- Jan 4, 2008
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Hello Mr LightspeedWhen within the warranty period (usually 3 years) you are entitled to get your vehicle serviced by any competent person, you dont even have to use genuine parts - and your 3 year manufacturers warranty is still valid - no argument. Its Goodwill we are talking about. If your car packs up AFTER the manufacturers warranty expires and you do not have a main dealer service history, why the hell should the manufacturer or main dealer help you.....you really are up s... creak without a paddle and rightly so!
The sale of goods act will not help you in any way, especially after 3 years of use!!! How wrong you are.
I am an Aftersales Director of a Motor group who cover 5 Franchises, so without getting in to personal arguments or squabbles, I know my stuff....its something I deal with every day. Try it for yourself....just make the call to the manufacturer or dealer....tell them your engine has failed...tell them you dont have a manufacturer / main dealer service history....and wait for the reaction!! Ouch Big Bills all round for you....but hey you saved a hundred quid on your service!!! I see it every day!!....and smile!
so you're telling me that the block exemption regulations don't mean anything ? you should go to the office of fair trading website and read about block exemption, I work for an independant garage and my interpretaion of this document is obviously different to yours as you are an "Aftersales director". Why not go to the following website and you can read it in simple terms and you might even find yourself a good independant garage. http://www.autosafe.org/block-exemption.asp