STOLEN: Elddis Sunseeker 2005

Mar 27, 2006
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The phone call my Dad received was no April Fool to tell him that his caravan had been stolen. Obviously someone decided to start their season in a less than wholesome way, and have now left two pensioners upset at the loss of their holiday home.

Fortunately they were insured and with luck will be able to replace the van. What they can't replace are the personal items and memories that were also in the van.

Specifically they are saddened at the loss of the personal items which were in the van. A book of plaques which has been collected from rallies/sites over the last 20 years - this is our family history that has been ripped away.

We don't expect to see the van again but if anyone should happen across the book of plaques on their travels we would be grateful for its safe return.

Please keep your eyes open

Many thanks


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Apr 15, 2005
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Hi Amanda

So sorry to hear about your Parents caravan being stolen.I know how heartbreaking it can be as we had ours taken from the garden 14th Feb 2004 and we too lost many personal possession including things my husband had collect over 25 years and presents fellow caravanniing friends had given us for our wedding presents the previous year.

I too just wanted to find a black bag with those things in them and wished the culprits could find the heart to dump them back at our gate. I tend now not to keep anything in the van which I would miss and this makes a lot of work at the end of each trip and also makes the van less homely when we are in it as I do not buy things to decorate it now.

I do hope they replace their van in time for this year and continue to enjoy they caravanning, we cannot let the people who do this stop the rest of us enjoy our pastimes.

I will certainly keep an eye open for anything which might have been theirs, but I have to say I do hold out very much hope.

Mar 14, 2005
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Amanda and Joyce, sorry to hear of your and your parents losses. It must be heartbreaking to lose all your personal possessions as well as the van. Like you say, memories and souvenirs are irreplaceable, I hope you get the things back.

Joyce, can I just ask, you say yours was stolen from the garden, was it on the front drive and did you have security items on it, or did you keep it in the rear garden etc. I am interested as we keep ours at home, but in the rear, where 2 sets of gates have to be opened first, remove the wheel clamp and hitchlock, the manoevere it carefully from its positions. I wondered if this was enough or whether thieves would take it anyway?

Again, sorry to hear of your losses.
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi Janet

Yes it was at the front but in its own area horizontal to the drive inbetween six foot fencing. We needed four people to position it so it was not easy.

It had about six top secuity devices on it and no jockey wheel. They took the jockey wheel off a neighbours caravan in the village to move it.

We have the street light outside our house and it must have made some noise when being taken but strangely nobody saw or heard anything !!

All the security devices were on the ground and they looked as if they had come off as if they were made of butter. So now our new caravan is in secure storage and only spends a very limited amount of time on the drive.

The next Friday they came back and tried to take the caravan they had pinched the jockey wheel from but luckily they were distubed. Needless to say in our case the police did nothing until about 10 days later and then they said it was too late as it had rained and so no prints on anything! The only thing they were interested in was were we insured.

We just put it behind us and get on with our new van I am not going to stop going what I like just because of people like that. Only thing is every so often I go to the van cupboard for something and guess what it was in the other van !!

Dec 30, 2009
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Janet, Im afraid that what ever security measures you have a determend thief will get it if they want it.

When mine was in storage 3 vans wee stolen within 6 months. After the first one a bollard was put just off middle of the barn entrance (after comming through locked gates down a lane)

and a concreate block 3 ft square put to one side to stop the theves. they came back and moved the concreate block and stole 2 more!!!

My caravan is now at home down the side of the bungelow with the alarm on, wheel lock and hitch lock, with my fingers crossed all the time!

Kevin H


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