Royal Wedding

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Mar 14, 2005
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President Blair

You do know he's no longer the Prime Minister don't you?
Jun 20, 2005
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I think it's Penny Junor these days. But most of these flagging older jornalists seem to get on the royal treadmill. A bit safer I suppose than going to warzones. Funny no one ever mentions the camera crew???
Oct 9, 2010
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The myth that Royalty is of financial benefit to the country doesn't take all of us in. Years of non payment of tax's and the trading off of Duchy income for tax and income purposes has robbed the country of millions. Planes, trains, protection etc has cost us millions more. As for Royal business ambassadors, just another gravy train junket costing us millions, plus Airmiles dAndy swanning around in jets or choppers at what expense?
Get real, Royalty is an expense we can ill afford and the only luxury is for them.
Jan 19, 2008
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OmOnWeelz said:
Get real, Royalty is an expense we can ill afford and the only luxury is for them.

The Royal family, as I'm talking about, are only a few. I would rather them, people like Charlie, who employ hundreds, than the thousands of bankers, chief executives of health trusts and the many in town halls and umpteen government quango's who are, and have been for years, ripping this country off. Compare the cost of the Royal family to the billions that is paid to social scroungers and they come cheap. It's the public sector as it stands today that we can't afford. You'll be telling me next it was 'the firm's' fault for the recent recession
Oct 9, 2010
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I think we should all know by now that the recent and current crisis is 100% the fault of Brown, Blair and the socialist dream mechants who failed to control the banks.
A very wealthy Royal family should cost us nothing and remember one of the Uk's biggest investors is said to be the Queen and with Coutts as her favoured bankers who rely on what are supposed to be some of the best investment bankers.
I just hope they've made her enough to cover the cost of the forth coming nuptials.
A wealthy or Royal person costing or taking money from the country is as guilty a benefits scrounger

Jul 17, 2009
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Seems to me Willy and Katie have their heads screwed on and aren't out to spend any more than necessary for their big day.
She's already accepted a second hand ring (nice touch I thought) and maybe they'll cover any out of pocket expenses with a wee deal with "Hello" magazine, much cheaper than an expensive wedding album.
But there are far more important things for us to worry about.........
Will my Company give us a free day off or a lieu day if we work?
What will SWMBO wear to sit in front of the televised event?
More to the point am I in a suit or full highland kilt?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.....
Oct 13, 2010
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Good luck to them both, I hope they have a long and happy life together. Regardless of who they are, it is nice to see that they are getting married.
Jan 19, 2008
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OmOnWeelz said:
A wealthy or Royal person costing or taking money from the country is as guilty a benefits scrounger


The money that Lizzie gets from the civil list helps to pay for her employee's wherever they are, Buckingham Palace, Windsor, Balmoral or Sandringham. These employee's obviously cover many kinds of occupation. This money also covers for her many public duties. Somehow I don't think there are too many of us who would do as many public duties as she does and pay for it out of our own pockets out of the goodness of our heart

None of these buildings are owned by the Queen, they are managed by the Crown Estates for the government. Any proceeds from these estates, whether it be agriculture, forestry etc. doesn't go to the Queen, they go straight to the Treasury. This is why the Queen is asking the Exchequer for funds to repair the crumbling infrastructure of Buckingham Palace. She doesn't own them and never will, they belong to the Crown.
The Queen also pays taxes on any private income or capital gains tax if this applies. On purchases she pays VAT like anyone else as she does the local council tax. I'm unsure what band Buckingham Palace would come under though. As far as Charlie is concerned he receives no money from the civil list but pays his taxes like anyone else.
I don't 'love' the Royal family but I do believe that some should know the full facts. What I do believe though is that they have had a stabling affect on this country as have the monarchies in the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Besides, if we didn't have the royal family the moaners would have to pick on someone else instead of picking on those who can't answer back
Oct 9, 2010
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"The money that Lizzie gets from the civil list helps to pay for her employee's wherever they are, Buckingham Palace, Windsor, Balmoral or Sandringham."

Lord Brakewynde according to official sources
'It’s more difficult than one might think interpreting exactly how much land The Queen does or doesn’t own

Interpreting exactly how much land The Queen does, or does not, actually own is somewhat complicated. If we take The Crown Estate (including Windsor) and the uniquely organised Duchy of Lancaster out of the equation, we are left with the following estates that are, technically, The Queen's private property:
* Balmoral and Birkhall (formerly home to the Queen Mother, now used by Prince Charles)-comprising just over 46,000 acres on Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire

* Delnadamph-a separate 8,000-acre estate in Aberdeenshire
* Sandringham-just under 20,000 acres in Norfolk
Total: 74,000 acres
The Duchy of Lancaster
Founded in the 13th century, the Duchy of Lancaster is an unusual anomaly in that it is a unique portfolio of land, property and assets, which is held in trust for the sovereign in his or her role as Duke of Lancaster. Now running to 46,456 acres-largely in the north of England, but with some highly lucrative land in London-the Duchy also comprises a further 123,553 acres of foreshore between the centre point of the River Mersey and Barrow-in-Furness. Although The Queen, who is the present Duke of Lancaster, receives revenues from the estate, the actual freeholder of the land is not clearly known'
Other official informed sources state that the owershipsof 'Royal' land is shrouded in hundreds of years of mystery. The queen pays Tax, but that has only been in recent times.
I would love to have the same deal as Charlie with the Duchy, again he only pays a fraction of what normal people would pay in tax's, so he's well happy with his cut price deal that is waved in our faces as him being a good deal. There are also anomolies re property the Queen has gifted to others. Such as the old 'Tesco' home of Air Miles and Fergie and the legality of the deal that was done for him on Royal Lodge. Other ittle issues of two years of tens of thousands of tons of truck movement over the past two years and the descruction of lovely countryside on Crown estate land as a new polo ground icomplex is constructed on what was rolling hill side fields after planning was refused. Crown Estate workers comment "wer'e baffled as to what they are doing and how they have now got permission when it was turned down. We ask questions, but get no answers, it's disgusting"

I just hope the Royal family pays for the cost of the wedding.
Aug 12, 2007
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Well, it appears the Royal family will be paying for it.
It's just a wedding - you remember what that is, a happy event between two people in love. I personally couldn't care less about all the political stuff, hype and cost - it ain't exactly costing me loads!!!! I'm just pleased for them and will be happy to watch it on the day. If others don't like it, they don't have to watch it, they can just go to work (or enjoy the day off, if that's what we're given, doing their own thing).
Oct 9, 2010
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Well it appears that there will still be a bill for the tax payer of £20 miilion plus
the Royals have more than enough to pay that and more if they want a public wedding.
Mar 14, 2005
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Initially I agreed with Lord B. now I have to also agree with Sue - my daughter recently married and by jove it was a wonderful day not only for her but all who attended the church and the wedding breakfast. Let the young couple enjoy their day no matter who pays for it. Incidentally I don't think the cost of the wedding will make much difference to the British debt as it will be a drop in the ocean compared to the £170 billion we at present owe.
Jun 22, 2012
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Well said Colin and Sue. I agree, it appears that whatever the royals do, some people just like to have a moan.
Yes i am a royalist and a tax payer. Leave them alone and i wish them all the best.
Jan 19, 2008
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Soozeeg said:
Well, it appears the Royal family will be paying for it.
I'm just pleased for them and will be happy to watch it on the day. If others don't like it, they don't have to watch it, they can just go to work (or enjoy the day off, if that's what we're given, doing their own thing).

I for one wont be watching it. It is something that really doesn't interest me but if the 'firm' are paying for it that will put a gob stopper in some peoples cakeholes. Not for long I hope because afterwards they will have to eat humble pie ... heh! heh! heh!
I'm not saying that the royal family aren't wealthy and good luck to them but wealth will never make me turn green with envy and I'm just pleased with my lot, which isn't a lot, but a damn site more than if I lived in some foregotten hell like Haiti.
Apart from that, as I pointed out, they do not own as much as the republicans of this country would like us to believe. We ain't all gullible

BTW Sooze, if given the day off you can bet your life the republicans beliefs wont extend to going to work and saying sod the royals
Aug 12, 2007
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I've been inside Sandringham, on the official tour. The thing that immediately struck me about it was how shabby it was. OK, it's full of 'treasures', but the rugs were mostly threadbare, the soft furnishings worn, and several rooms looked to be in dire need of a lick of paint. And it was freezing cold, the antiquated radiators clearly don't work very efficiently. When I commented on the coldness to the tour guide, she smiled and said "the family are used to it, they just go and put on another jumper!". It came across to me as a much loved and 'lived in' family home, albeit a big one stuffed full of priceless ornaments.

Whoever owns Sandringham and pays for it, they clearly aren't spending a lot on the upkeep!
Oct 22, 2009
Visit site sound just like my sister,she is always going on about the state of the curtains at Buck House and the last time we went to Sandringham her words were" its a good job they have these places to keep all this rubbish in"!!!!!
As for THE wedding I shall watch it just like all the other soaps I like.Its not REAL you know!!! I wish them happiness and good health just the same as any other couple getting married. Perhaps it would be a good idea for them to ask for money as a wedding gift and donate it to one of his mothers causes. After all they must already have a toaster!!!
Thursdays Child


Mar 14, 2005
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I had a tour around Sandringham a couple of years ago and to be honest, I wasn't all that impressed.

This year whilst at Appleby, I took a trek up to Hutton-in-the-Forest. That house was immaculate in comparison to Sandringham. Really enjoyed walking around the house and grounds.
Mar 14, 2005
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I read a letter in today's Sunday Telegraph expressing the same comments I made previously regarding William entering the room in front of his fiance. There is also an article in there regarding the couple's request the right of privacy when not engaged on official court duties. Yes I know that one day they will become our future King and Queen but surely they do not deserve to be hounded to death by the paparazzi like Princess Diana. Their private life should remain private.
Oct 9, 2010
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colin bridgend said:
Yes I know that one day they will become our future King and Queen but surely they do not deserve to be hounded to death by the paparazzi like Princess Diana.
It's beyond me as too why some people carry on with this idea and accept that he or his father will be Kings. We the people can stop the nonsense if enough had the sense to stand up for our rights.
Also, how do you know Diana was hounded to death by the papraazzi, she was happy to court the paparazzi and press and if you take the peoples shilling expect to have your life scrutinised. If Willy wants them to be King and Queen and go through all the public wedding hoo ha and swan around with private protection squads and a load of helpers and advisers the boy is public property and it's game on for the press and so it should be.
I don't subscribe to the idea that you can flaunt yourself as head of the church approve government legislation and be thought of as being at the top of the elite heap dogooder and then behave like low lifes and bed hopping sex starved bunnies in private.

Citizen Chris SE Div Tooting Popular Front
Mar 14, 2005
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I carry on with the idea of the young couple becoming our future king and queen simply because I am a true blue royalist. The minute we become a republic and end up with a president will be the downfall of Great Britian. The Labour Government under Tony Blair tried to take us down the route of becoming a republic. He made enough mess of the country as a Prime Minister - God help us if he had become President.


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