Shrewsbury Showground

Jan 2, 2006
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Hi all you knowledgable people,I am going this Saturday to Shrewsbury showground (without van) for hot air balloon flight,I will be coming up the M54 and A5 but which is the best way to get their as the maps show it close to the centre but on the far side so do I have to go through the congested centre of Shrewsbury?


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Plotter, sorry can't answer the question even though I used to work in Shrewsbury!

Is the balloon flight to celebrate a special occasion? It would be nice if you could take some photos and post them on here.

p.s. try not to fall out of the balloon. (smiley icon thingy)

Jan 2, 2006
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I have checked out with multimap etc and sat nav but they all take you through the centre which from past experience is bad news,I just wondered if other options exist.

Lisa I have a confession to make when I say i am going for a balloon flight I actually mean I am taking my daughter,son his girlfriend and her father.We bought it originally for my daughters Christmas present for xmas 2005 but previous flights have been cancelled so keeping fingers crossed for Saturday.Lisa if you knew me you would know that they would not let me go as it would have difficulty taking off,either that or all the other passengers would have to get out.Thet are being kitted out by me with digi camers and video so hope to get pics.posting on here is another matter as I would not know how!
Sep 5, 2006
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Hi Plotter

I Live in shrewsbury

You are right about town centre, you need to follow bypass from M54 to A5 follow north towards A49 Whitchurch, signed battlefield link road,to ellesmere road A528 road turn left towards town centre 2 miles or so to cotton hill turn right just be4 pub called royal oak, show ground sign posted 1 mile on berwick B5067 road on left.



Mar 14, 2005
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OK Plotter but I expect to see some photos. I used to love Shrewsbury but sorry, I am absolutely petrified of heights, so good on anyone who can go up in a balloon.

I hope they have a great time and weather conditions mean the flight goes ahead.

p.s. I be your're a right hunk.

Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa,like you I dont do heights its not the height thats the problem its the falling,in fact its not even that its the landing!:eek:)

Just been told the flight is cancelled for the third time,its a lovely day but too windy.

Of course I am a hunk but perhaps a bit too much of a hunk.

Whilst typing our neighbours three legged SBT (see I am learning) has just walked along the river and as always ignored the swan.
Jan 2, 2006
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Hi Plotter

I Live in shrewsbury

You are right about town centre, you need to follow bypass from M54 to A5 follow north towards A49 Whitchurch, signed battlefield link road,to ellesmere road A528 road turn left towards town centre 2 miles or so to cotton hill turn right just be4 pub called royal oak, show ground sign posted 1 mile on berwick B5067 road on left.

Thanks for that Robert,the flight at the moment is cancelled but info will come in when rearranged.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Plotter

So sorry to hear the flight has been cancelled again, it's pleasing to note though that they won't fly in unsuitable conditions.

Ah, bless the three legged SBT, what colour is he? Mine's in trouble at the moment as he was involved in an incident with some cooked bacon and two fried eggs.

Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa,there are two but only one has leg missing both the same colour a sort of mottley blacky brown if that makes sense.The wind was 16mph I suspect that because they are carrying paying passengers their insurance places very strict conditions on when they can and cant fly.So got to try and re-book problem is as they are still selling flights every time they cancel there are more and more people chasing fewer spaces even though they have about 50 launch sites most go for local sites and want weekend flights in the afternoon.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lisa, re your Height problem; I have the same trouble, in fact I have to be careful if I have my shoes soled and heeled, but I have been up in a balloon! It took a lot of courage, but it was a birthday treat for myself and my next-door neighbour, who would not go if I didn't, so I couldn't spoil her day. The balloon takes off like a rocket, once released from it's anchor rope, so you don't have time to be worried on the ascent. The problem is looking down! The simple answer is not to look down! If you look in the direction of travel there is no impression of height, and as there is no wind, very little sensation of movement. It really is a fantastic experience, and quite eerie, and one that, one day, I'd like to repeat.

If ever you get the chance, do it. You'll be OK, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.Btw, our pilot was Andy Elson, who, I think, was the first man to fly a balloon over Everest, so we were in safe hands!


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi emmerson

Good on you for taking the opportunity to try it.

I couldn't go up in a balloon I'm afraid. I'm ok in a plane, in fact I love that, I can look out of the windows too, no probs.

But I don't like heights and I don't like watching people near the edge of cliffs or anything like that. I once went in a cable car ride and couldn't take it back, I had to walk literally miles to get back rather than take the cable car again!

Jan 2, 2006
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Lisa,the balloon has now been re-booked for May 20th only this time in Evesham so I know where the launch site is as this was one of the previous aborted flight venues.I agree with you I can sit on a plane and look out of the window without trouble but a balloon no way.That said last year my employer was paying for me to see a stress councillor and he did a session with me on fear of heights and I must admit I am much better now than before and can now drive over the Pont de Normandie by Le Havre without fear.

Finally Emmerson I know you have mentioned before your lack of TV I am curious what made you take that route I know of others who have done the same but never really got to the bottom of why.


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