"I dont agree with that. why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good for if they are not born into the elitest world of the profesional family. my kids got to go to uni though pure hard work and studying and they are doing very nicely thankyou. a darn sight better than their old man had the chance to achieve."
Couple of thoughts on the above statement, it sounds like,it is not not possible to "better oneself" without going to uni! total crap!and if one is informing the youths of today that that is the case, then no wonder many believe they have to go to uni!
I should make it clear here i am talking about uni, rather than college where people might be doing nvqs ect to help in a chosen field of work advancement ect.
And also nowhere do i see the words "intelligence or talented " so hard work and studying is enough now is it! to get a degree!
In the "real world" lets be honest for most humans hard work and studying will not make you a brain surgeon well not make you the next David Beckham, nor will it make you the next Albert Einstein either, there has to be that extra ingredient that makes you shine above those around you firstly, in any given field, to say hard work and studying is enough, actually demeans what a degree actually stood for.
That is not what uni's were founded on, it was for those of exceptional talent those who form the top 5% to 10% of brightest talented pupils and not every tom dick or Mary.
Maybe that's where our education system is going wrong, what with that and with many thinking that is the ONLY way to "better oneself"! no wonder we are in the shite.......Far too many are going to uni that do not need to, and for that I would like to share the blame on teachers and parents, as students simply can only work on what they are told.
"why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good"
This is so negative and shot sighted, i do wonder what has happened to people thinking for themselves! Does this description of somebodies life mean that uni was their only option to get out of the circumstance?
They have an income, night school is available to them, empting dustbins one day, but management of waste disposal could be in there sights within a couple of years,studying something they actually know about would be helpfully! or they could do night school in another field, 3 years at uni is not the make all and be all of life! and yet i am starting to believe so many think it is, no wonder the poor student of today has so many worries if they are being led to believe this utter rubbish...