they want to see without giving any thought to what is in front of them, we are all not all suited to every job or profession going, that is all that was said.

Just as well I have a sense of humour
Feb 15, 2006
this thread started by colin on a chit chat basis has turned into a nightmare.

Jason i am shocked by the comments you have made about people over weight, with disabilities, gays etc etc etc the list of people you have upset goes on.

Im sure that if your son or daughter was in the fire or police service you would applaud them.

im also sure that if your kids had special needs or mobilty problems you wouldnt be slagging them off.

i cant belive how this thread has gone and upset so many people and all by one person.

sorry colin this was supposed to be a nice chit chat but one person has turned there views into something horrible.

im not posting on this post anymore.

mod cant you lock it its getting out of hand now.

Jun 20, 2005

Spot on

"..but one person.."

We all know who.

Let the thread continue and cut out the idiot(s).

I can see discussions on Bailey , Swift , Lunar , Compass, Elldis Fleetwood et al going off at a tangent and being abused by one or two. This is supposed to be a leisure , pleasure site.

Mods you should not scrap these threads , only the posts of the abusers!


Mar 14, 2005
Can we start a fund to help one of our contributors go to Aukland, and stay there?

This was an interesting thread, but is now a waste of my time. Bye for now.
Mar 14, 2005
It's a real shame that this thread has been undermined by the same subversive activity that afflicted the otherwise fruitful discussion about the relative merits of single axle or twin axle caravans.
Mar 16, 2005
Mr mod.

If you think i have crossed over the line, then by all means remove my post/s.

I would be interested to know from other too.

Its dificult sometimes to know just where the lines are,and some posters are charming/nice people who hold back from naming names.

So i would be happy to know there opinions,that way i might know what is and is not acceptable.

In my case, i believe i have not stepped over that line, but would indeed be gratefull to know if others thought i had.

I wont take it personel, and hope others opinion will not be personel too.

Thank to you all.


Nov 12, 2009

I haven't posted on this topic largely because I'm not affected by the issues involved, but I like to read this section and the wit and wisdom that is often found here. I am a white middle aged man who has a sense of humour and I hold some fairly robust views.

I'm sorry to see a perfectly reasonable topic started by Colin hijacked by one particular poster who, with a breathtaking lack of self awareness, never lets material facts or the feelings of fellow members of this forum stop him from inflicting his bigoted, self centred and narrow minded rubbish on the rest of us.

Perhaps I'm being a tad uncharitable and I've got hold of the wrong end of the stick completely. After all, to quote the peson to whom I refer :'Just as well I have a sense of humour'

Thats ok then, the derrogatory remarks about dyslexics, people who happen to be gay, or what the poster calls 'midgets' must all be taken in jest, a bit of light hearted banter perhaps just to show the world and his wife what an enlightened, forward thinking bunch of people caravanners in the 21st century are.

I apologise unreservedly to Colin and other contributers for butting in on this thread, but if the vitriol spouted by this individual go unchallenged by those of us who don't post very often then it will be a very sad reflection indeed on Practical Caravan forum members.

Bad things happen when good men do nothing


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