Sky Q

Apr 27, 2015
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What do you want a quad LMB for with Sky Q? You only need 1 Sky Q silver box to then connect your second sky q box to (assuming you need multi room in your caravan!) so only 2 cables needed.

All you need for Sky Q is a new wide band LMB. When my home Sky was upgraded to Sky Q the engineer was more than helpful - put a hybrid LMB on my home dish (so I could run both Q and an old Sky+ HD box for freeview in a third room), and gave me a wideband LMB for the van dish, all for no extra charge.

As for the dish, I just use a regular sky dish on a tripod- cost about £50. Tuning is done via a sky signal finder, at a cost of about £5 IIRC. Takes all of 30 seconds to find a signal, I can do it by the sun these days :D

But if you've got £2K to burn then get this instead!
Nov 11, 2009
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Grey13 said:
What do you want a quad LMB for with Sky Q? ( My post was pretty clear on that, that was a quote from a supplier, in truth I neither want or do not want, just saying what a supplier said)
But if you've got £2K to burn then get this instead! ( Need I really explain why this is condescending)

If you cannot see that I rest my case and will simply delete my point. Not the first time you have had a go at me.

I am not interested in nonsense comments or digs. My interest is caravanning . Period.

Sorry but reading your post it does look as if you were enquiring, or recommending to others a system costing around £2k. The reply that you received was an option to have something that does the job (in a caravan) but at far less cost. Out.


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