Subscription Publication

Apr 1, 2008
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Has any one not got, or had delayed their "Practical Caravan" Lately ? For second month I've not received mine.When I rang Haymarket Publications I was advised to contacy my Royal Mail sorting office. I think this is un acceptable. The contract is with Haymarlet, surely it is up to them to put this right, not me the poor customer, What do you think ?
Mar 9, 2007
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I had just logged in tonight to ask exactly the same question, john! I haven't received the new copy yet either! At this rate it will be in the shops again before the subscribers get it! Hopefully the 'right' people will be reading this and will get it sorted in future. Emmy
Nov 29, 2007
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I had this problem a couple of years ago. Two issues running it was in the shops before I got my copy. I cancelled my subscription and now buy it at my local supermarket.
May 15, 2005
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I have not received mine yet either! I also did not receive my copy last month or a couple of issues prior to christmas.

I do beleive this to be unacceptable! I enjoy the magazine and have learn't alot reading it and this forum over the last couple of years.

When I queried my situation last month i was told Oh! just go but it from the shops this month and we will credit your subscription, when I mentioned the previous issues not arriving, I was old to take it up with royal mail.

MMMMMM !! something wrong here or what!

Nov 13, 2008
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Dear All,

Sorry for the delay in the arrival of your June issues of Practical Caravan. We have bundled the excellent Highways Agency DVD called 'How To Tow' with the issue and this has caused a hold-up to all issues - for shop sale and subscribers.

In fact, we don't even have our office copies yet.

I'm very sorry for this, but your June issues should arrive in the post before the magazine appears in the shop.

Incidentally, if you have a long-standing problem with late delivery of your subscription issues, please feel free to drop me a line, and I'll pass it on to the relevant people.


Nigel Donnelly


Practical Caravan
Mar 14, 2005
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a very well informed member of the PC customer service team)(Josh)informs me this morning that the reasons for delay are those that Mr Donelly gives, about the DVD. Josh also went onto say that copies should be posted over the weekend and that they should be received early next week.

Not sure why a proactive statement couldn't have been posted on this website to that effect around the time that June copies were due to be mailed out ( josh says around 23rd April ). Would have saved alot of time and money alround.
Jun 20, 2005
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Oh well, I've still got my latest CC mag to read.

Hope PC arrives before I go away next week.

At least Nigel took the time to tell us why the delays have arise; thanks.


Jul 31, 2006
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to quote you,

"Sorry for the delay in the arrival of your June issues of Practical Caravan. We have bundled the excellent Highways Agency DVD called 'How To Tow' with the issue and this has caused a hold-up to all issues - for shop sale and subscribers.

In fact, we don't even have our office copies yet.

I'm very sorry for this, but your June issues should arrive in the post before the magazine appears in the shop."

So how come Chrisbee picked one up on his way home on the 30th April & today being the 2nd May I have not got my subscription one yet? Oh & by the way, the June issue is in my local paper shop this morning!
Nov 13, 2008
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Beyond my control I'm afraid. I just passed on the information I received and evidently, it hasn't panned out that way.


Nigel Donnelly


Practical Caravan
Apr 1, 2008
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Hi All, well I started something with this one didn't I. Please excuse typing on first epistle as I was Very Very cross.In answer to Neil when I rang, the woman who spoke to me told me they had all been sent and I would have to wait until they reprinted !! So Someone Somewher is a LIAR, or so badly informed that they should not be dealing with the paying public. Come on PC Editor DO SOMETHING FAST
Jan 21, 2007
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I have been into my local Asda several times recently and there are no copies at all. I still haven't managed to obtain one.


Aug 26, 2007
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02/05/08. 20:55hrs.

I have not yet received my copy yet & earlier this evening I checked my local Sainsburys & Tesco Express & yes they both have copies on the shelf!!! What is going on? Are we going to get any straight answers? Looks like I will be cancelling my subscriptions.......
May 3, 2008
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I haven't recieved my copy of PC yet either, now the earliest it will come is Tuesday 6th May. So much for getting it first, its been in my shops since 30th April, no delay getting it there then. Not good enough really. I want to know what is going to done. My copy last month was late aswell.(but not this late!)
Mar 21, 2008
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I'm still waiting for my copy too.

Like others, I've also seen it in the shops.

Why do we bother subscribing?

Though, to be fair, my copy of "Caravan" arrived on time...
Apr 1, 2008
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I'm still waiting for my copy too.

Like others, I've also seen it in the shops.

Why do we bother subscribing?

Though, to be fair, my copy of "Caravan" arrived on time...
My copy of "Caravan" arriced on time, and copy of CCC Magazine arrived on time.

If PC does not come by next week I won't bother to gert it at all !!!!
Mar 16, 2005
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This is me speaking as Ken, not as moderator.

Come on now folks, lighten up a bit. So they've had some kind of glitch with the posted copies this month and they're on sale in the shops and we haven't got our subscription mags yet. And to make matters worse it's the Bank Holiday with limited post so we won't get them now till Tuesday at the earliest.

So what! There are far more serious things to worry about. Like some of the injustices people post about in Chit Chat, or like what Boris will do to London in the next couple of years! Now that is somethine to worry us!

What about all those other months when our subs copies arrive spot on time like clockwork? There's no thread posted on the forum about that.

Nigel took the time to post an apology above, and even asked anyone whose subs copies were often late to let him know.

There are some pretty strong comments up there and some not very nice accusations. All because one issue has some unforseen delivery problems. Or parhaps Lord H ordered the delay to get his own back for all the criticism we've posted on this forum about him?
Jul 31, 2006
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Ken (not acting as moderator)

Whilst I would agree with you that in the scheme of things the late arrival of my June issue of PC mag amounts to nothing against the injustices of the world.

Never the less, as part of my contract in subscibing to the mag there is the small, but highly significant to me, and I would guess to other subscibers, matter that I would get my copy before it appeared for general sale in the shops, now this is the 3rd month running that this has happened, namely late arrival of the mag, & I for one am not happy about the situation, & on Tuesday, if my copy does not arrive I'm going to cancell my subsciption, despite the apology from Nigel!
Apr 1, 2008
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Mr "Not Moderator",

As to the facts:-

1.It is not just one late copy, most people seem to have missed two, or three copies.

2. There seem to be a number of different answers given by Haymarket as to why we have not received our copies,paid for in advance I may add, conclusion we are being told lies, or the staff are incompetent. That does not necessarily mean the people we have been speaking to.I do not being treated like a B***y nuisance by a company I pay !!

3. I expect to receive goods and services I have paid for on time and in good order.

4 Please dont bring Party Polotics into this (Boris).
Mar 14, 2005
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Mr Donelly has gone very quiet all of a sudden.

He has obviously realised the problem is a lot worse thatn he originally thought.

I don't agree with a sympathetic approach, after all this is business, they have my money in advance and have not delivered as per the agreement.

Mr Donnelly i suggest you get involved before you see a mass exodus of subscribers.

My CC magazine is always on time !
Mar 16, 2005
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Mr "Not Moderator",

As to the facts:-

1.It is not just one late copy, most people seem to have missed two, or three copies.

2. There seem to be a number of different answers given by Haymarket as to why we have not received our copies,paid for in advance I may add, conclusion we are being told lies, or the staff are incompetent. That does not necessarily mean the people we have been speaking to.I do not being treated like a B***y nuisance by a company I pay !!

3. I expect to receive goods and services I have paid for on time and in good order.

4 Please dont bring Party Polotics into this (Boris).
My name is Ken.


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