The naffest thing in a caravan

Feb 3, 2006
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My nomination :-Cocktail cabinets

Why do manufacturers persist in thinking that all caravanners want a glass, well plastic, fronted cocktail cabinet to display a miserable couple of bottles and a couple of glasses. Some, like mine even illuminate automatically when you open them.

How naff can you get.

The point is

1)My bottles are stored at floor level because it's safer and I can get more in down there.

2)If they are only going to fit one, a light in the ground floor deeper cupboard makes far more sense anyway, better still in the front locker

3)There are always more clips to hang glasses from than can be physically fitted in the space allocated

3)Why illuminate alcohol at all, why not the cornflakes ?

Now come up with yours !
Jan 21, 2014
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The naffest most complete waste of space thing in our van the fitted microwave oven. Hate it, never use it!!

We are seriously considering taking the wretched thing out and using the cupboard for something else.
Feb 3, 2006
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The naffest most complete waste of space thing in our van the fitted microwave oven. Hate it, never use it!!

We are seriously considering taking the wretched thing out and using the cupboard for something else.
I agree for cooking purposes but they are brilliant for warming the plates !
Mar 14, 2005
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Curtains! Who uses the curtains in their caravan? Ok, some caravans don't come equipped with blinds and in that case curtains can save your blushes, but why fit them when they do? In the last three caravans we have had, we never drew the curtains. For all I know they didn't fit anyway, they would just hang there, gathering dust, looking twee. Having said that we use them now, but there again, we don't have blinds.
Feb 3, 2006
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Curtains! Who uses the curtains in their caravan? Ok, some caravans don't come equipped with blinds and in that case curtains can save your blushes, but why fit them when they do? In the last three caravans we have had, we never drew the curtains. For all I know they didn't fit anyway, they would just hang there, gathering dust, looking twee. Having said that we use them now, but there again, we don't have blinds.
Agreed, practically, they are useless. Aethetically, they are pleasing to the eye I suppose. It's a woman thing !
May 12, 2006
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Agreed, practically, they are useless. Aethetically, they are pleasing to the eye I suppose. It's a woman thing !
I thought they fitted curtains so you could close them when your van is in storage. This is so you don't use the blinds as the springs will become weak if closed for long periods of time.

Val & Frank


Quaint mains electric lights with tinted shades that give a light worse than a toc-h candle.

Some of the outside colours and logos are a bit naff and some of the recent Bailey colours and logos are quite naff and chav looking for such good caravans.
Jul 12, 2005
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People from the next van who popped in for a cuppa and do nothing but moan about the items they payed for when they got there van.

I selected mine with a bit of care and honestly, I would not change a thing!
Nov 6, 2005
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3 windows at the front - the old single pane gave much better views out, weighed less and cost less to build.

I agree about pointless cocktail cabinets, the beer and the white wine belong in the fridge.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey CliveV

I seem to recall that PC did test on drainers, but you know the way things go, as soon as one model is on the market, its out of date, so surley it must be time for PC to do another test on the updated models!

Perhaps it should be a weekly feature in the mag, or a whole new mag 'Practical Drainer'or 'What Drianer' I'm sure there must ne trade magazine 'Drainer Monthly' I cant wait.
Mar 14, 2005
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The " weather station ", You can look out of the window and see what the weather is like!!!!!

Val & Frank
You aught to try the old Scouting method.

Carefully choose a stone - any colour any size

Place outside but where you can see it from inside.

If its wet - its raining

If its dry - its not raining

If its icy - its frosty

If its coverd with snow - it been snowing

If you cant see it - its either foggy or someones pinched it.
May 21, 2008
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The dammed lip on the bottom of the door thats an inch up above the floor level. Why on earth do the manufacturers make a trip hazard?

Hiding the corner steady drive hexagon so that you have to get on your knees to find it.
Nov 6, 2006
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The sink drainer.

You would think someone would do a fully independent test on which one is best!

Living in hope?
Right on Clive. You know how it is-you can always get one extra item onto the drainer until-something slips and the whole lot goes everywhere! We are currently on drainer rack no 3 in the 'can we get one to fit the drainer/how high can we pile it' competition.
Nov 20, 2006
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Curtains! Who uses the curtains in their caravan? Ok, some caravans don't come equipped with blinds and in that case curtains can save your blushes, but why fit them when they do? In the last three caravans we have had, we never drew the curtains. For all I know they didn't fit anyway, they would just hang there, gathering dust, looking twee. Having said that we use them now, but there again, we don't have blinds.
I think the same aswell because if you use the curtains you have to neatly fold them back in the morning, which is very difficult when your half asleep!


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