Student Riots

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Feb 7, 2010
If these students are so clever perhaps they would have noticed that everywhere in the country has been hit with cutbacks. They fall into the same category so why shouldn't there be cutbacks in that section as well. Perhaps I have got it wrong but have schools been subjected to cutbacks, they are the places that gave the students there start in Education. There are still a lot of children getting through school who can't read and write.
Any Student who has been caught causing trouble should be charged and kicked off of their course.

Jun 20, 2005
Jonny G
The 1 in 3 relates to those who have gone through the sixth form college. Most youngsters seem to qualify for that today even without GCSEs! Check the stats.
Politics has nothing to do with crass stupidity and rioting.
I'm with Parksy. Send the little darlings to Helman Province for a few weeks.

BTW . Who pays for these gap year holidays in Aus , India etc?
Mar 2, 2010
Not wishingto offend anyone I think it was good for Charles and Camilla to feel a bit of what many people have to put up with who dont have armed police escort them to get their pension or do their shopping.It'll give him something to think about while his valet is getting his paste on his toothbrush.Its a shame there wernt a few Libdem MPs in with him as it looks like a degree is only going to be available to those with wealthy parents.
Jan 19, 2008
Dustydog said:
BTW . Who pays for these gap year holidays in Aus , India etc?

... and who pays for the cars they drive about in. The roads around the college in Hereford are chockablock with students parked cars. The council even delay opening nearby park gates until after college time because they were parking on the paths in the park. They use the park in summer and after they return after lunch breaks the area is like a tip with empty bottles, discarded fast food containers etc. strewn about the grass.
Jan 19, 2008
carper said:
If these students are so clever perhaps they would have noticed that everywhere in the country has been hit with cutbacks.

But isn't this true of life Les?
They who haven't put into society shout the loudest and usually fare better than those who go about their life quietly working and looking after their families.


Nov 12, 2009
OmOnWeelz said:
Parksy - Moderator said:
Any price is worth paying for freedom of speech and expression Om, many of our forefathers gave their lives to defend it.
So Parksy you would see more troops die in Afghanistan because the money needed for equipment is spent on Policing students or you'll give up your pension or leave your wife without a hip replacement or your grandchild to die as their is no money for the operation it needed.
So that really is the bottom line whatever any parties politicians or the British ruling classes have been up to.
I refer you to my previous post in which I wrote that if I had all of the answers I wouldn't be sitting here wasting my time writing on forums.
The troops could come home from Afghanistan tomorrow as far as I'm concerned because we have no business being there fighting an unwinnable war.They would be much more use policing our borders if we really are threatened by Alky Aida. Ive earned my non state pension which was largely paid for by me over many years of hard physical graft which has contributed greatly to the ruination of my health resulting in early retirement, I'm no longer married and I don't have grandchildren yet so emotive wind ups won't work on me I'm afraid.
Mar 14, 2005
First of all as a retired college lecturer I would like to correct a previous correspondence regarding NVQs. - NVQ stands for "Not Very Qualified" and GNVQs means "Getting Not Very Qualified". Serious now NVQs are generally an acceptable qualification if taught correct. The hands on practical side of the course together with approx. 30% of theory is about the right ratio. The college where I worked took two years to deliver a NVQ II and a further year to achieve NVQ III. This was equivilent to the old Advanced Craft or City & Guilds Level 4. Unfortunately it is possible to achieve NVQ in only part of the craft - a contractor enrolled students for NVQ II in blockwork and then took them out of the college. His attitude was that the student needed only to do blockwork on site as the plasterer would cover the defects in the blockwark.

Going back to the riots I will agree that a certain percentage were there purely to create mayhem and not as genuine students. Turn the fire hoses on the troublemakers and at least they will end up with a reasonable wash and cleaner clothes. Alternatively hit them with the taser gun. However as this "protest" concerned English educational fees should the MPs representing Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have had the right to vote. Scotland has no higher educational fees and Wales has decided to hold the present amount until at least 2012 for Welsh students. Northern Ireland will decide in the new year.

Alternatively could the fees be adjusted so that students studying on a meaningful course would pay less fees than those studying obscure subjects. Those studying eg. Law, Architecture, Medicine, etc. where there would be a benifitial use to society when they qualify could pay less than those on stupid obscure courses. A few years ago a report on the Welsh news of a person retraining to become a bricklayer after completing a course on Greek Methology and could not get a job in Milford Haven relating to his qualification. Let's be honest - what use is Greek Methology these days especially in Milford Haven?
Oct 9, 2010
colin bridgend said:
Welsh news of a person retraining to become a bricklayer after completing a course on Greek Methology and could not get a job in Milford Haven relating to his qualification. Let's be honest - what use is Greek Methology these days especially in Milford Haven?

'Greek Meth ology'
Is that just another name for Retsina or is it what Greek down and outs drink
Aug 6, 2010
It seems to me that the UK has too many Arty Farty degrees, we have a huge social problems but we have the highest percentage sociology degrees in Europe. I think this the easy option.
We need engineers, doctors and scientists not degrees in media studies to get this country back to work.
Not everyone needs to go to uni, we need trades people so we can cut back on importing them and we need people who can use a shovel and clear snow, not people sat in front of computer screens.
Ah! I feel much better now.
Oct 30, 2009
Past_it said:
We need engineers, doctors and scientists not degrees in media studies to get this country back to work.
Not everyone needs to go to uni, we need trades people so we can cut back on importing them and we need people who can use a shovel and clear snow, not people sat in front of computer screens.
Ah! I feel much better now.

I dont agree with that. why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good for if they are not born into the elitest world of the profesional family. my kids got to go to uni though pure hard work and studying and they are doing very nicely thankyou. a darn sight better than their old man had the chance to achieve.

So the sudents are revolting are they, quite right so they should "bloody cheek" I dont see any of the students of yesteryear offering to pay back all the student grants they got during their free university education do you.
you know the politicians the judges the doctors the media moguls and pundits of all types. the ones in authority that have decided that the kids of today should be saddled with a mountain debt just because they have a expectation of a better life than their parents had.
education is the key that opens the doors to a better life anyone that has had the benifit of a good education and then tries to prevent others from following them is just being small minded and plain mean.
Aug 11, 2010
Deli Dave_374550494 said:
Not wishingto offend anyone I think it was good for Charles and Camilla to feel a bit of what many people have to put up with who dont have armed police escort them to get their pension or do their shopping.It'll give him something to think about while his valet is getting his paste on his toothbrush.Its a shame there wernt a few Libdem MPs in with him as it looks like a degree is only going to be available to those with wealthy parents.
Exactly how will it do two, 60 plus year olds any good to come up against a rioting mob? in fact the reason they have a armed escort is because they will in their lifes stand a much greater risk of whilst doing their duty indeed come up against a rioting mob of morons who have no respect for anything.And indeed give good normal hardworking students a bad name.
you're not one of those students are you?How on earth can any person of sound mind think this would be a good idea! no wonder we are in the shite.
here's me not even a royalist, but Christ common decency should prevail, and to almost wish harm on some old people regardless of there social standing to prove some political point, is dam right a long way short of decency !
Jun 20, 2005
JonnyG said:
Deli Dave_374550494 said:
Not wishingto offend anyone I think it was good for Charles and Camilla to feel a bit of what many people have to put up with who dont have armed police escort them to get their pension or do their shopping.It'll give him something to think about while his valet is getting his paste on his toothbrush.Its a shame there wernt a few Libdem MPs in with him as it looks like a degree is only going to be available to those with wealthy parents.
Exactly how will it do two, 60 plus year olds any good to come up against a rioting mob? in fact the reason they have a armed escort is because they will in their lifes stand a much greater risk of whilst doing their duty indeed come up against a rioting mob of morons who have no respect for anything.And indeed give good normal hardworking students a bad name.
you're not one of those students are you?How on earth can any person of sound mind think this would be a good idea! no wonder we are in the shite.
here's me not even a royalist, but Christ common decency should prevail, and to almost wish harm on some old people regardless of there social standing to prove some political point, is dam right a long way short of decency !

As I said in an earlier post the thicko students responsible for that crass stupidity are so lucky the bodyguards didn't shoot them on the spot. A friend of mine was a guard to royalty 10 years ago and their traing was very specific, say no more. This time the morons were very lucky indeed to secape with their lives.
He who plays with fire gets burnt
Aug 4, 2004
I completed my degree in 2001 and have to pay back and this was deducted from my salary at source. At £19900 the deduction was a tad under £50 a month. On completing my course there were a lot less students that when we started. Many were there just for the jollies. I suspect that the ones in London were revolting about paying back their beer money over the next 30 years.
We are only talking about a minority of students when you look at it in the right context as there must be hundreds of thousands of students in university at any time. The ones that want to get on in life are the ones that stayed behind to continue studying.
If I remember correctly thsi is about the time that one would ne completing the relevant module towards your degree. In other words an examination but how can you do this if you are rioting in London?
Jan 19, 2008
Past_it said:
It seems to me that the UK has too many Arty Farty degrees, we have a huge social problems but we have the highest percentage sociology degrees in Europe. I think this the easy option.

I recall being out with friends one night and one who was a teacher said if you want a degree go for sociology, anyone can get one. Another friend afterwards did an O.U. sociology course and got his degree. I must add that this degree served him no purpose at all as an officer in an ambulance control room. This happened well over 20 years ago.
Jan 19, 2008
Exactly how will it do two, 60 plus year olds any good to come up against a rioting mob?
and to almost wish harm on some old people regardless of there social standing to prove some political point, is dam right a long way short of decency !

Hey!!!! steady on ol' bean
Jan 19, 2008
As I said before, outlaw face coverings in such situations. Those who cover their faces do it for a reason, so as not to be recognised.
What did make me smirk was Camerons words of 'when the culprits are caught they will feel the full force of the law' .... heh! heh! heh! I think he was being serious though
The full force of the law is a telling off and a conditional discharge. It should be the birch.
Aug 28, 2005
Past_it wrote:

It seems to me that the UK has too many Arty Farty degrees, we have a huge social problems but we have the highest percentage sociology degrees in Europe. I think this the easy option
Here's a few that never had any degree , Richard Branson left school with no exams , Pete Waterman the pop promoter couldnt read or write and is worth millions , also the boxing promotor Mike Maloney couldnt read or write , and i am sure there are lots more
Mar 1, 2009
It seems to me that these so called students obviously are as thick as they come when they do not understand the meaning of the cenotaph. Have they never heard that this country fought in two world wars? And other conflicts . And the attack on the cenotaph is also an attack on this countrys war dead who gave there lives so these so called studens could go to university. Millions gave there lives for these prats , they should be gratefull.

Jun 20, 2005
Ten weird University courses to waste 3 years

Philosophy of Star trek.
Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion
David Beckham- Football Culture
Zombie Studies
The Phallus- The Whiteness of the Phallus to the Lesbian Phallus
Psychology of Exceptional Experiences
Feel The Force- How to train in the Jedi
The Robin Hood Studies pathway
Maple Syrup, the real thing
History of Lace Knitting in Shetland

These just a few of the absolutely ridiculous, imo, 3 year uni courses currently on offer. Never mind the students, what sort of person lectures in these absolutely useless subjects
Jun 20, 2005
Dougie 45 said:
Please tell me those coarses are not real dustydog? Please tell me you just made them up !!!

They are real and were listed with the universities in The Independent a while back..
Queens Belfast, Durham , Nottingham, Alfred Uni New York, University of Glasgow, Unversity of Baltimore, Staffordshire Uni, and plenty more in the UK!!
Dec 22, 2008
put em all in the army. none of em want to go to work, they just want to go to school forever. if i was on a demo,. and it all turned violent, if i didnt want to be involved, i would get as far away as possible. why were there so many so called peaceful students still there. rant over. ray.
Aug 11, 2010
"I dont agree with that. why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good for if they are not born into the elitest world of the profesional family. my kids got to go to uni though pure hard work and studying and they are doing very nicely thankyou. a darn sight better than their old man had the chance to achieve."

Couple of thoughts on the above statement, it sounds like,it is not not possible to "better oneself" without going to uni! total crap!and if one is informing the youths of today that that is the case, then no wonder many believe they have to go to uni!
I should make it clear here i am talking about uni, rather than college where people might be doing nvqs ect to help in a chosen field of work advancement ect.
And also nowhere do i see the words "intelligence or talented " so hard work and studying is enough now is it! to get a degree!
In the "real world" lets be honest for most humans hard work and studying will not make you a brain surgeon well not make you the next David Beckham, nor will it make you the next Albert Einstein either, there has to be that extra ingredient that makes you shine above those around you firstly, in any given field, to say hard work and studying is enough, actually demeans what a degree actually stood for.

That is not what uni's were founded on, it was for those of exceptional talent those who form the top 5% to 10% of brightest talented pupils and not every tom dick or Mary.
Maybe that's where our education system is going wrong, what with that and with many thinking that is the ONLY way to "better oneself"! no wonder we are in the shite.......Far too many are going to uni that do not need to, and for that I would like to share the blame on teachers and parents, as students simply can only work on what they are told.

"why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good"
This is so negative and shot sighted, i do wonder what has happened to people thinking for themselves! Does this description of somebodies life mean that uni was their only option to get out of the circumstance?
They have an income, night school is available to them, empting dustbins one day, but management of waste disposal could be in there sights within a couple of years,studying something they actually know about would be helpfully! or they could do night school in another field, 3 years at uni is not the make all and be all of life! and yet i am starting to believe so many think it is, no wonder the poor student of today has so many worries if they are being led to believe this utter rubbish...
Jun 20, 2005
JonnyG said:
"I dont agree with that. why should the kids that have the opportuity to better themselves and get on in life have to make do with clearing snow on £6 a hour or emptying dustbins theres no future in that exept a life of toil or is this all they are good for if they are not born into the elitest world of the profesional family. my kids got to go to uni though pure hard work and studying and they are doing very nicely thankyou. a darn sight better than their old man had the chance to achieve."

Couple of thoughts on the above statement, it sounds like,it is not not possible to "better oneself" without going to uni! total crap!and if one is informing the youths of today that that is the case, then no wonder many believe they have to go to uni!
I should make it clear here i am talking about uni, rather than college where people might be doing nvqs ect to help in a chosen field of work advancement ect.
And also nowhere do i see the words "intelligence or talented " so hard work and studying is enough now is it! to get a degree!
In the "real world" lets be honest for most humans hard work and studying will not make you a brain surgeon well not make you the next David Beckham, nor will it make you the next Albert Einstein either, there has to be that extra ingredient that makes you shine above those around you firstly, in any given field, to say hard work and studying is enough, actually demeans what a degree actually stood for.

That is not what uni's were founded on, it was for those of exceptional talent those who form the top 5% to 10% of brightest talented pupils and not every tom dick or Mary.
Maybe that's where our education system is going wrong, what with that and with many thinking that is the ONLY way to "better oneself"! no wonder we are in the shite.......Far too many are going to uni that do not need to, and for that I would like to share the blame on teachers and parents, as students simply can only work on what they are told.
I hope you are not sitting on the fence?

I actually went to the University of Life, got a degree through night school and had quite a good job all my life.

Neither of my kids did Uni. Both have good jobs, and my son was lucky enough to get on one of the last B gas Apprenticeships.Both did nightschool. Gas and plumbing engineers will always be in demand. Who will need someone with a degree in caterpillar toenails?
The % you mention were certainly true in my day but now 1 in 3 go. Is that right?

The comments about shovelling snow are not ill founded, more I suggest very sensible indeed. Until these idiots learn the value of money and exactly what hard work is this country will be well and truly bust in the future.
Aug 12, 2007
Dustydog said:
The Phallus- The Whiteness of the Phallus to the Lesbian Phallus


Ohhhh, if I was going to Uni I would have had to choose that course, just for the guaranteed laughs for three years!! (But, umm, 'whiteness'?? Am I missing something??
And as for Maple Syrup........well, I never realised there were sooooo many different types of it that it would take three years to study!

On a serious note, why are courses such as the ones DD mentions actually allowed? What purpose do they serve? And what an absolute criminal waste of money!!


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