Second Lockdown 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

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Jul 18, 2017
I do agree it would be an interesting figure, but I doubt the figures actually exist, becasue it won't include anyone who may have had it but very mildly and never presented themselves for testing.

But we do know from the recent history the number of deaths from Covid seem large and are startling, but considered in the context of the number of infections the morbidity rate is not to far different from flu. But there are a number of reasons why this infection is so serious.

How accurate is the actual mortality rate regarding Covid 19 as my BIL who died last week from cancer was recorded as having died from Covid 19?
Why are figures being falsified to make it look even worse than it already is? I know that you like many of us cannot answer this, but overall it is does not help the cause.
Either way whatever the answer it is wise to be cautious.
Nov 11, 2009
If you look at my post #672 there are links to the SIREN study undertaken by the UK and also one carried out in the USA. Your statement regarding 5 months immunity as not being correct actually is correct but completely out of context. No vaccine can guarantee 100% immunity neither can prior infection guarantee 100% immunity. But the SIREN abd USA figures state at least 5 months or 8 months respectively, with further research and trials on going. The number that were reinfected in SIREN were extremely low in percentage terms and even within that low number some may or may not have been confirmed as having had Covid first time around.
Jun 16, 2020
Obtaining truly accurate figures on infections, deaths or survivals is impossible for various reasons. Therefore we have to rely on the scientists and statisticians to extrapolate what information we do have in order to inform best action.

I believe the most accurate figure we can rely on is the comparison of current deaths compared to the last few years.

Nov 11, 2009
How accurate is the actual mortality rate regarding Covid 19 as my BIL who died last week from cancer was recorded as having died from Covid 19?
Why are figures being falsified to make it look even worse than it already is? I know that you like many of us cannot answer this, but overall it is does not help the cause.
Either way whatever the answer it is wise to be cautious.

Sad though your BIL loss is how would you statistically categorise the overall figures. We live in an imperfect world but to me the best figures are those associated with overall deaths compared to the five year statistics. These show the extra deaths where actually due to Covid or those due to other causes like stroke, heart etc where factors arising from the pandemic cause extra mortality. We will be seeing these extra ones for long after Covid has retreated.
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Nov 11, 2009
My current booking at Pool Bank CL Near Bramhope Yorshire for mid March will no doubt be postponed for the fourth time 😢😢😢
I think that you and I must be having a counter effect on our respective bookings. Tell you what I will draw stumps until May, to clear your take off for Yorkshire, providing you don’t infect the county and cause my two weeks in Yorkshire to be abandoned. 😷😂😷


Nov 12, 2009
How accurate is the actual mortality rate regarding Covid 19 as my BIL who died last week from cancer was recorded as having died from Covid 19?
Why are figures being falsified to make it look even worse than it already is? I know that you like many of us cannot answer this, but overall it is does not help the cause.
Either way whatever the answer it is wise to be cautious.
Sorry to hear of your brother in law's death
Mar 14, 2005
Why are figures being falsified to make it look even worse than it already is? I know that you like many of us cannot answer this, but overall it is does not help the cause.
Either way whatever the answer it is wise to be cautious.
Are you suggesting a conspiracy? I suspect its more of a convenience rather than a deliberate attempt to manipulate the figures.

I agree with otherclive, the system is far from perfect but in the longer term the a better estimate will be derived by comparing the number of deaths per head of population for the C19 years and the years before the pandemic.
Jun 20, 2005
I don’t know about falsified but there are stories coming out of Wales and Scotland that pneumonia , cancer, heart , old age related deaths , and many others appear to have the qualifying phrase “ Covid -19 “ related. Other Countries ratings and classifications are not the same.
Jun 16, 2020
I don’t know about falsified but there are stories coming out of Wales and Scotland that pneumonia , cancer, heart , old age related deaths , and many others appear to have the qualifying phrase “ Covid -19 “ related. Other Countries ratings and classifications are not the same.

When you listen to the news and the announce the death numbers. They say something like. X number of deaths for those who tested had positive in the past month. So the actual cause may well have been something else.

Jun 20, 2005
When you listen to the news and the announce the death numbers. They say something like. X number of deaths for those who tested had positive in the past month. So the actual cause may well have been something else.

So John , these deaths are counted in the C19 numbers?
All academic really because we are all dying and I don’t honestly care what I die from 😜😜😜🙈🙈🙉🙉


Mar 14, 2005
these deaths are counted in the C19 numbers?

The figures they use are the total number of deaths from any reason within 28 days after a positive Covid test, so it could be a heart attack or anything else but will have Covid added as a contributory factor, even if it is not.

When my Daughter died they put that it was due to a car crash, when in fact it was actually due to a brain haemorrhage and the contributory factor was the subsequent car crash after she had lost consciousness.
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Nov 11, 2009
This is a Chinese quarantine site to accommodate 4000 people who have been in contact or secondary close with a Covid 19 confirmed person.

When you listen to the news and the announce the death numbers. They say something like. X number of deaths for those who tested had positive in the past month. So the actual cause may well have been something else.


Agree but what must be difficult to ascertain is whether being Covid positive exacerbated an existing condition. It affects the lungs which can lead to pneumonia, it makes breathing difficult and even with oxygen a patient could suffer low oxygen levels affecting the heart. The immune system can go into overdrive attacking organs. So unless everyone were given a post mortem, how can you differentiate? What does seem consistent is that many who die have underlying health conditions, which may only become apparent once admitted to hospital. I am happy to go with the official figures and ignore what could either be unsubstantiated reports, or statistically insignificant numbers. Whose to say other countries approach to the figures is better?
Jan 3, 2012
How accurate is the actual mortality rate regarding Covid 19 as my BIL who died last week from cancer was recorded as having died from Covid 19?
Why are figures being falsified to make it look even worse than it already is? I know that you like many of us cannot answer this, but overall it is does not help the cause.
Either way whatever the answer it is wise to be cautious.
Hi Buckman Sorry to hear about your brother in law death
Nov 16, 2015
I know the covid thing is worrying and very depressing. I have read about peoples cats and dogs being tested (not in the UK) and being positive for covid 19, Our dog Rex went from being a very fit, 12 year old mongrel, to having to be put down with calcified lungs in 3 weeks, and I notice our other dog 7 years old wheezes a lot. Maybe its not just us bipeds that are suffering.
Mar 27, 2011
Morning all, I’ve just been reading the BBC news app on iPad and there’s lots of talk of MP’s badgering Boris to change the levels of vaccine availability, they are saying instead of groups 3 & 4 it should be police, teachers and frontline workers who should be next, I’m all for these groups to be vaccinated but as someone who is hoping for a letter this week or next with an appointment for myself and her indoors as we are both classed as clinically vulnerable, if it gets changed now we are this close will be a blow, on a separate note my wife had an operation last Saturday which was cancelled last February and finally went ahead Saturday, it was probably touch and go as it was an nhs op but put out and done at a BMI private hospital, they currently are mainly doing nhs work but not taking any COVID patients so far but probably only a matter of time if things dont improve quickly, I’ve got a couple of check up appointments booked within next month for ongoing ailments that aren’t going to kill me just yet so I’ve no intention to take these appointments until I’ve either had both my jabs or until massive reduction in infections in hospitals, I’ve got loads of admiration for nhs staff working in the conditions they are having to endure daily.

Nov 11, 2009
Morning all, I’ve just been reading the BBC news app on iPad and there’s lots of talk of MP’s badgering Boris to change the levels of vaccine availability, they are saying instead of groups 3 & 4 it should be police, teachers and frontline workers who should be next, I’m all for these groups to be vaccinated but as someone who is hoping for a letter this week or next with an appointment for myself and her indoors as we are both classed as clinically vulnerable, if it gets changed now we are this close will be a blow, on a separate note my wife had an operation last Saturday which was cancelled last February and finally went ahead Saturday, it was probably touch and go as it was an nhs op but put out and done at a BMI private hospital, they currently are mainly doing nhs work but not taking any COVID patients so far but probably only a matter of time if things dont improve quickly, I’ve got a couple of check up appointments booked within next month for ongoing ailments that aren’t going to kill me just yet so I’ve no intention to take these appointments until I’ve either had both my jabs or until massive reduction in infections in hospitals, I’ve got loads of admiration for nhs staff working in the conditions they are having to endure daily.


It also depends on which newspaper headline is being read too. But it seems there is a concenus building that once the first four groups have been done other key workers such as teachers, police may be done next before the groups in the 50-70 category. But if we can give 300000 jabs a day then adding those groups into the 50-70 category is easy peasy. Providing of course vaccine supplies hold up and the last two days figures were well off target. Be interesting to see today’s jab figures.
Jan 3, 2012
I know the covid thing is worrying and very depressing. I have read about peoples cats and dogs being tested (not in the UK) and being positive for covid 19, Our dog Rex went from being a very fit, 12 year old mongrel, to having to be put down with calcified lungs in 3 weeks, and I notice our other dog 7 years old wheezes a lot. Maybe its not just us bipeds that are suffering.
Hi Hutch one of our dogs it not feeling very well we are monitoring her too
Jan 3, 2012
i was at the doctor"s today for a check on my ulcers someone was enquiring about his mother 87 years old in a care home not had a call up for the vaccine jab but it has been sorted now . .so like you otherclive i would be interested in today jab figures
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Jun 20, 2005
This morning there is news that Scotland may extend the lockdown to at least mid February. Sir Patrick Vallance said he would extend to June. I’m at the BMI hospital today. All private at NHS expense. Let’s hope it is good value for money. I’m in tier 5 for 💉💉, agree let the frontline people go before me. A few days won’t matter.
May 7, 2012
The answer to how many survived is never going to be known as we do not now how many people have had it. There were a good number of infections before they were recorded and many people have had no symptoms and will be vaccinated without ever being checked, they will go unrecorded. The figures are a guesstimate based on some testing but are not conclusive and even the death figures are flawed as many people have been recorded as Covid related deaths that were not and I suspect some were missed. What we do know is an approximation based on flawed recording, whatever it really is it is far too high though.
As an example virtually all our family may have had it. We have one daughter who worked at an airport when the first problems arose, and dealt with people flying in from many countries including China. She had some mild symptoms of something in the late February and some of us had something similar and suffered tiredness for some time after that and her son who was the weaker of twins ad breathing difficulties and spent a night in hospital but was never diagnosed with anything. We have no real idea if we had it and presumably never will now. This was all before the lockdown came into force and reduced the mixing.
I am in tier three and cannot wait.
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Mar 27, 2011
Hi DD, we couldn’t fault the BMI in Northampton in any respect, we had various appointments leading to the op on Saturday including COVID test 3 days before the op, every visit required temperature taken to be allowed in, masks at the entrance and I wasn’t allowed to get past the door for the whole time she was there, thank heaven for FaceTime on our phones, every person my wife saw in the 2 days she was in was wearing a full mask, their attention to detail was faultless, she now has a 6 week recuperation with pretty well not being allowed to do anything much, her op was on her spine so moving about is very restricted, I’m sure whichever BMI your going to DD will be just as good, good luck with the treatment etc.

Nov 11, 2009
Hi DD, we couldn’t fault the BMI in Northampton in any respect, we had various appointments leading to the op on Saturday including COVID test 3 days before the op, every visit required temperature taken to be allowed in, masks at the entrance and I wasn’t allowed to get past the door for the whole time she was there, thank heaven for FaceTime on our phones, every person my wife saw in the 2 days she was in was wearing a full mask, their attention to detail was faultless, she now has a 6 week recuperation with pretty well not being allowed to do anything much, her op was on her spine so moving about is very restricted, I’m sure whichever BMI your going to DD will be just as good, good luck with the treatment etc.


The Bath Clinic has a very good reputation and we have known friends and neighbours who have been treated there. The only problem in normal times can be parking. But that shouldn’t be a problem these days. The other local private hospital used by NHS is The Circle just south of Bath. Again good reputation too. Used to have valet parking but not these days.


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