Security Post

Apr 5, 2005
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Hi all, I'm looking for "the best" security post money can buy.

I'm digging up the drive at the moment and anchorage is no problem. I just need to protect my caravan from the the thieving b's who have juse stolen my neighbours "Green and White VW compervan on Sunday 19th April.

Best wishes to you all. Colin, Orpington, Kent.
Aug 4, 2005
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Hi Colin,

I'm sure I've seen them advertised on Bulldog's website. At least they are a reputable firm so you at least have a chance of getting something half decent.

Have you tried the sold secure website? they list a variety of security devices that have been through some form of testing.

Don't have the web addresses to hand but google will get them for you.

Apr 26, 2005
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Hi Colin,

If you're looking for the best deterrent I would go for a JSB Hublock. Oxyacetylene will destroy the wheel hub bearings making the caravan impossible to tow and it is resistant to a Stihl saw for three quarters of an hour. Too much trouble for the casual theif, I would think.

Google JSB Hublock for more info.

Aug 4, 2005
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I have one of the jsbhublocks that Ron mentions and would thoroughly recommend it. The only part of Ron's post I would disagree with is that it is resistant to a stihl saw for 3 hours not three quarters, according to the website anyway.

There is a thread on this further down this topic page.

Mar 14, 2005
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The enemy of the thief is time.

If you can make it difficult and make him/her use that precious commodity then he will be bricking it the longer you make him 'work?'

Put the van into the drive, 'the wrong way around'. Put the van on a slope and, on the higher end fix a leg lock (or two or four) That way he/she will have to get the leg lock out of the way to connect to a vehicle.

If your van is young enough, invest in a Alko (or similar) wheel lock. Alko boast that no one has actually got away with a theft with their product fitted.

Fit your security post. Better if the post retracts into the ground rather that the type that folds over.

Might I suggest connecting electricity cables to the post to simulate that it is connected to an external alarm device. You could 'connect' the other end to the concrete thereby stopping the toerags from removing it from the ground (keeping them guessing is half the fun!)

Put a ground anchor to the front area of the front of the 'van and connect it by use of a good chain. Fit an Alko hitchlock.

I could go on and on but if I put all the tricks on then they could be read by the not so honest brigade.
Apr 5, 2005
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Many thanks to you all for your advice. Our van is a twin axle and less than a year old. Is is fitted with a satelite tracker, two Alco wheel locks plus a hitch lock and parked hitch facing the garage on an adverse sloping drive.

I will be buying rear steady locks and a driveway post as suggested.

If anyone out there sees an immaculate "Green & White VW Cammper" on their travels I would love to know as to witness our neighbour's devastation at the loss of his pride and joy was not a pleasant experience. This camper van was valued at
May 21, 2008
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Hi Colin.

Most of the tips have been covered here already.

Here's a couple more to slow the bar stewards down.

1/ Attatch a couple of personal attack alarms to the van and having replaced the cord with fishing line for better invisability, stake the cord/line to the ground. When the van is moved without invitation, the alarms go off making a right racket.

2/ Make a couple of drive posts from box tube steel get two sizes, 40mm and 50mm square. The smaller fits inside the larger one. Make up a socket from the 50mm box to sink into the drive. insert the smaller post and drill a hole through both to suit a long shank pad lock. Obviously you will need to fabricate a shroud to block the use of blot cropers on the pad lock.

Now fill the inside of the post with wet concrete mix.

The concrete mix causes the oxy acetyline cutting torch to blow back (make loud bangs)when trying to cut the post off.

It might sound a lot of work to make these posts but if it buys another 30 mins, that might just be enough time to force the thief to buzz off to easier pickings.

The trouble is, the thieves are well equipped and organised, so you have to think like a thief to stop them getting your goods. But do bear in mind that rather stupidly our government has give them rights to "health & safety" and the ability to sue for injuries while on your turf.

Of coarse make sure you have a wood chipper on hand capable of shreadding base ball bats and pick axe handles, after all, if they can't find the evidence and all that!!


Steve L.
Feb 1, 2006
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Hello Steve,

What's the point of making a "shroud against bolt croppers" if the thieves have oxyacetylene. The padlock can be removed in less than 30 seconds, not 30 minutes.

The CCTV film in the earlier posting shows a drive post, wheel clamps, hitch locks, alarms etc.

Less than ten minutes in total and no fear of alarms.

These guys don't run off at the least little disturbance, and I wouldn't recommend base ball bats or pick axe handles.

Leave that to the police or you finish up with a beating or a legal case against you. No win either way.
Apr 5, 2005
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Hi All,

I love the comment about ths shredder. My first thought was will I be able to wash all the blood away, but then realized you were only refering to the handles - not the unconscious thieves.

I have ordered the Bulldog Retracting post, expensive but if it puts the B's off, worth it.

Happy Caravaning, Colin Orpington.
Apr 5, 2005
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My son has just suggested while I'm digging up the drive why not install a drawbridge, portcullis and some anti personel mines. Unfortunatly we live in "England" and theives have rights.

Just keep on smiling & Caravaning.

Colin Orpington..
Jul 15, 2008
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Colin......... one more tip.

Remove the jockey wheel .....imagine the the theiving bas***ds

trying to get your van off your drive without one..... and it costs nothing!!
Apr 8, 2007
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If you have a friendly farmer make yourself a 5 ton concrete block and ask the farmer to drop it in front or side of your van or even a 10 ton block. most theves dont have the tools to move that.
Apr 5, 2005
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If you have a friendly farmer make yourself a 5 ton concrete block and ask the farmer to drop it in front or side of your van or even a 10 ton block. most theves dont have the tools to move that.
Well, the Bulldog rectractable post is now installed and I'm very impressed. It stands 88cm high and 9cm diameter of galvanized steel. The hole I dug was 120cm deep 4feet to us old ones, and then encased the outer body in concrete.

Yes it could be cut off with an angle grinder, but we live in a quiet close with good neighbours.

I have seen the local "travellers" who come looking for scrap metal and caravans to steal giving the post a very serious look as they drive by, but when they see me photograph them ther're old Transit can't half shift.

Best Wishes to all and happy caravaning. Colin - Orpington.


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