Smoking Ban

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Mar 14, 2005
The cigarette is a nipple substitute.

Makes you feel good to be able to have a suck (and I typed that carfully!)
Jesus Clive, one of the few pleasures I have, spoiled by association.
Mar 14, 2005
From other postings on this forum I though JC was either Jesus Christ or Jeremy Clarkson. Now LOL has introduced Jesus Clive. What is happening here? Please tell me or I may end up with Emmerson and nine others in that hospital not far from my home.
May 4, 2005
From other postings on this forum I though JC was either Jesus Christ or Jeremy Clarkson. Now LOL has introduced Jesus Clive. What is happening here? Please tell me or I may end up with Emmerson and nine others in that hospital not far from my home.
Jesus Clive,Lmmaaaooo!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
From other postings on this forum I though JC was either Jesus Christ or Jeremy Clarkson. Now LOL has introduced Jesus Clive. What is happening here? Please tell me or I may end up with Emmerson and nine others in that hospital not far from my home.
A suttle message to CliveV - watch out mate Easter is coming. If you are asked what would you like for supper one Friday evening be careful.
Mar 14, 2005
From other postings on this forum I though JC was either Jesus Christ or Jeremy Clarkson. Now LOL has introduced Jesus Clive. What is happening here? Please tell me or I may end up with Emmerson and nine others in that hospital not far from my home.
You all think Jesus Clive is funny, but when he mentioned nipples, it felt like the sorry can't go there, I'm a baaaad boy...You'll all have to wait for Jesus to rise again, damnit, is there any way to get around innuendo?
Nov 2, 2005
Looly is on the right tract here I think.

What else will be banned and dictated to us?

I think they should ban drinking totally, one drink is all it takes even if you come under the required amount on a breathaliser. If you have one drink and drive you should be banned for drunk driving. You put others health and life at risk.

They should ban cars from multi storey car parks, these do far worse to people walking through than any cigarette, and lets ban people getting burned at a crametorium, the pollution is amazingly high.

We could go on and on but the governmetn is going to far, whilst I understand that anything we can do to stop anyone starting to smoke and protect those who don't, its is going to be costly.

People at work places already smoke outside several times a day, At my hubbies place they travel down from the 14th floor the it takes is 15 mins per session apparently.

Also Colin understands gluttony but we need food to live.

Food for thought, OFWAT want everyone to be on a water meter, is water one of the most important things to sustain life.

Yet people in this country are forced to have to pay for every drop used while the majority can have ten times the amount and pay no more.

I rambling I've had a bad night and am completely fed up with all the mews lately that comes from the governmetn and media.

In fact I don't think I've ever been this verbal before, aaaaaagh
Mar 14, 2005
From other postings on this forum I though JC was either Jesus Christ or Jeremy Clarkson. Now LOL has introduced Jesus Clive. What is happening here? Please tell me or I may end up with Emmerson and nine others in that hospital not far from my home.
Second!!! SECOND!!! I should be so lucky?
Mar 14, 2005
Heh! calm down - think nice thoughts - think having a beer in your caravan awning on a warm summers evening - think gentle thoughts - think relaxing - think no work tomorrow.

And have a nipple substitute (cough cough)
Jun 7, 2005
Well as I started this so I had better put my view forward, I am a total anti smoker, never tried them, never wanted to. At the tender age of 18 I helped my father nurse my mother through lung cancer, well that's where it started then spread to her Brain. It took her 8 months to die, it was actually a blessing when it happened.

It was 1955 when smoking was first linked to lung cancer but for many years after this people were in denial, even eminent Doctors, (ostrich syndrome I guess) anyway, the consultant took me to one side after the event and said " make no mistake about this smoking has killed your mother, don't ever do it"

Since then I have avoided contact with cigarette smoke as much as possible and totally agree with and welcome the ban, just wish it was immediate.

I have no problem with anyone doing what they want in the privacy of their own home but smoking around other people is not only ignorant but demonstrates a total lack of concern over other peoples health.

The analogy about drink driving is the biggest load of rubbish I have read recently, whist I would not condone this activity myself there is a big difference.

Driving after a beer is something which increases the chance of you injuring someone.

Smoking around other people guarantees you will.
Jan 13, 2006
I have sympathy with both camps. I started smoking at university, as the vast majority of students did at that time, and was a smoker for 10 years. I enjoyed smoking, and a pint in a pub would have been ruined if I couldn't have a *** with it.

When I met my wife-to-be, a non-smoker, I decided it was time to give up, and have been without for 30 years. I now hate the smell of other people's smoking.

Live and let live, everyone has rights, but the overriding one should be that smokers have the right to smoke whenever and wherever they wish, AS LONG AS they are not putting others at risk through passive smoking.
Jul 12, 2005
Its all a load of rubbish, I have been reading this with while smoking and noone has complained.

But I do want to give up, However I am soooooo bored at the moment, which does not help
Jan 19, 2008
Its all a load of rubbish, I have been reading this with while smoking and noone has complained.

But I do want to give up, However I am soooooo bored at the moment, which does not help
Steve, the reason nobody is complaining is probably because you are sat on the bog with your laptop but smoking in there is taking a risk from explosions :O)
Mar 14, 2005
Aren't they going to stop the use of designated areas/rooms in workplaces as well? One of the problems with pubs today is that they have no separate rooms like they did years ago where a chap could go into the bar after work and enjoy a pint and a ***/cigar with his mates and anyone else could use the lounge. But now the pubs often only have one large room for everyone so why not have designated areas in the pubs as well?
Hekko John

Many enlightened companies have already had a smoking ban inside the building. To comply with guidelines an outside smoking shelter has been provided.

Perhaps pubs will do the same
Mar 14, 2005
Here you are sparkes ,

I'll complain about your smoking, just to make you feel better.

OK now?
Nov 7, 2005
Interestingly, but not entirely surprisingly, no smokers out there have stepped forward to try to explain the precise pleasure they get from smoking.

Clive's nipple s u cking gets nearest - and I must admit I had never thought of that (although I would say it's a pretty poor substitute!)

One reason, I believe, is that smoking is supposed to relieve stress and anxiety (debatable).

Perhaps it follows that smokers need a *** because they are so worried about what they're doing to themselves and others, since smoking:

makes your breath smelly;

makes your hair smelly;

makes your clothes smelly;

makes your house smelly;

makes your car smelly;

makes people shun you;

makes you cough;

makes you totally unfit through breathlessness;

discolours your fingers;

discolours everything else smoke touches;

ruins your skin/looks;

makes hangovers ten times worse;

gives you lung disease;

gives you heart disease;

shortens many lives by years;

causes long, lingering deaths;

ditto for all other people around you;

costs you a small fortune;

costs society a bigger fortune;

is addictive, costs you your self-respect;

stresses you even more when you run out;

(costs even more in petrol and pollution when you drive round in the middle of the night searching for a *** machine!);

stresses you when you try to give up;

harms babies in the womb;

harms babies;

causes rows in restaurants;

causes litter;

causes death by fire (cigarettes down sofas during drunken stupors, heathland, etc);

pollutes the atmosphere;

holds up work (***-breaks).

Hell, how did all that lot just trip off my tongue, I was only going to write one paragraph!

But it's odd how all this is known and largely accepted - by smokers!

Shouldn't need government interference to stop it - plain, dispassionate common sense ought to suffice...

(Mentioning government makes me think of one good thing - the ban won't apply to Parliament buildings, so there's still a chance our leaders might get what many people think they deserve!)
Apr 11, 2005
Hi All

I stopped in sept05 !! Hurrahh wish I'd done it sooner. Nicotine addiction is minimal in my opinion and found the physcological side of smoking the hardest to get round,after a cup of tea, etc etc... I would moan I was addicited but now realise I was just weak,killing myself and more worryingly my children, I want to live to see them grow up and have grandchildren,yet here I was pretty much making sure I wouldnt,of course who knows whats round the corner but I'm not going to hurry my death along.I am 100%fitter,
Jan 19, 2008
As an ex-smoker, so one of the worse complainers about smoking, I believe Tina is wrong, it is addictive. It is true also that it helps to relieve stress, ok it might be psychological but it does work. After giving up smoking one of the worse things that I find is the smell of stale tobacco on clothes, when smoking I wasn't aware of it because smoking actually dulls your sense of smell and taste. Now food tastes better but then you have the problem of weight and thats health issues. Although I haven't smoked for a long time now I'm not going to be an hippocrite and say it was easy to stop because it was bloody hard and after all these years I could still smoke a ***. What really shocked me though was in the early hours one morning we had a call to a maternity. After my colleague and I delivered the little boy the midwife arrived. The mother had by now presented the placenta and we had put it in a bowl and I was with the midwife in the kitchen while she examined it. I asked her why it was that colour (this was the first time I had seen a placenta this colour) and she informed me it was a sure sign that the mother was a smoker. Placentas should be a pink healthy colour and this one was purple. As a coincidental aside my colleague asked the mother if she already had a name for the baby, she said she had, Christopher. My colleagues name was Christopher and so was mine and the midwifes name was Christine.
Apr 11, 2005
Hi LB !!

Sorry that didnt sound right, yes I do think smoking is addictive ,but would be interested to know how much is nicotine(physical)and how much is habit(phsycological)(could you ever spell that word at work!???)

Wonder if a study has ever been done. Hypnotism seems to work well and yet that is focused on the mind !! The times when I most wanted a cigarette in the early stages where all regular set patterns and times of day,and that for me was the hardest to deal with, I was only a 20 a day smoker though and dont feel I had any physical withdrawl symptoms is it harder the more you smoke !?

Tina x


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