
Jan 3, 2014
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Hi, as we have walked around sites in the evening, I am surprised how many people have a TV in their caravan or tent. We used to camp many years ago when the kids were little but still no TV, we made our own entertainment and even now kidless we still play either cards, games or read. Is it just us that doesn't take one? This is not a dig at any one who has one in their unit, but is the idea when you are away to not feel like you are at home?
Feb 4, 2014
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DavenGill1 said:
Hi, as we have walked around sites in the evening, I am surprised how many people have a TV in their caravan or tent. We used to camp many years ago when the kids were little but still no TV, we made our own entertainment and even now kidless we still play either cards, games or read. Is it just us that doesn't take one? This is not a dig at any one who has one in their unit, but is the idea when you are away to not feel like you are at home?

I'm with you DavenGill1, I can never see the point in taking off in the caravan somewhere different and one hopes, nice, just to sit watching the box! Being a solo caravanner I can still find lots of things to do; I'm often out walking with my dog, or out sight-seeing, or even once it's dark I sit and read or work on my puzzle books, or do some sewing. Maybe it's a case of what you are used to, as I don't watch much T.V. at home anyway.
May 24, 2014
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Funny enough, we take one and rarely use it, force of habit I guess. There again, I dont use the caravan much either, Im usually in the awning.
Apr 7, 2008
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Damian-Moderator said:
Everyone is different, each to their own.

We have two tv's due to having a mid toilet on one side & the wardrobe on the other, it also means I can have a go with the tv remote :whistle:
Mar 2, 2010
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and we take two,after all if it breaks down we would have to talk to each other and that would be the start of a row.
Only joking my love
Jun 20, 2005
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We take two, one in the lounge and one in the bedroom.
also use a sat dish and take the Sky Box away.
Caravanning is for relaxation and TV is one of the many relaxants available.
Apr 28, 2011
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we have 2 also,
I blame Swift for putting 2 Antenna sockets in the van one in the front and one in the bedroom and the back haha
It does mean we can go to bed and watch tv which is nice.
Jun 17, 2011
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People use caravans for different purposes. We have a tv and use it when appropriate. we are out year round and when it gets dark at 3 o'clock the evening is long so TV is a bonus. If we are rallying then we don't use it as we socialise. Likewise when we are with friends. If you only go out a fortnight a year and a few weekends on busy sites then no tv might be a novelty. There are so many things that suprise me about caravanners and I started in 1969. Who in their right mind gets up, gets dressed, goes out in the cold, gets undressed and has a shower, gets dressed again, goes out in the cold etc when most vans have a reasonable shower. These same people walk between the vans to save walking a few yards on the site road- climbing over the fence if necessary. Would they walk through a neighbour's garden?
May 11, 2011
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Chance would be a fine thing, we have a new #coachman with the Avtex omni directional aerial, if we want to watch tv we HAVE to walk around site to peer into others caravans to get a sneaky look at a picture as we cant pick anything up with our signal!!!!
Nov 12, 2013
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As others have said, it's a case of horses for courses. Although when I went caravanning as a child, the TV was forbidden. Even the thought of taking a TV on tour was a massive no-no. We had a long wave radio so we could listen to the BBC World Service in the evenings for a news catchup, but other than that we talked, read, played games, saw the sights etc.
May 24, 2014
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I found she was quite nice when I got to know her

Hmmmmmmmmm, I had a similar fate, and found I still hadnt a clue what she was talking about. Do all wives have 8 different conversations simultaneously. Only the dog seemed to be on her wavelength, then we found out he was deaf.


Nov 12, 2009
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When I was a kid our holidays were always under canvas with no possibility of tv even if there had been anything worth watching on the two tv channels then in existence. We always had a transistor radio which in spite of our dads protestations was invariably tuned to Radio Caroline throughout the holiday.
We have a tv that lives permanently in the caravan but we are selective with our viewing, we rarely bother if it's not raining.
Herself does like to keep up with her favourite soap, Constipation Street, whenever she can.
May 24, 2014
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Our next trip will see the TV used a lot as its the World Cup, and I know madame is going to be furious but I will recover one day. I guess the BBQ and the beer bucket will get similar usage.

Apart from that, there never seems to be anything new to watch, just same old same old.
Jul 9, 2013
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I'd quite happily do without the TV on holiday, but Mrs Gozza and Gozza Junior like it - and I must admit at the end of the day if we've been out doing running-around things all day and it's a rainy evening, it IS nice to relax with a family DVD especially as we rarely get the chance to do that at home!

Similarly, if I'm on my own, using the caravan as living accomodation when working away from home, a beer and something mindless on the TV that doesn't require much thought is good relaxation.


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